Chapter 36 - Meeting The Parents

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- Still Megan's P.O.V –

- She loves me – I said sarcastically to Jessie. She unwrapped her hands around me, taking her phone from me and started typing. I kissed her once more and I fell asleep

In the middle of the night, I heard Jessie calling me, "Babe? Megan?... Girlfriend?" I smiled and made a sound making her understand that I was hearing her "I'm cold" "C'mere" I turned around and hugged her making her lay her face in my chest "Jessica, you're hot" "I know, but I needed to feel your embrace" I looked at her and kissed her. We fell asleep.

Two months later, Jessie and I were more than happy together and Holly started speaking with me but I could notice that since that day, she began paying more attention to every move I would do. 

Oh and Jessie had asked me to meet her parents. At first, I said no because I didn't feel ready, but the next days I noticed a little difference in Jessie's eyes, like something wasn't right. 

AND she isn't pregnant, the first test was wrong to our misfortune.

Saturday early morning and I woke up alone. No signal of Jessie around, where is she?! It's so early and it's our day off. I got up and looked for her, obviously I found her in the kitchen, cleaning and cooking. Something was wrong.

- Early morning beautiful princess – I hugged her behind – What's wrong? – I asked her touching her hand making her stop cleaning

- Nothing, I'm just cleaning babe – she answered

- Don't lie to me, I know that something is wrong or you would be upstairs sleeping glued on me – I turned her around making her face me and looked in her eyes

- Okay...  I just want you to meet my parents – she sighed

- Is it just that? – she nodded – When do you wanna go see them? I'm going with you, it can't be that bad – I said and she left what she had in hands and hugged me tight "really?" she whispered in my ear "yes, babe when are we going?" "Now, go get ready"  she squeezed me a little and pecked my lips

- NOW? – she nodded excitedly. I couldn't go back with my word – I'm gonna get ready since you already are – I left her doing what she was doing.

I went upstairs took a really quick shower. I decided to choose something more adult. I wore a black tight dress, it wasn't really tight, just a little bit. With a discrete cleavage with black shiny heels and left my curly hair be him, wild curly. I used a little of foundation and I was ready to go. I made a small suitcase with more comfortable clothes, just in case I would feel comfortable with Jessie's parents. I would change because this kind of clothes aren't really my type, I like them but not in me.

I went downstairs and Jessie was already waiting for me. She looked at me while I walked downstairs. Her mouth was wide open.

- Where do you think you're going like this? I don't want you outside looking so... so... damn HOT – Jessie said, helping me with the last steps of the stairs as the princesses normally are helped

- I'm going to meet your parents, I need to look good not the sht I look normally, can we go now? – I asked waiting for her at the door since she was so focus in my butt

- Right, let's go but your bum is looking so damn good I just want to... - She sighed - Just walk – she sighed harder and bit her bottom lip, now, close to me and closed the door – and you never look like shit – she added

In our way to Essex, Jessie and I were just complementing each other's body like in a cute way, today she was really into my butt and let's say that her butt is a damn piece of hotness.

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