Chapter 25 - Obsessed girl

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- Still Jessica's P.O.V -

It pissed me a lot at first, but then I started getting a huge amount of work to do and an everyday busy schedule and I let things happen the way they had to happen. She played with my feelings. I didn't want to believe it but well... She's not worthy of my heart, my personality and my life.

The feelings I had for her disappeared through the time, they were still here, but now I didn't feel the need of her presence daily.

* The doorbell rang *

- Who's there? – I asked, but got no answer so I opened the door a little bit. My heart stopped. The first thing I saw was her face with a weak smile and a bruise next to her right eye.

- Can I come in? – She asked, clearly ashamed. I let her enter.

She walked past me and whispered, "Don't talk or ask me anything just follow me." I wanted to stop her, but she looked really tired and sad and I don't know. I just didn't have the courage to stop her, so I did what I was told, I followed her till she reached the bedroom where she grabbed some of the things she had left here before.

She looked deep into my eyes. I felt my blood become so cold. Her eyes were so lost, dark and sad. Some tears rolled down her face revealing almost completely the bruise on her right eye that was covered with foundation. There was a cut next to her eye too.

- I missed you. Don't say anything. I can't stay too long here, it needs to be quick – She said and walked downstairs towards the door. I had to hug her, I needed too.

- Leave my girlfriend alone – Megan's girlfriend appeared and took her from my arms.

It felt like a knife was cutting me inside.

- Stay calm. It's just a hug, I love you, just you – Megan said kissing her and looked at me, perfectly reading the confusion, sorrow and pain in my eyes.

She came closer to me to give me a hug, but I pushed her away.

- Please. Let me hug you – she whispered almost inaudible and I felt the needed in her really weak voice – I'm gonna put something in the back pocket of your jeans. Don't do anything. Just hug me. You need to listen to the records that I've made there. I really missed you – she said quickly with her eyes wet and after some second she was gone.

I just froze. Nothing seemed real. She appeared and disappeared in seconds. The relationship between they didn't look real, the words that Meg said to her girlfriend were so empty without any feeling.

But when she hugged me and said she missed me, that was real, every single letter was meant. Something inside me woke my feelings nerve and it looked like one click was made. I needed to hug her and have her beside me. In the other way, I was worried about her. The bruise and cut on her face, her sad voice and the way her girlfriend seem to be was a huge problem. All the time she was away of here without any explanation plausible, I had confirmation that the cause of all this was her girlfriend.

I grabbed the piece of paper that she had left in my pocket and opened it. There was one memory card and the paper had a message and it said,

"I'm sorry. I truly miss you.
Listen to this and then give it to the police.

I'm hugging you. Do you feel it? ;) XOX"

How can she write cute things and put a smile on it when she in the sentence before says that I need to give it to the police? I want to save her and then hug her as much as I can, I can't imagine a hug now.

I ran upstairs to the bedroom and opened one of the drawers where I had my old phone. I inserted the memory card on the right place and quickly turned it on. It was ready to work. I had a little "fight" with the menu because I couldn't remember where I had to go to listen to the records, but finally I discovered and played it.

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