Chapter 19 - Almost gaining their own life

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- Megan's P.O.V –

The birds outside woke me up. The "lyrics" coming out of their "voices", made me realize that my life could be like this forever. Yesterday, was an amazing way to end the day and waking up listening to the birds' lyrics and with Jessie besides me still with our hand together, since last night, made me smile and wake up with an amazing mood. Today, everything will look hilarious, and I'll smile at everything.

I looked at her, and her face was getting lit up by the sunlight through the window. Her face was shining like an angel and I decided to take a picture, but my phone was so stupid, I mean, I'm the stupid one because I forgot to take the sound of the camera off, so when I pressed the button, that annoying sound, woke her up. I tried to hide the phone really quick, under my pillow, the only possible place at the time to hide.

- What was this?? – She said with an annoyed voice

-What? – I asked innocently

- The sound that woke me up – She said

- None babe, maybe was outside – Obviously a really bad excuse

- Yes... right... outside – Was sure that she knew what it was, who wouldn't?!

- I'm gonna take a shower – I ran to the bathroom

Shower done, hair dried and combed, tooth brushed and wearing some shorts and a tank top since the house was warm, that was perfect to use. Walked into the bedroom and Jessie was hiding under the covers. She looked like a kid trying to hide from his mom to not clean the room, so I pushed the covers and there she was, with her phone in her hands, doing whatever she was doing.

- What are you doing over there? – I asked

- Nothing... just scrolling over twitter – I didn't buy it

- Oh really? Then why are you hiding? – She turned her face smiling. I'm sure she did something that she shouldn't have done

- Erm... like, I know I shouldn't but... erm... – She turned the phone, showing me the photo I took at her earlier – I know it's your phone and I don't have the right to see your things, but, I knew that the sound that woke me was from a camera and I needed to see what you photographed so... - she said almost whispering

C'mon, really?! She really needed to see what I had photographed?! Was she afraid of me showing her personal life to the press or was she just curious about the photo?! I'm sad but at the same time I'm ok.

- What was your necessity to see what I photographed? – My voice came out a little cold I didn't mean to, but it just came out like that

- Don't be angry at me please, I just wanted to see the photo – she sat in bed

- Are you sure? – She nodded saying yes – Weren't you checking on me to see if I was taking personal photos of you to show to the press? – I really needed to know

- NO, babe. I know that I didn't believe in you the other time, but I need you to believe in me now, I just wanted to see the picture. I KNOW that you will never do that to me, do you believe? – She said, getting up on her knees, grabbing my hands and looking into my eyes

- I believe in you. I always believe in you. – She hugged me tight

- So... to change this entire thing... or not... I have something to tell you – I made a sad voice

- What happened? – Her eyes looked serious to me

- I think... I shouldn't... - she interrupted me

- You shouldn't what? – She asked worried

- I shouldn't get into your business, your songs and everything about your professional life, but, in relation at that song you wrote with my beat, I think you could add a rap into it – her eyes were shining like she liked the idea and she already knew who would do it

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