Chapter 3 - So Shy

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- Jessica's P.O.V -

That girl seems to be a really good person. Since we met, she has been treating me well without even treating me differently, contrary to what everybody seems to do when they have famous people in their lives. She seems really genuine and true to herself. She knows who I am, but treats me like an ordinary girl who she met by chance. I like that! I really want to get to know her better.

That being said, it seems that I was daydreaming, because I just noticed that Holly’s was right opposite mine. She was staring into my eyes, trying to read my thoughts which scared me as shit!

- Jeez Holly, what the hell are you doing? If you were trying to scare the hell out of me, it worked… – I said scared.

- It’s not my fault! I screamed for you and had no answer; called you and nothing, so I tried reading your thoughts but looking straight into your eyes. Now, can you tell me what you were thinking about? – She asked with a puppy eyes, obviously trying to convince me to share my thoughts with her.  

- It’s nothing really, I’m just really tired. I didn’t sleep all night and both my legs and feet are killing me. But, where are we going, babe? – I asked.

- Why didn’t you sleep well? I slept like an angel. I was so tired that I slept profoundly throughout the whole night. I felt like I was sleeping on cotton… It felt so good… – She was really making me get jealous of her night of peaceful rest; I needed that right-now!

- The girl from the bar texted me when I was preparing to sleep and we kept talking all night long. I need a night like yours... I’m so exhausted Holly. – I confessed.

- Oh, so now you remembered that you need to rest! No way am I going to let you sleep now… Sorry babe, but we’re going have fun! It’s your vacations and our last day in Portugal; then we are going home, so you need to have just as much fun as you can! Now… tell me everything about her...– Holly is absolutely right on what she said, but I’m super tired; I’m gonna make an effort for her…

- Yup, you’re right babe, let’s do it. She…ermm… seems to be a really good person. Since we met, she has been treating me well without even treating me differently, contrary to what everybody seems to do when they have famous people in their lives, you know?! She looks really genuine and true to herself. – I answered her with my initial thought

- I’m right almost every time I speak – she laughs – That is good right? Just good people are allowed to be part of your life, that’s good. I’m happy for you – she smiled – Go take a bath and do your thing because I’m gonna finish our breakfast babe – She told me

- My body huts so much… I hope that bath makes me feel better – I whispered to myself – Hooolly do us a really delicious breakfast because I’m starving! – I yelled.

- Ok babe. Get ready fast because I’m almost done with this. Oh and put your bikini and your shorts on, like something comfortable – She yelled back.

We’re going to the beach! Wop-Wop, I’m gonna sleep there!

 I took a quick shower and then dried my hair. Since it is short, I don’t need to comb it. Then I went down stairs, heading to the kitchen.

When I got to the kitchen, Holly had a dirty empty plate in front of her;

- Hollyyy, are you joking? You would not dare doing this to me! – I said mad at her

- Do what babe? – She asked me with an angelical face

- Make me eat alone! How you dare you? – I couldn’t believe in that

- You took too long to come and I was hungry, I’m sorry – She answered me with puppy eyes

- I don’t believe y… - She interrupts me

- I’m joki… - I interrupt her – I don’t believe you did that! And now you’re lying to me? Look at your plate, he’s dirty so you ate without me – I was mad at her at this point.

* She was laughing, how dare she do that to me? *

- Shut up Jessie, I didn’t eat anything, and I’m waiting for you. I only messed this dish to fool around with you daahh – She laughed harder after all.

- Are you joking? I’m really mad at you – I scream at her

- Calm down Jessie, I was fooling around with you. Can I have a hug now? – I opened my arms, showing her my wordless “yes”.

- Let’s eat now – We said at the same time, which made us laugh.

After breakfast, at 7:00am or 7:30am, Holly took me to a Portuguese beach, which I do not remember the name. While I thought I was finally going to get my rest on, Holly told me that we were going to run on the beach; then we ended up in the water. Finally, we relaxed all morning in our beach towels; how good is that? So good, NOT.

It was eleven o'clock when we went home to take a shower. Holly took a shower first and while she was there I decided to text little Meg to see if she was already awake or if she was still sleeping; five minutes had passed since I sent the text and I had no answers so I presumed she was still sleeping. Holly appeared 30 minutes after and then it was my turn to take a shower and relax a little bit. Still exhausted… After 40 minutes, we were both ready to go grab lunch at a restaurant that Holly found on the internet some days ago.

It was half past 2 or 3 o’clock when we finished lunch. We paid and went to a shopping center (It took us an hour to get to the Mall. Reason? 1st - we were lost; 2nd - there was traffic)to go to the cinema. We wanted to see Despicable Me 2 but it was dubbed, therefore we would not understand any of it; We ended up choosing Grown Ups 2 that started at 5 o’clock. It turned out to be a fun movie.

We decided to stay in the shopping center to have dinner but we had to wait 2 hours until it was dinner time, so we decided to buy some clothes, shoes and some things that we needed. Once finished doing these random things, time had flew fast and we went to look for food places, like Mcdonalds, Pans, Pizza Hut and those kind of restaurants. I decided to eat in a restaurant and Holly chose Mcdonalds.    

After dinner, we went to Zara because I needed some shirts. On our way to Zara, I saw little Meg with a girl beside her, looking into a jewellery shop. I pushed Holly so we would end up on Meg’s path.

Megan's P.O.V -   

I was with Nicole, my best friend, seeing a jewellery shop when I saw, through the glass, Jessie’s face with Holly closer to her, walking in my direction.

- Fuck, Jessie’s here, help me, you know how shy I am with people – I murmured to Nicole

- Calm down, you’re gonna be fine, I’m here with you – She encouraged me   

- Ok, Ok, I’m gonna be fine, just relax Meg – I whispered to me

* I could see both of them really close to us now *

- Hey little Meg – I heard her voice.

I turned around - Hello – I answered her shyly

- What’s wrong? Why are you so shy? – She questioned

- Erm… Sorry, I’m Nicole, Meg’s best friend and you’re Jessica right?

 She’s just like that initially, but she’s awesome. – She helped me.

- Oh, yeah, you’re right, I’m Jessie, nice to meet you Nicole; and this is my best friend Holly. Can both of you do me a favor? – Jessie asked them.

- Of course – They answered in core

* I laughed discretely to myself; I'm glad that Nicole knows how to speak English, though it would be funny if she didn’t *

- Can you both go somewhere else, so we can talk? Please – she smiled

In the moment she asked that to them, my heart started running throughout my body… I’m so fucking shy, and it’s ridiculous! I’m always like this.

I looked at Nicole and she asked me, with her eyes, if she could go and then she offered me a supportive look.

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