Chapter 26 - Running Away

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- Still Megan's P.O.V -

- Officer, please! Tell them to go outside - I said with a raspy voice. Looking directly to an officer

- We can't - they all answered

- It's my life that is in dangerous so I know what's best. Go away! Go outside! - I ordered but they didn't move a feet - I'm serious. She's gonna kill me if you all don't go outside - I said blinking my eye to the first officer I spoke to. He understood and ordered them all to go outside, staying at the door.

- Look at me - I turned around really slowly, just in case she would do something stupid, and faced her - Put the knife away, babe. I'm not gonna report you to the police. I love you, remember? - I said looking into her eyes and hugged her

- But... They are already here. They're gonna take me to the jail - She said scared

- They won't! - I said with a solid voice, so she would believe me - I'll protect you. - I touched the knife slowly, but she didn't let me took it from her - C'mon, you're not going to the jail. I promise - then she let me take the knife out of her hand and I hugged her tightly.

While, I was hugging her, I turned her around making her back face the door and my face was now towards the door. That gave me the opportunity to make a signal to the officer to be silent and take the knife of my hand and to the other officer catch her.

After a few long seconds of having her digging her nails into my back, and the cops trying to pull her out of me, I was finally safe from her craziness and able to leave the house.

- Babe - Jessie screamed running towards me - Are you ok? What happened inside? Did she hurt you? I was afraid of what she could do to you - she said ready to hug me, but I didn't let her do it

- Stop. Don't touch me! - I screamed afraid and angry. I wasn't angry with her or anyone, I was extremely scared and afraid. It was an extreme mix of emotions. That experience really fcked my mind

- Babe, it's me. I won't hurt you - she said almost placing her hand on my shoulder

- I said, don't touch me! - I repeated myself - I know who you are - I walked past her giving a side look. I wasn't ignoring her presence or the need I felt to hug her when I heard her voice, I just didn't want anyone to touch me.

Her face had an expression of shock, confusion and concern. I kept walking towards the ambulance. I knew I had to take care of this.

- MEGAN! Stop right now! - She screamed and I heard her getting closer - Your back. Blood. - She said still behind me but closer.

I looked back and nodded a quick yes to her. Then I saw someone walk in my direction.

- I'm so sorry for not taking care of you in first plan, Miss. The other woman needed a shot to stop her behavior. We needed to make her fall asleep. - I nodded - I need to take care of your back now - The nurse of the ambulance said.

We were in the ambulance now.

- We have to take you to the Hospital to make some exams. - She informed me looking at the small "river" of blood I had in my back

- I don't want to go. Just tell me the name of the exams. - I told her

- I can't say it. You have to go. - She looked at me with a there-is-no-other-way look

I didn't want to go to the Hospital and no one was going to obligate me. The ambulance was parked and had the back door open. I just ran. But I heard her yell, 'STD exam'.

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