Chapter 10 - Daley's back

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-  Still Megan’s P.O.V -

As I was almost finished with the cleaning, the song "Baby, I love you” by Tiffany Alvord" started playing and I laid on bed, singing,

“There are three words, that I've been dying to say to you

Burns in my heart, like a fire that ain't goin' out

There are three words, & I want you to know they are true...

I need to let you know

I wanna say I love you, I wanna hold you tight

I want your arms around me & I, want your lips on mine

I wanna say I love you, but, babe I'm terrified

My hands are shaking, my heart is racing

Cause it's something I can't hide, it's something I can't deny

So here I go...

Baby I lo-o-o-ve you”

When the song ended I felt the impact of Jessie jumping on top of me. Her butt rested on my waist, while her arms adjusted beside my head. She was getting so close that I knew that something was about to happen; and I was right: Jessie tried to kiss me. It took all my strength but I turned my head, causing her to kiss my cheekbone. Then she rested her head in my shoulder allowing her body to fall into mine.

Her hot breath was driving me crazy but I couldn’t do anything. I’d never be a part of someone cheating of her companion, especially if that ‘someone’ was Jessie.  She wasn’t about to cheat on Daley, not with me! Besides, I can’t love her more than just a friend, no matter how good that would made me feel.

* After some minutes in silence, she decided to talk.  *

- Why did you turn your head? – She asked in a whisper.

- Because you’re with Daley and plus you’re confused… I don’t like to cheat or being the cause of someone else cheating. Cheating hurts like a bitch and I don’t desire that upon myself or anybody else. – I whispered back kissing her forehead.

To me, when someone kisses some one’s forehead it means that they respect that person so the kiss I gave her was very meaningful to me. 

- Besides, you’re just in need for affection; when Daley comes back, all of your mixed up feelings towards me will surely be long gone, cutie – I added

- I’m not so sure of that babe. I hope you’re right and all you’ve just said is correct; cheating isn’t right. I’m really sorry for my actions and I’m happy to have you, if it were someone else, they would probably have let me kiss them. Thank you babe – Jessie murmured

- It’s ok babe. If you’re still confused when Daley comes back, we’ll just wait and see what happens. If we’re meant to be, life will takes there, one step at the time. Now let me get up and take another shower, I’ll do the rest tomorrow – I said to Jessie smiling

- Ok but I need to talk to you about that song that you were singing because I felt every word you sang… or tried to sing. – Jessie laughed

- Shu’up Jessica, I love to sing and I don’t care if I have a shitty voice to sing. – I slapped her arm softly – and we’re not going to talk about the song. I don’t have anything to say about it. – I said as I walked to the bath, avoiding anymore conversation.

I finished my shower and called for Jessie asking her if she could lend me some clothes. She lent me some shorts and a tank top. Obviously, I didn’t ask her for underwear. As I was getting dressed she told me to go downstairs and I followed her. When I looked down, Daley was there looking right back at us. Then Jessie proceeded to present us.

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