Chapter 38 - Jealous

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- Still Megan's P.O.V -

I walked downstairs with him in my arms, directly to the kitchen. I took the bottle of whipped cream and  I pressed the button so the whipped cream would come out to a plate. We got back to the room and there she was, still sat in bed.

"Lay next to aunty Jess, but in a really slowly way" He did what I said and I got closer to her, now, up in my knees. I took a big part of the whipped cream to my hand and put it in Jessie's hand, she didn't feel anything, then with the rest of the whipped cream I spread across Jessie's cheeks and she moved a little but didn't wake up.

"Matthew, with this little paper, touch auntys face, next to the ears, lips and eyes but carefully" I whispered to him. He did it really well and after a while we saw Jessie go with her hand full of whipped cream directly to her face and BAM!

Matthew jumped out of bed and came next to me laughing. I picked him up and went next to Jessie, laughing with him. I was up in my knees with Matthew now up on his feet next to me.

- That's not funny – Jessie said

- It is aunty, look – when he said look, I felt his hands with whipped cream in my face

I looked at him and tickled him making him lay on the floor laughing hard, then I felt Jessie getting up and laying her body in my back, making me do the push-ups positions to not crush Matthew. Subsequently, Jessie took the whipped cream off her face and spread it in mine and then in Matthews, what made him took it from his face and then ate it. I managed to take Jessie out off my back and we all laid on the floor laughing for a moment then we went to clean our faces.

Matthew wanted to sit again on the floor to play a little game he had created, but after a while we caught him sleeping on the floor. Jessica and I were tired too so we decided to go sleep. I said to Jessie to go to lay,  that I would lay him next to her.

"C'mon boy" I whispered to him and he hugged my neck and laid his head on my shoulder. I was trying to lay him next to Jessie, but he kept hugging me, "C'mon, let's lay next to aunty" as I said, he laid and I did the same. His tiny body now cuddling with Jessie made me smile.  I saw so many dreams crossing my eyes when I saw them cuddled. Jessie's eyes... her smile... The careful way, she pulled the blankets to cover Matthews tiny body and hers and mine. The sweet kiss she gave Mattew, wishing him sweet dreams. My perfect wife and mom... One day.

"I love this" I whispered to Jessie and she smiled "Good night, beautiful" I whispered again and gave her a kiss and gave Matthew a little soft kiss on his forehead "Night" she whispered and we fell asleep.

Next morning, Jessica and I woke up at 8:00 am and Jessie went to lay Matthew in Rose's bed. After that, we said our goodbyes and we made our way back home. During our little travel, Jessie was a little distant, not distant but strangely quiet.

- It's everything okay, my love? – I asked, placing my hand on top of hers that was on the gear-shift

- HmHm – she mumbled and placed her hand on the heel, leaving mine on the gearshift. She was acting really strange, but I didn't force her to speak. I took my phone scrolling down twitter and Instagram

- Are you sure? – I asked and she mumbled again, and I left her thinking in whatever was in her mind. I gave her time

The rest of the way, I kept scrolling down Twitter, seeing some notifications, ones from my teammates, others from fans wishing me a good birthday. Laughing at some Insta comments on the photo I posted of Matthews little hands in form of a heart with the description: I'm an aunty now, my little King <3 #withmyAMOR #aunty #birthday #sweetestthing

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