Chapter 6 - Surprise

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- Still Megan's P.O.V -

I looked one last time to see who texted me and there it was, a text from Jessie; I opened it and read,

"How are you suppose to text me and talk to me by Skype if you don't have my UK personal number and my name on Skype, darling?

Here they are,

            number: 07 390 562 017

            Skype name: isthatjessiej‎

Good travel babe XOX"

- Hey, you there smiling at the phone screen – Nicole said

- What? – I grumbled

- You've got to turn off your phone dahh – she laughs – why are you smiling like that? – She asked 

- It's nothing, just a text from Jessie – I smiled

- Well, is has to be something, because that smile isn't like any other smile of yours – she speculated

- What are you talking about? It's the same smile I ever smiled. Don't start seeing things there aren't there, Nicole – I told her

- Whatever you want to believe in, Meg – Nicole answered

* I turned my face to the window and put my headphones on, falling asleep in the clouds. *

After a while, Nicole woke me up saying that we had arrived but I swear, I mean I don't like to swear or make promises (except for the one I made to Jessie), but  there's no way that it has been more than five minutes since I fell asleep, at least it seemed like five minutes to me.

During our time in Australia, Nicole and I agreed to move to the UK after this time in Australia, because of my future soccer team.  We were in Australia in vacations and to visit my friend Ruby, she has been through a lot lately...

Nicole has been searching for houses in the UK and she found the perfect house for us to live, in a town called Essex.

Me and Jessie talked every day which made us get closer and our friendship get stronger – which, actually surprised me; I didn't tell her the news, because I know she would lose a great deal of her concentration in her shows and I don't want that at all.

It has passed three weeks since got to Essex; Nicole has been acting like a bitch to me. Seems to me that my friend just to came to the UK to live, mainly, from my money. Plus, Jessie has been unreachable, because of her job, I believe. So now I just have Rose, my new good friend who has been supporting me lately.

Like I said, her name is Rose and she's 55 years old, I don't know; What know is: she has been there for me,  both her and her husband Stephen, who is super fun, have been supporting me. I've been laughing a lot around them.

Today Jessie sent me a text where she asked me to be on Skype at six thirty, because she would have some hours apart from her job and she wanted to talk to me, because she missed me.

Time flew by and it was already Skype time.

- Finally babe. How are you? I miss you – I said excited

- Helloo beautiful – she smiled from ear to ear – I miss you sooo much, I need a hug. When are you coming to visit me? – She asked me while looking down at the floor.

- Don't look down babe, I'm right here – I smiled – Next month I'll be there hugging you cutie; we just have to wait a little more – we smiled

* I was joking, of course. I'm planning to visit her tomorrow *

I told her all about what was happening in my life, about Nicole, Rose and her husband; she seemed happy for me, but she also advised me that on the one hand, some people really need to be in our lives, but on the other hand, some people just simply aren't true.  Then she talked about her shows and how busy she has been.

* I needed to know how her day was going to be tomorrow *

- Erm... babe, what are your plans for tomorrow? – I asked

- In the morning I'm going somewhere with Holly, I don't remember where. In the afternoon I'll be setting everything up, make up/hair/shoes and all of that for tomorow night show. Why babe?

- Nothing, I just wanted to Skype with you again, I miss you. But it is fine, I'll be there – I smiled

- I'm sorry babe, I would love to Skype tomorrow, I miss you too – her smile disappeared – but tell me how are you gonna be here? – She asked seeming a little bit more excited

- Well, I'll be in your thoughts, will I not? At least you'll be in mine – I smiled

* I saw her face step from happiness to sadness *

- Oh, for a minute I thought you would surprise me - she said – and yes, you'll be in my thoughts – we smiled – babeee, I have to go now, I'm sorry. Talk to you soon, I hope – She said

- Ok babe, pay attention tomorrow – I kissed the camera and turned the Skype off  

Now, my plan for tomorrow, I'm going to the show and I'll have Portuguese Flag with a phrase/quote on it. I hope she reads it and calls me to the stage, because I'll raise the flag when she sings 'It's my party'. It will be fun.

* The next few hours flew by quickly and soon it was show time. I was already in the third row, right in front of the stage waiting for her show to start *

After five minutes, Jessie and the rest of the band appeared and Jessie was looking hot, as always, but today she was killing it. Ok yup, I think I might be liking her more than I should. The first song was 'Domino' and following it, some old songs that I love. It was being a great, as always. Following the amazing list of songs, Jessie introduced the band and, past that, she started singing 'It's my party'.

With my-key-song-for-tonight playing, it was my time to gain her attention. Here's where my part came up

"But now I thought you'd had enough

don't you get tired of being rude

Awww, Come and give me a hug dude"

As she said 'don't you get tired of being rude', I raised my flag and she, instead of continuing to sing the lyrics, sang my sentence and started laughing after having read everything. In other words, the lyrics went something like,

"But now I thought you'd had enough

don't you get tired of being rude

I would love to hug you but I'm stuck here and I can't go there noowww"

- Jessica's P.O.V -

The music stopped, we were all laughing at the situation and I asked one of the boys of the security to bring me that person to the stage.

- So, this was funny, I want that person on stage, I'll hug that dude – I said to the public laughing – ups, it's a girl, I'm sorry – I apologized

The girl, with her face covered with the flag, and the security guy were running towards the stage. The security guard helped her jump to the stage, making a step with his hands, but the girl looked strong because she lifted her body with her arms, just using his hand to have support.

She was looking down to the floor walking in my way, I got under the impression that she was nervous and really, so I walked into her to hug her, just to comfort her. As I hugged her, she lifted her head to my shoulder and started laughing. After some seconds she whispered, "I really missed your hugs."

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