Chapter 43 - Excitement and Happiness | THE END

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- Jessica's P.O.V -

A month went by since Megan informed me about her Christmas flight, and she was already in Portugal. We were all Christmas morning on skype. She looked stunning with the black tight dress she was wearing that day.

- Jessica! Stop dreaming awake and walk faster or we will miss our flight – I heard Holly scream in front of me at the airport

- I'm running – I laughed

- So funny. Text Megan's sister and tell her that we will be at TAP airport in a few hours – Holly said and I did what she said

Some hours have passed and we were already landing at Lisbon airport. We tried to be fast with the luggage and we, finally, found Megan's sister.

- We will speak later, now, let's go, there is no time – Megan's sister said all stressed

We followed her and after some traffic and everything, we finally arrived at Mr. and Mrs. Beat house.

- So this is my old bedroom, you two do the surprise for Megan here. I will call her to know what she's doing. I will be right back – God! She was more excited than I was, I was more nervous than excited, or both at the same time

- Geez! The girl is linked at some energetic machine or what? – Holly said, I just laughed, too many feelings filling me, I couldn't speak.

- She's coming home. Last minutes to end this. Quick, quick girls. – Megan's sister said, and helped us a little bit – She's home, I heard her car – She even recognize the sound of Megan's car 

- Megan's P.O.V –

As I went inside my parents' house, my sister came running to me and grabbed my hand making me run behind her. She was crazy, I had never seen her like that seriously.

- Can we? – She asked her bedroom door, I think because no one was home, just us

She opened the door, and I saw Holly there. Strange. I walked in, asking her what she was doing there and she said that Jessica asked her to do me a surprise. I looked confused... She made me look at the mirror of my sister's wardrobe and it said "Will you marry me?" and I looked at Holly then I looked back to the wardrobe mirror but the door of it was open and Jessie was inside with a box and a ring inside it.

- What are you doing here? – I asked her, pulling her out of the wardrobe and held her tight

- I missed this, I missed you... and I came for this – she said leaving my arms and kneeling in front of me with the box and the ring – Will you marry me? - I just laughed and didn't answer

- What's funny? What are you laughing at? – Jessie said and the others made a sound agreeing with her

I locked my fingers with Jessie's fingers, holding her hand tight and made our way to the spare room. No one knew about this... We, me and Jessie, had something scheduled. She would come to Portugal two days after Christmas and I wanted to be ready 

When she got there I had the bed full of red petals, I mean I wrote something with the petals, "Will you marry [space], Ms. C?"

- You missed the 'me', babe – Jessie said with her eyes already wet but laughing

- No I didn't – I said jumping for the space where was supposed to be the 'me' – See the 'me' it's me – I laughed and they did the same. Thier eyes were full of tears. Mines were too.

I saw the beautiful and passionate smile of Jessica Ellen Cornish looking at me before I passed out, to my other world.

I opened my eyes and everything was a blur. I could only hear someone saying "She woke up." After a while, my eyes were seeing perfectly. The voice was from my sister, she was sat at the end of the bed.

"You were in a coma for a really long time." My sister said so quick and with a crying voice that I almost didn't understand her. Then, I looked around, first to my left then to my right and that was when I saw Jessica by my side. 

She had her eyes really red with big dark circles around them. I weakly lifted my arm and touched her face, cleaning her tears. She smiled and whispered "I'm so glad you're back" then I asked whispering, I had to know "Did we get or will be married?" she laughed slightly and answered "No. We are only friends. I'm straight."  My heart grew smaller with the answer "Make me go back to the beautiful life I had during coma, please" I requested her seriously. She looked at me concerned with my request and I had to act like I was joking. I didn't want her to know why. "Okay. Awkward life I had while in coma" we laughed slightly, and she added "But I promise you one thing..." she whispered "Together We Will Conquer The World" Jessica sang and we ended up doing our pinky promise.



Thank you all for reading this fanfic. Hope you liked the story.

I'm sorry for not posting the chapters regularly since the chapter 17. 

However, what matters is that I ended posting the fanfic. 

Bye, x.

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