Chapter 22 - Little moments

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- Still Jessica's P.O.V -

- Thank you so much, babe. It really means a lot to me – she hugged me tight

I didn't want to have an awkward atmosphere between us so I just tried to make it feel like a normal Saturday day.

- Are you hungry? – I asked and she nodded negatively – Do you want to sit on the sofa and watch some TV? – I asked her

- We can do that – she said smiling

We sat on the sofa and I turned the TV on.

I sat on the right end of the sofa and Meg was in the middle. We were separated by some centimeters, but what I really wanted was her close to me, hugging me. I felt her eyes looking at me so I decided to look at her and then I realized that she had her arms open, inviting me to her embrace.

We were watching some movie that Megan chose on Netflix when I heard Jackson's steps walking inside the house and appearing in front of us.

- C'mon boy. Come here – Meg called him and he jumped laying his body in our legs.

We looked at each other and smiled, facing the screen again. We weren't really paying attention to what was on, we just looked at it. I put my hand on Jackson's back and our hands found each other's (Meg's and mine). I tried to pull out my hand quickly, but Meg grabbed it and intertwined our fingers. She kissed them softly and then laid our hands together in Jackson's back, scratching him smoothly.

* The bell rang *

- Fuuuu – Meg and I said scared

- Who is it? – I screamed, getting off the couch toward the door

- It's me – I heard Holly saying and opened the door

- Hello you – I said happily and hugged her

- Hello babe – she said walking straight to the living room – Hi little Meg – she said jumping into the couch, staying next to Meg and hugged her

- Megan's P.O.V –

- Hi missing. How are you? – I asked her

- I'm happy and you? – She asked me. The only thing I wanted to do was talk to her about what's wrong with me, but I couldn't. Jessie was there, as normal it's her house

- Yup, me too – I faked a smile – Well, I'm going upstairs – I got up

- Why? Are you sure that it's everything fine with you? – Holly asked

- I'm sure – I smiled – I'm just giving you two, your deserved best-friend-time. I'll take this opportunity to call my mom who I haven't spoken for a long time – I said it and made my way to the bedroom

I laid in bed dialed my mom's number and after some seconds she answered me.

This phone call was the best thing that had happened all day. My mom told me the news that we wanted to have some years ago.

My dad stopped drinking and now they are living the life the way that they should have lived. My sister is really happy with her boyfriend and that makes me really happy to know because she really deserves it. I had the opportunity, I needed to let my worries fall a little apart and talk about what was killing me inside with my mom. She advised me to fight for what I wanted and that there are solutions for everything. We just have to wait to see them or build our own solutions.

The time to say goodbye came and I ended the call. My eyes went wet and some tears rolled over my face. I didn't have, that love family connection, but I miss them as normal.

* Knock...Knock *

- Yes? – I said cleaning my tears the quicker possible

- It's everything ok? – Jessie asked, walking in

- Course – I tried to sound sure of that – Where is Holly? – I attempt to hide my red eyes.

-It's been two hours since she arrived. She had to go – she sat beside me – Why are you trying to hide your red eyes? It's perfectly visible that you were crying. What happened? – She grabbed my hand

- Two hours already? I didn't realize... It's nothing. Just missing home, but I can handle this. I have to build my life I can't stay forever in mom's house, but I still like it there – I said. She hugged me and kissed my head

- Babe, aren't you hungry? It's almost 3:30 pm. That means we have to eat something, many hours without eating is bad, and I'm starving – her stomach made a noise at that precise moment. It made Jessie and I laugh

- I'm not hungry at all. However, I'm not leaving you downstairs eating alone. Let's go – I held her hand and pulled her out of bed, making our way to the kitchen.

Jessie was doing her "lunch". She was starving, but she didn't want to eat proper lunch food so, she just made a dish almost full of pancakes. While she did the pancakes, I was there looking at her movements but not really there, I mean I was there but lost in my thoughts. Until she had the brilliant idea of pulling a hot fork against my arm making me pay attention to her.

- What's wrong with you? Why did you do that? – I screamed, that left a visible rush in my arm

- I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to burn you. I thought that it wasn't that hot – she put a wet towel in my arm – I called you a lot and pulled stupid faces in front of your eyes, but you didn't react so I just... I'm so sorry – I could hear the small panic in her voice

- Right. I'm sorry for not being fully here but don't do that again. Look at this. Do you have some cream for burns or something? – I asked her

- Just a sec – She walked by me, but I grabbed her arm softly

- Forget it... Eat... it will pass at some point – I smiled at her

- No. I'll get the cream. It won't be long. – She tried to go but I wanted her to eat, she was starving and that is more important

- Babe, just eat. It isn't hurting, I'll put the cream on it later – I managed her to sit and eat

- Ok, but at least let me put some ice on it – She went to the fridge to get the ice and wrapped it in a towel, placing it in my arm – Let's go – she said

- Where? You haven't eaten yet – I asked confused

- Yea, I know. Let's sit on the couch, more comfy – She laughed a little and we walked into the living room, sitting on the couch.

After Jessie's lunch, I felt my arm burning more, the ice was making it worse. I forgot to take it off after some minutes, so now the rush was looking pretty bad.

- Jessie, where is the cream? – I asked her screaming while she was cleaning the dish she used in the kitchen

- Upstairs in the bathroom, why? – She walked to the living room, looking at me and I showed her the burned area

- Jeez. How did it get that way? – She asked worried

- I forgot to take the ice and it burned more – I got up of the sofa

- Dumb – She said with a little smile

- I am, but you like it – I said and then I realized what I had said – ups, not what I wanted to... forget what I said – I tried to cover the subject. I can't say that. I can't say that I don't want anything with her and then say these things.

- But you're right, I like you – she said it with an ordinary but seductive voice causing me blush

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