Chapter 9 - Nice Butt

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-  Still Megan’s P.O.V -

- I can’t believe this; you were here and I didn’t know! – She tried to get up, but I held her hand making her sit again

- Please Jessica, don’t get mad at me. It was for the sake of your shows. Look at me – I said sitting close to her, touching her jaw to make her look at me – Can you forgive me, babe? – I whispered softly to her

- Maybe you’re right. I’d probably be less focused – She put her hand over mine, smiling.

- Are we good now? – I asked while I hugged her. Then I made her lay in the grass.

We went inside to cook dinner, but Holly was already doing it. Hence we sat in the couch and watched “Alan Carr – Chatty Man”. I’m not sure if she liked it, but I like it and she didn't tell me to change the channel, so she must like it too. The guest was Cheryl Cole or Tweddy I don’t know how that name thing is so… yup, Cheryl.

 - Oh My… This woman is fucking stunning! How is it possible?! – I commented to myself but it looks like Jessie heard it too

- YES she is – Jessie replied my comment

Holly called us to go eat; during the dinner, Jessie told everything to Holly - about me coming to live in London and me staying in her house for about one week or two. She also told her that I've been in Essex since I came from Australia, which, apparently,is where Jessie’s parents live too. Finally, she told her about me being a soccer player.  

- Ooohh, so you’re a soccer player…- she looked at me – Is that the reason why she has a nice butt? – Holly asked Jessie

- Couldn’t you keep that for yourself? – Jessie slapped Holly arm

* By Holly’s face expression, it must’ve hurt *

- What are you two talking about? – I asked confused

- Nothiiinggg – Jessie said automatically looking at Holly

- She told me you have a nice butt, when she touched you in that bar back in Portugal – Holly exclaimed running into the living room

- Hollyyyy come hereee! I’m gonna kill you! – Jessie blushed and ran after Holly

- What the fuck are you two doing? – I followed them – Can you two stop? And Jessie, can you please explain to me why you want to kill Holly? – I positioned myself in front of Holly, protecting her, and facing Jessie

- For no reason – Jessie stopped in front of me

- I heard and understood everything Holly said and I’m okay with that. It’s okay babe, I’m proud of my butt. It is pretty toned I like it too – I laughed

- See, there is no problem – Holly spoke and grabbed my ass

- Oi! That doesn’t mean you can touch it! It’s not some kind of teddy bear or whatever – We all laughed. 

Today I decided to go earlier to bed. Holly had already gone home and Jessie was in her bedroom. I needed something toothbrush and something to wear, so I knocked the door and walked into her room.

* Knock…Knock… *

- Can I come in? – I asked

- Of course babe, do you need something? – Jessie asked

- Do you, by chance, have a toothbrush, toothpaste and something I can wear to sleep, babe? – I asked

- Yes, I do, just a sec – she walked into the bathroom

While she was looking for the toothbrush and toothpaste I was thinking that maybe I should brush my teeth in her bath because if I took the toothpaste to my room I’d forget to return it; so I went to the bathroom.

- Babe, maybe I should brush my teeth here; if I take it to the other room, I’ll forget to return it and there is no need to open new toothpaste. Is that okay? – I asked her

- Yes babe. Well thought, actually. Here you are: your toothbrush and toothpaste. I’m gonna lay down on bed; If you need something call me – She walked out of the bathroom

As I finished brushing my teeth, I walked into the bedroom asking Jessie for my oversized shirt and she pointed to the end of the bed. I grabbed the shirt and prepared to leave to the other bedroom when she called me.

- Hey, did you forget about my good night kiss, little Meg? – Again that ‘little’ in my name

- There you go again with the little Meg thing, call me ‘Meg’ babe – I begged as I walked towards her

- But I like it – She smiled and I rolled my eyes

I leaned to kiss her on the forehead; she grabbed my shirt trying to pull me closer to her, but ditched it shortly after; I think she remembered what I told her earlier about having problems with Daley. I kissed her forehead and smiled at her and then I walked away.

I woke up the next day at 8am, don’t know why, it’s too early but whatever. I decided to get up and take a shower. I was going to end up wearing the oversized shirt again; after all, I didn’t have any more clothes. I finished my shower and heard Jessie’s phone ringing downstairs, so I grabbed a towel and ran to pick it and turn it off, so it didn’t wake her.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t let her sleep anymore; because I realized that it was her alarm with a note saying that it was time for her to wake up. Apparently, she was going to have an interview on BBC Radio 1, so I had to wake her up. Since I had a towel covering me, there didn’t seem to be any problem. I knocked at her door, but she didn’t answer; I went inside anyways.

Jessie was occupying all the space of the bed. How is that possible?! I sat in a small space beside her and called her softly, touching her cheekbone, but nothing. I decided to squeeze my hair causing the water it had to fall on her back. She jumped and opened her eyes really fast and mumbled to me.

She looked at me and then she looked under the covers; then she looked at me again.

- Why are you looking under the covers, babe? – I asked her confused

- Erm… hmmm… You made me pee, like a child! – she whispered shyly

- What? Are you being serious, Jessie? – I asked her, almost dying inside for trying not to laugh

- Yes, I’m being serious. You better expect revenge – She said

- Let me see babe, I’ll exchange the covers – I told her, now crying with laughter, my belly was hurting so much

- Don’t laugh, because I win! My turn to laugh of you dahhh I didn’t pee. I was joking – She laughs so hard that I just lost my desire to laugh.

- I just came to tell you that you have an Interview today at BBC Radio 1, so get up, I’m gonna get dressed. In case you haven’t realized, I only have a towel covering me. I had just finished showering, when your phone started ringing and I didn’t want it to wake you – I said to her crossing my arms and turned my backs at her doing my way to my room

- Thank you – She said – Nice legs by the way – she stuck her tongue out and winked at me making me giggle

- I didn't give you permission to appreciate my legs babe – I winked at her – Oh and since I’m gonna be here for about one week or two… do you mind if I clean up the room and decorate it a little bit differently? – I asked her

- No, it’s okay, you can do whatever you want there – Jessie gave me permission

Jessie went to interview almost an hour ago and I decided to clean up the room. I wore the oversized shirt that she lent me and started to clean everything up, with music of course; I plugged the IPod by connecting it to some columns so I didn’t have to walk with headphones. I decided to hear “Brave”, by Sarah Beirelles.

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