Chapter 40 - How much did I miss you

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Information: This chapter is going to have a little moment of foreplay but nothing really explicit in my opinion. I'm sorry for the little spoiler, but there won't be a sx scene, only the foreplay/before actual sx.

Thank you


- Still Megan's P.O.V –

- Please, Jessica. Do not question that. I've told you before that you're my everything and that you've got my heart, my body, my mind, everything about me is yours and I'm happy and glad I gave it to you. I didn't really give it to you, you conquered it with you own qualities.  I love you – I said sitting in front of her and laying my hand in her knee

- Come with me to the Hospital now then – Jessie said taking my hands on hers

- We can't, babe. - She looked away disappointed - They won't do anything. We need to schedule all those medical exams and wait for the results – I said, but she just looked at me like I was trying to run away from this problem – Don't do that face, I'm telling the truth. If you want to be secure about my exams, call your personal doctor and schedule it with him. I'll do them, I don't want to lose you or make you lose me – I said and she smiled pulling me into a hug.

The followed month and a half  was made by me resting or having practice less than a hour what sometimes pissed me off, making me come back to my house with a really bad mood, closing myself in my world, letting Jessie pissed off with me because I didn't answer her calls or went to her house and sometimes her weeks were so busy that we didn't speak at all. Other times, I was in such a miserable state that we didn't see each other for a week or a week and a half.

I had just arrived home after practice and had showered. When I came out of the bathroom and walked into my bedroom, I found the Jessica sitting on the bed. One of the bad weeks.

- Nice to know you're alive – she joked but still serious

- I'm sorry – I sat next to her

- We need to talk – as she said it my heart started beating so fast, I was afraid of what she could say – I'm tired of this situation, you need to talk to me when you're feeling bad or whatever feeling you're having.  I miss you, I need you – she stopped

- But I don't want to treat you bad because of my bad moods, you don't deserve it. I love you, I miss you, I need you, but I don't wanna hurt you – I said

- You won't hurt me, this situation is hurting me. So you have to choose... - I was dead inside when said that -  or you come back with me to my house or I'll make this my house because I need to have you with me in a bad or a good mood – she looked at me – What do you choose? – She asked

- I think we could do both?! One week in mine other in yours or when we want we go to each others no rules, I don't know, but I love you – We kissed

- Jessica's P.O.V –

GOD! How much I missed these lips, these soft, delicious and passionate lips. No, how much I missed her, having her with me, touch her hair, her cheeks, her body... How much I missed feeling her love, her voice, her eyes. It started to become a necessity to have her, like the way we need air, blood, heart, everything existent to be alive.

- Get closer, I miss your touch – She whispered between our kiss and pulled me closer to her. My body was now laid on hers and her hands under my shirt, pressing my skin on her covered body. I missed her touch, the way she touches me is something that keeps me dreaming and traveling to paradise.

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