Chapter 15 - Going to yours

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- Still Jessica’s P.O.V -

After some hours of sleep, I woke up alone in the Hospital bed, Meg wasn’t here, and I didn’t even know that she could get up. I stayed there waiting for her, pretending that I was asleep when I heard some footsteps in the room but I kept pretending, in case it was doctor or someone else.

- Hey babe – I heard Megan's voice – You need to wake up, the doctor told me that it’s time to do the transfusion – as she said that I opened my eyes looking at her

- Why did you leave me here alone? – I said with a morning voice

- The doctor woke me and I needed to call the director of Arsenal Ladies to inform him that I wasn’t able to go there today. I’m here now – She smiled and kissed my cheekbone

* I sat in the bed and hugged her tight making her feel my gratitude for what she was doing *

- Right, I forgot about that. Do you think we can have the transfusion done at the same time like, in the same room? – I asked her

- I don’t know, we need to ask it to the doctor, but I think that there is no problem babe, he said he’ll be here in 10 minutes, let’s wait to see – she answered me with a smile

The doctor was really punctual and really nice, he said that it wasn’t very common but he’d do it. The nurses were doing the procedure and to say the truth I was a little scared and nervous when I saw the needles but I had to do it. I was sitting beside Meg and when the blood started filling the plastic recipient, or whatever it is called, I grabbed Meg’s hand and squeezed it tight which made her look at me, “Thank you for this babe” were her words.

The blood transfusion last at least half an hour?! I didn’t look at the clock, but I was really tired of the needles. Now it was time for Meg to receive my blood and I was really happy for doing this for her; and as weird as this may sound, now she will literally have a little part of me inside her. Okay, I didn’t mean it to come out the way it did… You know what I meant… right?

- You know, now you’ll have some of my blood for the rest of your life within you – I said to her – like, I will stay in your life forever even if it is just in your blood – I said

- I don’t care; it is just one more thing about you that will stay with me forever – she said shyly

I know that she was talking about more than I wanted; I don’t want to hurt her, and I have a feeling that she’s liking me more than she should, I don’t know If I can return her feelings though. I like the way she treats me and she makes me feel special but in spite of everything, I still love Daley, I shouldn’t but I can’t deny it.

- Ms. Beat… Ms. Cornish… the transfusion is already done. Thank you Ms. Cornish for the availability and Ms. Beat you’ll have to stay here till the rest of day to see if there will be some side effects – He saved me; I really didn’t know how to answer Megan back

- I’m glad I could help, thank you to doctor – I said

- Yes, thanks for everything, Doctor – Meg said looking at him, shaking hands

- You’re welcome – He said and left us alone

- You had never told me your surname is Beat, I really like it. Looks like you’re connected to music… but not in voice abilities because you can’t sing at all – I mocked her

- Megan’s P.O.V -

- Shu’up, I can’t sing but I love music and you don’t know all of my abilities – I stuck out my tongue

- Oh really? Give me one example – she asked with a smirk

- You really don’t wanna know – I winked at her – I’m joking. I’m an amateur DJ – I clarified her mind

- It’s how you spend your free times? I wanna hear something – She said excited

- I can show it to you when I get to Holly’s House, I have it on my IPod – I answered

-  Thanks babe – She gave me a big smile

The rest of the day passed like birds flying in the blue sky; she called Holly to know how  that dance thing had gone and after that she  talked to me about a little of everything and I talked about a little of everything about me. 

It was 9pm when the Doctor gave me permission to go home and so I did. Jessie and I went to Holly’s House and had dinner there. In the middle of the dinner, Jessie asked me something that made time stop for me and thought if it would be a good idea.

If I went with her, I know we will end up talking about Daley and that’s normal, but I don’t know how am I gonna react or act because she’ll probably get emotional and she will cry because of whatever Daley did to her earlier, and I’ll have to comfort her, and that will make my heart fall a little more for her.

 I’m afraid to lose my control. What if I end up kissing her? That’s no way to comfort a friend!

- So are you coming, babe? – She interrupted my thoughts

- What? Sorry – I said

- Are you coming with me? – She asked again, seriously I don’t know if I should go but I don’t want to say no to her

* They were looking at me, waiting for an answer. I felt so much pressure *

- Where babe? – I tried to prolong this situation

- Sleep with me… in my house – As she asked that I pulled a face of other thoughts, just in a joke way

- UhUh, wasn't interested in knowing that Jess – Holly laughs

- Not in that way pervs, like, I mean, if you’re coming to my house to live there with me, making me company – She tried to clarify her point

- I understood what you meant babe, I was joking – Holly and I laughed at Jessie’s facial expression – I don’t know if I should – I finally admitted

- Why? – Her face went confused

* I had to say the truth, maybe not everything, but half of it. I don’t like lies but I had to keep it inside.*

- Because we argued earlier. If you don’t believe 100% in me, I think I shouldn’t go live there, I think I’ll not feel comfortable – I explained

- I’m sorry about that babe, I really am. I believe in you, can you believe in me? – She looked into my eyes

- I believe in you, but in this I can’t. You’re just saying that because you saw something that proved I was right – I looked down realizing what I had talked about – I’m sorry, I didn’t meant to touch that subject – I whispered

- Don’t be, you’re right; but I still want you to come home with me and if you get there and after some time you didn’t feel comfortable, you can come back to Holly’s – She smiled

- Will you let me come if I want to? – I asked

- Yes, promise – She spoke kindly

- Ok, I’ll go. BUT don’t forget what you promised me – we smiled

- So Holly, we need to do more choreography’s to the Kizomba dance style, what do you think? – I asked Holly, she had been out of the conversation for so long, that I was feeling bad

- YEAH, of course, I’m ready if you’re ready. When do you wanna do it? – She asked me excited

- What are you two talking about? – Jessie intervened

- Dance choreography – I answered her

- I understood that but what is Kiomba?... Ziomba? – She tried to spell the name

 - Kizomba – I and Holly said at the same time trying not to laugh because Jessie looked like she was a kid learning how to speak

- Whatever! What is it? – She asked


PS: This chapter is nothing special. I'm sorry! | Hope you like it, tho. x

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