Chapter 20 - Denying it

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- Jessica's P.O.V –

* After some minutes of that, I called Jackson *

- C'mon boy. Let Megan do her workout in peace - As I said this, he ran to me with his tongue out, showing that he was tired of doing anything aha

- Jeez... you scared me - she jumped  - No. It's fine. You can let him here. I was having fun. I like his company - she said with her arms opened to him

- Are you sure? I don't mind taking him inside and let you here. I miss playing around with him - I said

- You can play with him here. That's the way that both of us can have his company - she smiled cutely and I returned

We were outside almost till dinner time. She really likes working out, and I can see the results.

- Babe, I'm gonna take a shower - she said

- Ok babe, I'll order pizza. Is it ok with you? - I asked

- Yes, it's fine. I'm not hungry at all - she screamed from upstairs

How isn't she hungry after that entire workout? If it was me, I would be starving.


What phone is this? Mine or hers? I looked around and saw her phone. I looked at the screen and saw Nicole's name appear and a little bit of the initial text. It said,

"I need to talk to you. Urgen..." I grabbed the phone and went upstairs to give him to her.

* I knocked at the door and she was already dressed so she let me in. *

- You've received a text from Nicole - I said

- WHAT? Why does she remembers me now, babe? - She answered me, showing clearly that Nicole still affects her

- I don't know babe, but she says that it's urgent - I gave her the phone

- I don't want to talk to her - her voice was low now

- Come here - I said pulling her into a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek.

We were pulling out of our embrace when our eyes gazed. I really wanted to kiss her. I think I'm starting to like her, just a little bit. I know that hasn't passed a long time since Daley and I broke up, but she makes me feel happy and safe.

We were getting closer. I took the risk and kissed her, but for my surprise, she didn't turn her head but returned the kiss passionately with her soft lips.

It was feeling so right. The time stopped and our lips were knowing each other, but then... she pulled us apart.

- I'm sorry. I should have stopped it and not returning it - she said turning back

- Don't be. I kissed you. It's my fault... and to say the truth... I liked it - I said blushing - a lot - I blushed even more

- We can't babe. You don't love me or are into me at all... you're just confused and hurt - she said, but I turned her around making her closer to my body and looking at me. I kissed her again. I hugged her trying to show her that I'm starting to fall for her

- Stop it! You need to put yourself together. You're not like this. I'll be here for you, and I will catch you if you fall - she said, making us sit on the bed, grabbing my shoulders and looking into my eyes. Then she hugged me and we fall into the bed.

- But I already fell... - I whispered into the crook of her neck

In the next morning...

I woke up and Megan wasn't next to me. I knew that last night, Megan went to the kitchen to have a glass of water, but I was so tired that I ended up falling asleep. Not being able to know if she came back or not. I presume she's downstairs.

I went downstairs and little Meg was on the couch sleeping. I don't know why, but it feels like she slept there all night. I walked in her direction and touched her shoulder but nothing.

- Little Meg, wake up – I whispered – Babe c'mon, wake up – I whispered again but this time, whispering into her ear

- mmmm – she murmured – wha... - she tried to speak but ended up falling asleep... again.

- You have practice remember? – I said trying to wake her up, and it resulted

- WHAT? Am I late? What time is it? – She jumped, now truly awake

- I'm joking. Its 8:30 am. Your practice is just at 3:00 pm – I laughed

- Are you kidding? I was sleeping so well – she said laying again on the couch but not looking at me at all

- I'm sorry babe. I just wanted to have breakfast with you. I have to go work at 10:00 am and I have to do a lot of things before that – I told her

- I'm not hungry. Let me sleep! – She refused my offer

- Why are you refusing my offer? You always had breakfast with me. Please, wake up! Is it because of yesterday? – I really needed to know

- I don't know. I feel different... I feel that I can't look at you. It's awkward – she said covering her face

- Look at me – I took the pillow away from her face – I know that this is strange, but I'm falling for you... And yes, it is too early, but it's the truth and I can't deny it. If you don't want it, what I think it's not the case, I'll understand – I smiled at her, trying to make her feel comfortable

- How do you think that this is not the case? I don't want to be with you like a girlfriend. I'm sorry. – She said coldly, and that hurt me. She was denying it. I know it.

I got up and walked to the kitchen making my breakfast, letting her there alone. I was sad about it and I wanted to talk to her, but I couldn't stay there. After a few minutes, I felt some footsteps getting closer to me... stopping behind me. I knew that it was her, but I stood there in my position.

- I'm sorry – She said touching my shoulder and running outside the house

That was strange and it hurt me, but I had to keep doing my life and see what was going to happen when I get back home. I had my breakfast, got ready to go to the studio and feed Jackson. After that was studio time.

I looked for 20 minutes to the lyrics paper that I started writing yesterday and at my infinite last look at it, my brain clicked and after 30 minutes the song was done. My thoughts... my feelings were now attached in a piece of paper.

I went to the "black room", where I sing. I was already doing the rhythm I wanted to the song. When I started singing the lyrics, they connected with my feelings and it hit me hard. I had to keep doing my job. Build a strong woman with every lesson that life gives me.

I was finally able to get home. Hoping that Meg was there even after of what happened. When I got there, she wasn't and it killed me. I think she was at her training, so I went to the couch and listened to the acoustic version of the song. It was only me, my voice, and the powerful lyrics. It was dumb of me, but I need to hear it one more time.

- Megan's P.O.V -

It was 7:00 pm when I got home. Jessie was already inside, in the living room with her headphones. I decided to walk over to talk to her but when I faced her, my eyes saw her tears. She was crying... a lot. I hugged her tight and I could feel her sobs.
My shirt was getting wet and her hot breath on my shoulder. Her mouth started touching my shoulder, it looked like she wanted to bite my shoulder so hard... make her pain go away.

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