Chapter 18 - That bruise

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- Still Jessica's P.O.V -

After the dance "party", we had dinner, but for some reason, at the end of the dinner, Holly was so energized that she started doing a pillow fight against me, letting Little Meg out of it.

Little Meg looked a little tired, but I wouldn't let her there just watching our childish. I called Holly and whispered in her ear,

"Let's go against Megan, she looks tired, but she is going to have time to rest when she goes to sleep. So, you are going to her legs and I'll sit on top of her and start tickling her. Wait... Grab her hands, I will sit in her lap so she can't do anything with her legs"

"You're being so mean, babe. Let her rest."

"C'mon, pwease, she's going to rest later. I'm loving our time. I don't want this day to end."

"All right, let's have a little more fun".

We came to her, slowly, she was with her eyes closed now, maybe trying to sleep a little, but she couldn't sleep, wasn't time for that. I sat with my legs separated, one for each side, beside her waist, and she opened one eye at me and smiled, then Holly, behind Meg's head, grabbed her hands and finally Megan payed attention to what was going on.

I started tickling her, but nothing, Holly laugh at my failure and Megan was laughing but not because of what I tried to do, but because she didn't have tickles so I tried it one last time, but this time really hard making her scream a little.

- You know that you hurt me? Look – She said, lifting her shirt to show me the bruise in her abs

- OM... Was too much strength, I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to – I said, touching the bruise I made.

When I touched her skin, her body tremble a little bit, and that was strange because the house was warm.

- Are you cold or are you getting a cold, babe? – I asked her, just to make sure

- None of that, why babe? – She answered me. I already knew the answer at this time

- Well, girls... I'm going home. Have a rest of a good night. – Holly interrupted in time

- Are you sure? Don't you want to sleep here? – I asked her

- No babe, I'm going home. Thanks – She answered me smiling. We said our goodbyes and she left

Holly left, Megan spoke.

- So babe, tell me. Why did you ask if I'm cold or getting a cold? – She asked, but I think she doesn't wanna know after I said the reason

- Erm... When I touched you, your body trembled a little – I said honestly

- Oh... that... That happened because I was afraid that you would hurt me again, touching there – She said, but I felt in her voice that wasn't true

- Yes, right. Let's go to bed. It's time – I said

- I'll just brush my teethes there, then I'll get back here – She said making me confused

- Why? You can go to your room, or sleep in my room. You don't have to sleep on the couch – I told her

- I don't like the spare room babe. Sorry. It makes me feel uncomfortable, and I don't wanna occupy your room as it was mine – she smiled

- Don't be stupid, little Meg. You are going to sleep in my room, there is nothing wrong with that. You're just occupying space in my bed. – I said laughing a little at her educational way

- If you say so, I appreciate your kindness – she said and we went upstairs

* I was putting my pajama, and Meg was in the bathroom, when I had a cramp in my leg, and I let a scream came out of my mouth. *

- What's wrong babe? – She said, grabbing me and placing me in bed

- I'm having a cramp in my leg, and it's hurting so much – I said in pain

- Calm down. Lay in bed with your belly to the mattress. I'll try to make it pass – She ordered me

She asked me for alcohol (ethanol) and after some seconds she came into our room with him in hands. She touched my muscle to see where it was hurting and she could perfectly detect where it was because I screamed so loud. It was really hurting.

She placed a towel under my leg and then poured a bit of alcohol on it, starting massaging it softly and after a while a little harder with a little more of alcohol. I don't know how she did it, or how she knew about it, but it passed after a while.

- Has the cramp passed? – She asked, stopping the massage

- Yes, why? – I asked

- Because, you didn't say anything and I'm still here, massaging your leg without a reason – she said, smiling a little bit

- You're wrong. – I smiled – I was liking the massage. You could be a masseuse – I said

- Don't joke. I don't have the courage to do it to everyone – she spoke

- Why? You are good at it, and besides you did it to me – I said

- I don't like to touch everyone's body, and I did it to you because it was a special situation. You were in pain – she smiled

- Oh... Ok then. Thanks for it – we smiled

- You're welcome. Now, I'll put my pajama. Don't look! – she smirked a little

- That doesn't make sense, why wouldn't I look? I'm a girl, I know how a girl's body is. I'm not gonna see anything special. It's like when you're at the beach – I said but turned my head away anyway

- Believe me when I say that my body is something special – She laughed, but I could tell that she wasn't meaning it – and yes, you're right, it's like we're on the beach. You can look – She gave me permission and I looked at her

* She had her shorts already dressed and was with her back turned to me. She took her shirt off and dressed her oversized t-shirt *

- See... I don't bite – I laughed

- You don't bite but look again at what you did earlier – she said, getting closer to me and lifting her t-shirt, showing the bruise

I touched the bruise and her body trembled again. I need to talk to her about all of this, I don't want to hurt her. I really like our friendship, but I like Daley... I think. I'm confused. She makes me feel special and I don't want to lose her.

* She made her way to her side of the bed and my hand stood there in the air. I lost complete track of the time with my thoughts.*

- Hey you, are you sleeping? I'm not there anymore – she laughed at me

- You're stupid. I was looking at it, but ok. Let's sleep – I said to her, turning my backs to her, doing the I'm-mad-at-you situation, but I wasn't.

* I felt her getting closer, touching my shoulder and looking at me *

- Are you mad at me babe? – She whispered, touching my cheek. She really knew how to treat a person, even if sometimes she's too caring

- No babe, I'm joking – I turned my face to her smiling

- Good – she said laying her head in the pillow

I really wanted to rest my head in her chest, but I didn't want to transmit her a message that isn't meant. I just feel safe when she's hugging me and I love that feeling. I know that she likes me more than a friend. I'm just confused. I need to figure this feeling out. I don't want to hurt her. Losing her and make her go out of my life, is definitely out of my plans.

So I turned my body to her side and looked at her once again. She had her eyes closed so I presumed that she was sleeping. I grabbed her hand.... At least I could touch her and feel safe. She grabbed by hand back, making my heart tremble because I thought that she had fallen asleep, but instead she was awake and she felt me. After some minutes of her caressing my hand with her thumb, we fell asleep easily.

Ps: Message me or leave a comment if something sounds wrong or doesn't make sense.


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