Chapter 7 - She didn't leave you

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- Still Jessica‘s P.O.V -

Hold on Jessie, it can’t be her, she’s in Portugal now. Don’t start hearing impossible familiar voices now, you talked to her yesterday and she didn’t tell you anything, remember? Was my mind messing around with me or what?!

I let her go and looked at her face. As I looked at her face, my body jumped, my voice screamed, tears of happiness formed in my eyes. I hugged her again forgetting where we were until she whispered fast, “babe calm your happiness a little; we are in the middle of your show, people will start thinking things about us and the press will make up stories”; when she said that my mind came back to Earth and I let go of her arms. Then, I looked to the crowd where confused people paid careful attention to our moves, probably to see if we were more than friends. I could see it in their facial expressions.

- Hey guyyssss - I said with a solid voice – I can see that your heads are really confused right now, so for your personal known, she’s just my friend, so don’t start make up stories of girlfriends. I wasn’t expecting her to be here, because she’s from Portugal, okaayyy? – I informed them smiling

- Yeah right… Jessie – I heard a good audible group of people saying; the rest of the crowd was like, Awwww

- It’s true guys, believe me – I said – Well, I think we better continue this show, what you guys think?  Ginger, hit it – I told him

After that, time flew away so fast that it was time for our last song of the show.

I looked to my left, where I left Holly and Meg, and they weren’t there anymore; I felt a little angry but I chose to believe that something had happened which made me feel worried.

- Megan’s P.O.V

It was the last song of the show when I felt hot and the needed to throw up so I told Holly that I wasn’t feeling well and I would be inside when the show ended, but she chose to come with me in case I fainted. My appearance was probably terrifying.

We went to the backstage running because I was almost throwing up in the hallway as well as losing strength in my legs; as I got to the bathroom, my knees went straight to the floor and Holly grabbed my hair while threw up. I can only imagine how she must have felt. After a while, we were still in the bathroom and Holly went to her bag to get me a toothbrush; then, I heard Jessie screaming at her, “Why aren’t you in the stage? And where is Meg? I needed you both there”, when Holly had room to talk she said, “Megan wasn’t feeling well and I went with her to the bathroom, because she looked like she was going to faint”, “What? Where is she?” Jessie asked her calmer now, “In the bathroom” Holly told her, I could feel in her voice that she was sad about the way Jessie talked to her

- Hey babe, what happened? – Her voice was as soft as if she was talking to a baby

- I’m ok now, thanks to Holly – I smirked – I just felt hot and I need to throw up, but I’m feeling better now, I just need to brush my teeth. I’m sorry for not being there babe – I said to her

- It’s ok babe, your health is more important than that – we smiled 

Jessie went to the little living room in the backstage and I brushed my teeth. By the time I finished, the atmosphere was very strange, Holly was watching TV and Jessie was on her phone twitting, like they weren’t talking, which, to me, is strange.

- Oi, girls – I made them notice my presence – What is wrong with you two? – I asked

- Nothing – Holly answered – She’s being cold to me, so I’m giving her space – Jessie answered me seconds later

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