Chapter 2 - Late talk

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- Jessica's P.O.V 

- This morning, this girl bumped into me, and Mark grabbed her, taking her feet of the ground. But, out of nowhere she started screaming in portuguese, or at least, I think it was portuguese, and I told Mark to let go of her, even if I was furious. Finally, we went to that bar and there she was again. As you saw, I went to talk to her, and she started speaking portuguese again. Even though I have no idea of what she was saying, she did seem really mad. It turned out she had thought I was her friend. She apologized to me and even talked about me, you know, about the Jessie J me, without realizing that it was Jessie J in front of her. Funny episode!

After this short conversation, she said she had to leave, because this crazy girl keeps going after her. So she went away, but I went after her and, luckily, I was able to put my phone number on her back pocket. Of course, for this to happen, I had touch her butt. Hopefully she won’t be mad at me when she calls me. I really do hope. – I told Holly with a smirk, almost laughing just by seeing the look on her face

- So, all this happened and you already gave her your number without knowing her well? What if she’s a bad person?! – Holly asked

- Believe me, she’s a good person, I could see it in her eyes – I replied

- Oh, so now you know how to distinguish a good person from a bad person just by looking them in the eyes…– She said me with a little laugh.

- Stop Holly, I know who is good for me, or will be. – I answered her with a smile

- Yup, right. I’m the living proof of that – she laughed.

- See? Now, let’s wait and see what happens, if she sends me anything… – I said hopeless.

- You’re right, let’s give her a shot. Now let’s dance a little bit – Holly suggested.

- Ok, let’s go. And after that, we’re going home, because I’m already tired, so after the dance I’m gonna be dead of tiredness – I joked.

- Ok, ok, alright babe – She said.

We were on the dance floor for thirty minutes, like, I don’t know… How am I going to wake and walk tomorrow?! I’m too tired really, no joke. I think I’m gonna spend all morning in bed resting my legs and head.

It was 3:30am when we decided to go home, too late right now. We arrived home and went straight to the bed. The moment Holly’s body fell onto the bed she fell asleep and I had to put her body straight, because she was laying all over the bed. When she was on her side of the bed, I laid down and covered myself with the blankets; I was almost asleep when I saw a light coming from my phone. So I grabbed my phone and read, one text message left from an unknown number, I opened it and tried to read it.

“Não sei porque razão me deste o teu número. Sejas lá quem fores, agradecia que não me tocasses no rabo sem eu te conhecer. Mas, já agora, quem és?” – I read.

“Hey you! I hope you’re Meg, the girl from this morning and from the bar. I have no idea of what you just said, but I’m Jessie, the girl you bumped into this morning” – I sent her back.

“Oh, it’s you Jessica, I thought it was some stupid boy or girl’s number. Someone trying something, I’m sorry.  So you touched my butt just to give me your number, You’re crazy, I could have slapped you, hard on the face if I had turned back when you did that. I’m not aggressive or something like that (in case that’s the idea you’re getting), I don’t even like fights, but it’s my ass so I have to “protect” him from abusive people ahah” – She answered me .

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