Chapter 4 - Our Goodbye

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- Still Megan’s P.O.V -

- No problem, let’s go – Holly said

- Everything is going to be fine, if you need me, call me, see you soon – Nicole murmured during our hug.

- Ok, thanks babe – I whispered to her.

- We’re going now. Bye girls!  Call us when you’re done talking – Holly said

As they walked away, vanishing in the middle of the people, I felt Jessie hugging me tight. We headed to a café and, finding free tables, Jessie decided to sit in the cold chairs to talk.

- Babe, is everything ok with you? Why are you acting so shyly? – She broke the silence.

- This is me when I’m around new people personally. It’s silly, but it’s who I am – My voice pronounced. 

- But you seemed so confident the other day at the bar and in our texts; it’s strange seeing you like this… However, I don’t care if you are this shy or not – She smiled to make me comfortable

- The other day I was expecting Nicole and you appeared. It was a different situation. In the end of the day, I’m gonna be much more relaxed and way less shy, because I’m starting to get comfortable around you. It’s just a question of feeling good around people – I explained to her smiling.

- Everyone has their time to feel good around people, you will overcome your shyness around me, I hope so – we smiled – Now tell me, why didn’t you answer my text earlier? – She questioned me

- Ermm… I was asleep? – I said to her; not convincing her

- Are you sure? I don’t think I’m buying that… What really happened? – She was absolutely right, I was lying…

- Hmm… ok, I wasn’t sleeping… I didn’t know if I should answer though…  I… - She interrupted me

- Why, babe? – She asked.

- I’m going to Australia for five days and I’m leaving tomorrow morning with Nicole; before you interrupt me again, saying that that won’t change our to-be-friendship, it will change it, because every time I go somewhere else, I lose people who were really important to me; It has been happening since school times – I explained to her

- Oh, after Australia, are you coming back to Portugal? I’m asking because I’m going to London, I mean home, tomorrow – she had a cold expression; no smile – Maybe you’re right in what you said, but let’s keep it positive and let’s try to keep our friendship alive. We can keep in touch by Skype, phone calls, Internet… And if we have to, we write letters – We laughed about the letters part

* At this point I was really comfortable; I was loving it *

- See? I’m right about everything and yes I’m coming back to Portugal after Australia. I just don’t wanna hurt myself, or you, because of the loss of our friendship; I'm too quick getting attached to people, and I always end up hurt… I’m just afraid of getting hurt.

Don’t forget that after this week, you’re going to be really busy with your life, not having time for other things besides your career, babe. I really don’t wanna get hurt, I’m sorry – I sigh after all said

- Maybe you’re right… maybe you’re not – she stopped  – Let’s just give a shot to this friendship, because I’m really enjoying getting to know you and I don’t wanna get hurt either, but I’m willing to take the risk– She finished, smiling

- I’m so afraid of ending up hurt, babe. I don’t know if I’ll have the strength to live through more pain caused by friendship loss – I sighed looking at her. She was looking down, she looked disappointed – Erm… Jessica, look at me, please cutie, why are you sad about this? You only met me yesterday – I said to her, but truth is: something inside me broke at the thought of losing our friendship.

- I don’t want you to get hurt either, but I really would like to have you as my friend and not just as a memory of some girl I met in Portugal – she finally looked at me – I don’t care if we just met yesterday, it could have happened a few hours ago, but I feel good around you and I want you in my life – She answered me, really meaning what she said

- You see? I don't want to disappoint you, but I think I'm late already, you’re disappointed at me. Do you know how much I hate this?! – I grumbled angry at myself – I don’t want you to be like this babe, please smile, it’s your motto, remember? – I whispered to her as I held her hands 

- I’m not disappointed, little Meg.  I just thought you would give our friendship a shot, I thought you wouldn’t give up – Her voice came out after a few minutes of silence

- BAMM – Holly and Nicole said loudly, interrupting us – Are we interrupting something? Were you not done? – Holly talked

- No, its fine, we… we were done, let’s go home. – Jessie got up of the chair – Nice to have met you both – Jessie said to us, me and Nicole, and left with Holly hugging her.

I pushed Nicole as we made our way to her car. We were about to reach her car when Nicole asked me about that Jessie “Nice to have met you both” thing. The only thing that came out of my mouth was, “we are not gonna talk again”, and she obviously asked “we who?” “Me and Jessica” “why?” and I immediately said, “I don’t wanna talk about it”, as I said that, we reached the car; In our way home, Nicole asked me what was going on and why was I crying. Apparently, I was crying and I hadn’t even felt it; I answered her saying, “Nothing, just drive me home”.

We arrived at my place at midnight; I was about get out of the car when Nicole grabbed my arm and said, staring directly into my eyes,

- If you like her, or like the friendship you have with her, just fight for it, everything will be fine. If, in the end, you get hurt, I’ll be right here for you, as always, babe – she advised me

- Erm… I just like our friendship; she makes me feel good about myself when we talk; for now, it’s just that I think, but thank you babe for everything, like, for everything you’ve done throughout these years – I smiled

- It’s fine, I’ll always be here. See you tomorrow morning, or, if you need me tonight, text me – she said – ey, go sleep when you get home, let the pc or television out off your thoughts today, we’re flying to Australia tomorrow earlier. Bye – she had to remind me of Australia, hadn’t she?   

- Yes, I know, see you tomorrow morning bye – I grumbled at her

I opened the door of my house and went straight to my bed like Nicole said. However, something didn’t feel right inside me; It was about 2:00am now and I still hadn’t fell asleep. How I was supposed to?

I decided to listen to music from my iPod, so I got up of bed and walked into the bathroom. Yes my IPod was in the bathroom, because I listen to music when I’m taking a shower; I grabbed it and walked back to the bed, when I saw a piece of paper on the floor. I changed turned to the direction of the paper, instead of heading to the bed; I took the paper and made my way to bed. I went to bed, put my headphones on and looked at the paper as I opened it.

As I turned the IPod on, Jessie’s music started playing; How awesome was that?!  It wasn’t. My inside was already hurting, but it definitely got worse when I opened the paper. It was her number, and to make it better, it looked like he was talking to me, ordering me to text her. For a short moment I got so afraid! But I finally found strength in me to text her.

20 minutes had passed I was still wondering if I should or not text her. Text her or not?! When I finally pressed the button to call her, it was really, really late, but I just had to call her. I couldn’t not call her.

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