Chapter 33 - Let's try again

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- Still Megan's P.O.V –

- So you want me to explain the paper, isn't it? – She said coldly

- I would love to – I answered looking at her still at the door

- It's easy. I went to your house to talk to you but when I got there I saw you and another girl hugging one another – She said still coldly and my mouth was now a little opened because I couldn't believe in this stupid situation – Did you get my point or I need to explain? – She adds.

She was so wrong about all of this and she was being so cold that I didn't know if there would be any opportunity of her believing in what I would explain to her

- You're so wrong about this entire situation Jessica. You saw that, but didn't you notice that she was crying? – I asked – Can I come in and explain what you saw? – I climbed a step of the stairs at the entrance

She opened the door, completely,  giving me permission to come in.

- Let's go to the kitchen – she said making me follow her – Explain – she said as we sat in the chairs next to the table

- The girl you saw is Emily and she's my teammate – I looked at Jessica – We were hugging because she needed someone to support her because her grandfather died this morning and this is my explanation, believe it or not – Jessica was now with her mouth wide open – Now that I explained the truth I'm going home – I turned backs and Jessica stayed there

After getting out of Jessica's house, I decided to go for a ride around town to unwind a little. I came home half an hour later.

- What are you doing here? – I asked as soon as I entered the living room and saw a body sat in my couch looking to the window

- Why did you take so long to come home? – Jessica asked, turning around, facing me

- I went to a ride to unwind a little and to buy a new phone and you're where for? I just got out off your house – I asked her. I know she had a little of the right to think I would cheat on her but c'mon she hurt me anyway with her suppositions

- I owe you an apology – She said getting close to me

- It's true. Apologies accepted – I answered

- Thank you, babe. So how are we? – Jessie asked pulling our hands together

- I don't know if we should start something, you know? I, clearly, can't make you or myself happy – I looked down – I'm sure of what I feel for you, but I'm not sure if you will have the strength to be with me not thinking of what I have done in my past. – I ended

- Don't say that Megan – she made me look at her – Are you saying that I'm weak and have no power to fight for what is happening between us? – She asked in a little joking way

- It's not that, but as you said yesterday, you had relationships where you were cheated and when it happens, it's difficult for the person in cause to start believing in someone else and knowing the past like mine... – I explained to her

- You're probably right, but I'm sure that you'll do everything to make me feel secure about our relationship and I'm sure that I'll fight for us because I like you too, and when I truly care and like something I fight for it - She entwined our fingers and shook my hand

I didn't know what to do. I wanted her with me of course. She was the only one that got my heart, but I didn't want to hurt her or work on this and then we end up after weeks because of stupid things. Should I fight with her against this problem or leave her and let her forget me?!

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