Chapter 35 - Hospital Scene

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- Still Jessica's P.O.V –

- Sorry. I thought about names, but then I remembered that it's not my baby, you know?! It's yours and Daley, both of you should think on names. It should be a decision of the two of you. I'm sure that he won't want me close to his baby and a lot less, having me thinking about names or other things to his baby – I felt a little sadness in her voice

- Babe, he made half of my dream come true, but it's you who matters in my life. You're the one who's here now, and was when he hurt me. He'll have to accept that I'm with you and that you'll help me with whatever I want about my baby. I don't care about what he wants, I care about what I want and I want you with me and in the baby's life. Can you please help me with names? Pwease? – I gave her a soft kiss on her lips and kept looking at her

- You don't have an idea of how much this means to me and how happy you made me by hearing what you just said. You're my EVERYTHING. I've said it to you once and I'll repeat it always. I have to thank your parents for what they raised and thank you for stayed this perfection with some imperfections but still perfect. Seriously, thank you for believing in me - She said and kissed me passionately

- You don't have to thank me for anything. You're the one who's showing me that if people want to change they can – I said while I was hugging her and gave her a little kiss on the neck

- So I think you should do the pregnancy test again, you know?! Sometimes it gets wrong, it happened once with my mom. And I'm not regretting what I said earlier about taking care of the baby with you, and I'm happy for you, but it's just to be sure – Megan said

- You're probably right, I'm going to repeat it. I don't wanna give news that I'm not sure of. But I don't have more pregnancy tests I just bought one, I need to buy another – I said getting up

- Stay here, I'll buy it. It's late and I don't want you to be out there by yourself. There may be some psycho fan on the street or the pharmacist can tell the magazines that you went there to buy a pregnancy test. And it will be fast, I'm going in my motorbike, I'll be right back – She said smiling and I nodded

- Megan's P.O.V –

I went to the pharmacy/drugstore really quick. The street was quiet and it looked like I was the only one in the road. In the way back home I was making a small video, in my head, of Jessie on the Hospital room, having the baby. I just laugh to myself and a tear of laugh blurred one of my eyes, what made me not see the car that was coming from my left side. We almost crashed but the car stopped just in time and I got scared to dead but still made my way home.

- What happened? – Jessie asked when I reached home – Why are you so pale? – She said now giving me a small hug

I gave her the bag with the pregnancy test and walked directly to the kitchen for a glass of water and then to the living room, sitting on the sofa.

- Megan, talk to me. What happened? I'm worried – Jessie said sitting in the small table in front of me

- A car almost crashed against me... – Jessie had a worried and angry look. She was probably thinking that it was the cars fault - and it was my fault – I added

- What have you done or were doing to be guilty? – She asked still worried

- I wasn't paying attention to the road – I said drinking a little of water

- What were you thinking? – She asked – I knew that you weren't that comfy with this baby – She said now imagining things

- Don't be stupid, I'm totally comfy about this baby, I was just thinking about you – I tried to clarify my reasons

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