Chapter 21 - We can't be together

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- Still Megan's P.O.V -

That stupid bastard really had to do whatever he did to her?! Or is it my fault?! This was really breaking my heart. I just wanted to cuddle with her and make her pain go away for some hours. Even if this was because of me, I couldn't cuddle with her, I did it once at the Hospital. She needs to speak her feelings... I'm gonna catch her and I'm gonna make things right.

- C'mon babe. It's time for you talk about your pain. You can't stay with whatever happened inside you... killing you - we sat on the couch

She looked at me with her eyes really red and her tears rolling over her face. Even in that state I could tell that she didn't want to talk. What she really needed was to cry, and cry and cry until the pain disappears, but that wouldn't happen. Crying is good and helps, but it doesn't solve everything.

- I know you don't want to talk, but you have to. I'm here for you - I gave a little smile and held her hands, forgetting about what happened between us

* After some minutes of silence, she gained the courage to start speaking *

- Ham... Well - She started sobbing again

* I held her hand tight and got closer to her. Giving a kiss on her the cheek *

- The night you managed me to go home, to spend the day with Daley - she stopped

- What happened? - I asked

- I went home and walked upstairs... but then I heard noises coming from the guests room where you slept those two days. And I walked in, an... and - tears rolled over her face again - I... I saw Da...Daley with another girl there - she ended with her face covered with tears

I didn't want to believe in what she was saying, like how could he do that to her?! My blood started pouring like I had the adrenaline to go punch him, making him K.O. How could someone be dumb enough to cheat on a girl like Jessica? She is perfectly imperfect.

We stood there looking into each other's eyes. I didn't know what to say, all of my words were stamped in my eyes, and she was reading it. I saw her answers trough her eyes and that was freaking me a little bit, like, how is it possible?!

After I wipe her dried tears out of her face. I wrapped her up into a safe hug, making her relax into my arms. Then I lifted her body and carried her into her room to make her rest.

- You need to rest. I'll be downstairs making our lunch. I'll came back when it's time, take a good nap - I said to her kindly

- Don't go... Stay here... I'm not hungry - I could not deny her request. Her voice covered with sadness

I laid next to her, hugging her and she laid her head on my chest. I really wanted to make her feel safe and protected. I hugged her so tight and whispered, "I'll be here to protect you, beautiful". She squeezed my belly side and looked at me with a small smile and laid her head back on my chest. After some minutes, I felt her body get a little heavy which meant that she fell asleep and I did the same.

- Jessica's P.O.V - 

It was 10:00 am when I woke up with little Meg still protecting me with her embrace. It felt so good. She was warm and kind, hugging me like a little kid who's afraid of the dark. I had the opportunity to look at her face which was beautiful. Such a shiny face, like the glow we have when we're really happy and our dreams are in paradise. My eyes couldn't stop looking at her... well, she woke up.

- Shouldn't you be sleeping? - She asked with a cute smile 

- Maybe? I don't know. I just woke up - I returned

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