Chapter 30 - From the good

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- Still Megan's P.O.V –

She smiled and sat in my lap leaning to kiss me, but I denied the kiss and looked directly into her eyes. 

- Babe, I know you're not angry or sad at all and I know this is a little stupid, but I need to have my mind cleared about it so yea... I was joking about that thing of you always thinking about what you know. And I'm sorry for being always teasing you. It's just something I do, naturally. – I held her hand

- You're so cute – she giggled – I do like when you tease babe, but is that sometimes it's hard to control myself and your beauty doesn't help – she kissed my forehead

- Right, I'm not that beautiful. Now get off my lap because we have to go – I said tickling her a little

- You're beautiful – she kissed me and went to open the door

I followed her normally but when I got closer the door, BAD, to BAAAD. It was cold outside and I was in the mood to go to the car just in my towel to joke with Jessie, but I couldn't, it was too cold to do that.

- Close the door, please – I said running again to the living room and Jessie followed me laughing at my last sprint to win my small marathon

- Weren't you ready to go in your towel? – Jessie asked still laughing at me

- So funny Jessica. Can you please give me the clothes you had chosen earlier so I can get dressed? – I asked her

- Sure, c'mon – She pushed my hand making me get up of the sofa

When I got up, the towel decided to fall letting me naked in front of Jessie, I mean in my underwear. WHY? Why after all this time that I've been just in towel, why did it have to fall now?! I'm not worried but it's just one more tease to the list and this happened without my intention.

- Sorry babe, it's impossible not to look, you look stunning just the way you are now, that underwear fits you so well – She said looking at me but shyly

- I should get dressed or you'll drool – I laughed, obviously she would not do that

- Let's go then – she said letting me go in first place. 

We were walking upstairs, but I could feel Jessie's eyes checking me out.

- You look so HOT babe – She said when we were almost reaching the door of my room

I stopped, looked down to my body I got surprised because I could tell that I had caught the towel and put it around my body, but anyway I just thought of it 

- I've told you that I'm hot, hadn't I? – I laughed and went to the bedroom. Jessie did the same

After some minutes, we were finally ready to catch Holly and have some girls' night, with a lot of fun, dance and friendship.

We caught Holly at 10.30pm and went directly to a simple club, with some people, not full of people but enough to us. We were there just do celebrate whatever they decided to celebrate. I don't like to feel suffocated inside a place so I was happy with the club. Nice music, good atmosphere, good decoration, I really liked it.

- Jessica's P.O.V –

Holly and I went together to find a table while Megan went to order some non alcoholic drinks. We found a table in the corner but with a good view to the dance floor and the bar counter just in case Megan gets lost.

- Sooo... How are the things between you two? – Holly asked me

- We're going well. I think I'm starting to like, like her, you know? She takes care of me and... I don't know how to explain, but there's something about her that makes me wanna stay beside her – I smiled big – she's pretty special – I looked at Holly excited

- I'm glad to hear that – She smiled – Have you two – she ended with gestures

She goes directly to the point she wants to know, I love it about her. 

- Hollyyyy.... no we haven't but she's always teasing me, not she wanna do it but because is something that was born with her – We laughed

- I'm really happy for you two, I love to see you like this – She hugged me

After our hug, I looked at the bar counter to see if Megan was still there because she was taking too long to come back. I searched for her and found her looking at our table smiling and doing tired faces of waiting for the waiter and our drinks. She was making me laugh with the expressions that she was making until Holly called me and Megan turned her attention to the bar again.

- Babe, look who's there – Holly said pointing with her head to the dance floor

- What is she doing here? Megan won't like to see her here – I said to Holly and looked again to Megan but now Megan was talking to someone who was covered with the body of the big boy, not fat, that was there. After a few seconds, she finally came sit with us.

- Why did you take so long? I'm thirsty – Holly grunted in a joking way

- I'm sorry, lady. The guy in the bar was full of service to do and I had to wait – Megan answered the same way as Holly

- Alright, alright. We have something to tell you – Holly said to Megan and then looked at me and I made her a sign to not say anything

- Why are you two looking to each other like that? Are you two trying to ask me to dance or is it something else? – Megan asked now sat in front of us

- Tell her, she will end up seeing her so – Holly said to me

I wanted to say because Megan would end up seeing her, but I didn't know how she would react.

- I do want to dance with you, but there is something else... Nicole is here – I finally spoke

- What is she doing here? This night will end up hurting me and you – Meg said making me confused

- I don't know why she's here, but I will be here for you babe – I smiled – Hurting me? – I asked

- Hmm yea, I think – She sat next to me – When I was in the bar I saw Daley and he saw me and he came talk to me like we were friends – She said putting her hand in my knee

I didn't know how to feel about it. I didn't know if I wanted to go home or if I didn't care of him and stay enjoying the night. If Megan decided to stay, I would stay too. 

- No way, why are they here? We just wanna have fun – Holly said looking at me and to Megan and then to the dance floor

- So, He was the person who was talking to you in the bar covered by the body of the other guy – I held her hand and looked to the dance floor searching for them and then to Megan again – I don't know what to think so If you decide to stay I'll stay with you, they can't do anything to us – I kissed her cheek

- Lets do this, we'll dance and then if they came to us, we go home because I don't wanna get sad or angry – Megan said what she was thinking off and I agreed

- C'mon girls – Megan said giving us her hands and pulling us, behind her, leading us to the dance floor

- She looks a good girl for you, I like her – Holly whispered in my ear while we were behind Megan

- I think you're right – I smiled at her and Megan faced us and started dancing

We danced and had the time of our night. We danced, we laugh at each other's dance moves, we hugged, we were having fun and I loved every moment. The DJ started playing a slow song and Holly had to go to the bathroom so Megan and I got closer and danced, that was being so adorable and beautiful, I didn't want it to end.


Hope you liked it :)

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