Chapter 8 - Sleepover

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- Megan’s P.O.V -

I wake up with a lot of pain in my neck because I fell asleep on the couch, or, in better words, we all fell asleep on the couch. I laid at the end of the right part of the couchwith Jessie lying on top of my shoulder and Holly on top of Jessie’s. In the middle of the night, I noticed Holly getting up to go upstairs - to the bedroom – and, in the morning, when I woke up (God Knows how !??!), I was laying with one of my legs shrunk and the other straight, while Jessie’s body was completely covering mine; her head resting peacefully on my chest.

When I realized that she was on top of me, my heart skipped a beat. And how could that happen?! It wasn’t supposed to happen; I couldn’t like her anymore than I should! I can only like her as a friend! She is in a relationship with Daley - and no she didn’t tell me anything, I saw their photos in her bedroom when she gave me a tour guide on her house.

I had to get out of there, however, I didn’t want to wake her, and so I just stayed there really quite, not making any movement while trying to calm down the rhythm of my heart. Looking down at her face, I noticed she was smiling, but I couldn’t say if she was awake or if she was having a good dream, so I just remained there admiring her beautiful face until I heard Holly coming downstairs. After seconds she was observing us and looking at me with a smile as if she was thinking about something - and I imagine what it was…

“Holly help me, wake her up please” I whispered “No, let her sleep, stay there. Why don’t you wake her?” she whispered back, “Because I can’t, I don’t have the courage to do that” I murmured “then stay there, I’m assuming she’ll be sleeping for about another hour” she whispered while going back upstairs.
How nice was that? Trying to calm down my heart for another hour. Ok it was feeling really good, I was loving having her so close to me, but what would happen If Daley entered in the house?

My worries made me get worked out and I think Jessie acknowledged that, because she shook my belly and, when she did it, I was sure that she was awake.

- Jessie, are you awake? – I whispered into her ear just to make sure, but got no answer

* I felt her heart beating fast like when we do when we do something we shouldn’t have done and we try to keep our heart normal *

- Babe, I know you’re awake, your heart is beating faster now, so you can stop pretending now – I still whispering to her

- Nooo, I don’t want to get up, I’m feeling so good here – She finally answered me with her sleepy voice

- You have to get up; you know you’re on top of me, don’t you?! Of course you do – I told her while laughing a little

- But I don’t want toooo, you’re so comfy, I could stay here all day – That made me giggle

- I know, but I’m not a pillow or a mattress and I don’t want to have problems with Daley, babe – I told her

* As I said his name she jumped off me and sat in my legs looking wide awake *

- What about Daley? – She asked even though she understood what I meant by that

- I know that you are together and I don’t wanna have problems with him if, by chance, he enters in the house and sees you on top of me or if he doesn’t like the way I treat you. You should have told me, you know, I wouldn’t say anything to the press – I told her almost whispering because the fact that she didn’t told me hurt me a little bit, but I can let that pass

- How did you know about us? – She asked – I’m sorry babe – she concluded

- The photos in your bedroom dahh – I answered her as if I was joking, but inside that affected me – It’s ok, I just would love to have known by your mouth and not because I saw some pictures, by chance – I told her

- Ups, the photos! I forgot they were there. Is that bad? Is it bad to forget about the photos we take with our partner?  I know babe, I’m sorry for that – she apologized

- I don’t know, I think that you didn’t forget, you are just used to see them every day. It’s ok, now – I smiled, not a 100% truthful smile, but still a smile

- Good morning girls – Holly appeared

- Hello babe – Jessie and I said in synchrony

- You won’t believe how cute the two of you looked just now – She smirked, clearly insinuating things

- Shu’up Holly – Jessie shouted, slapping Holly’s leg

- Ouch, someone woke up full of energy – Holly and I laugh

- Stop you too Meg – Now, it was my time to be slapped, but this time on my belly

- Hey! That hurt – I exclaimed, grabbing her waist and positioning her beside me

There was nothing she could do; I just simply have more strength than her. That being said, the only thing she could do was use her voice to try to make me stop. Of course, she couldn’t even make out words, because she couldn’t stop laughing. Meanwhile, Holly decided to jump over me and I fell on top of Jessie crushing her against the couch.

- C’mon girls, I'm the weakest among the both of you, I should be in the middle of you two - Jessie protested

- Yeah right, but now you’re there so hang in there and don’t complain – I said to her while looking into her eyes; we giggled

After a few long minutes Holly let go of me and I let go of Jessie, leaving her there laying and watching TV with Holly, while I went to the backyard to get some air and to think a little bit.

Jessie appeared some minutes after me, laying beside me while I laid in the grass staring at the sky with Jackson above my belly, appreciating my scratch in his back.

- How cute, let me take a picture of this moment – she smiled

* I rolled my head to the other side covering my face with my hands *

- What’s wrong babe? Why are you covering your face and why are you outside and not with us inside? – She asked again

- I’m not photogenic so I don’t like photos, and I came here to think a little bit; everything’s fine babe, believe in me – I looked at her smiling

- I hope that’s true babe – she replied me with a smile

- Where is Daley? I never saw him during our Skype talks or yesterday at the show or today. Is everything okay between you two? – I asked her by curiosity

- Yes, everything’s okay between us, he’s in tour – She told me

- Okay – I smiled – Erm… Jessica I need to ask you something – I looked at her

- What is it? – She sat besides my head

- I need to stay in your house for a week or two, can I stay here? – I asked her

- Of courseee babe, you didn’t even have to ask me that – She giggled

- Thanks babe, it’s just the time I need until I sign my contract with Arsenal Ladies and all that stuff – I clarify my reasons

- What? Are you a soccer player? I didn’t know that, why didn’t you tell me? – Jessie was surprised

- You never as… - She interrupted me; bad habit of her

- Wait… have you come to London to stay? Are you going to live here from now on?  - She asked excited

- Yes, I have to; I can’t stay in Essex when I having practise almost every day, it would be too exhausting – I told her forgetting that I hadn’t told her about Essex

- Pardon?? Since when are you living there? – She asked a little mad at me

- Since I came from Australia, hmmm… 1st I didn’t want to drive your attention away from your shows and 2nd we spent a while without contacting each other, don’t get mad at me please babe – I begged her


I'm sorry for having taken so long to update, school work and things... but THANK YOU ALL x

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