Chapter 39 - Priorities

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- Still Jessica's P.O.V -

- But you have to go. They'll take care of you, I'll be there – I said pulling her into a tight hug, making her cry even more. I wasn't able to handle my tears, I can't see her cry like this

- We can go there tomorrow. Please, let's cuddle now, I need you next to me – she said looking at me. Her face was a mess covered in tears and fear. I never saw her like this

We cuddled tightly. I could feel her heartbeat beating so fast, all her body was trembling, it was strange to see her like this... She's, normally, the one who keeps ourselves stronger than we are.

"I'm afraid" she whispered

"Don't be, it'll be fine. I'm with you, don't forget that we have each other's back. Nothing is going to happen" I whispered back and kissed her cheek

"I know, but I'm not speaking about this. I'm speaking about my career... I think, I'll never be the player I wanna be. I had that initial time when Rita appeared and everything happened and I couldn't go practice, then I had to practice for one month and a half and I've only played two or three times... and now this... I'm never gonna make it" I felt her sobbing, this was breaking her inside

"You'll make it! This is just a bad phase, but you will make it. You're going to be the player you wanna be. I'm SURE of that" I gave her an warmly kiss "Are you hungry, pizza is still there waiting for us" – I said, trying to unwind this sad atmosphere

"I'm not hungry. You can eat." she said. I cut a slice of pizza and went back to bed

- What are you doing? Since when do you eat in bed? – She asked

- Since you're in bed and I like to eat in bed and I'll make the bed with new blankets – I answered her, I bit of pizza and then I gave it to Megan, but she denied – You need to eat – I said and she gave a little bite on it

- Do you mind if I sleep while you're eating, babe? – she asked

- No babe, it's fine. I'll join you after I eat – I said and she placed her arm around my waist

After a while, I ended the slice of pizza and her arm was already heavy, which meant that she felt asleep. I took her arm around me, slowly and I went to brush my teeth doing a bit of time so I could lay down because I'd just ate and didn't want to have indigestion.

"It's okay, I'm here" I whispered, drying her dream-tears and pulled her next to me making her lay her head in the crook of my neck

I don't know how we did it but we slept until the next day, skipping dinner time. Well... maybe I know, we were in each others embrace, it was warm, and we fell asleep glued in each other's protection, nothing better than being in the arms of someone you love

Next morning, I woke up alone at 10:30 am. Megan wasn't in bed, I called her but nothing. I searched for her everywhere and nothing then I took my phone and unlocked the screen there was a message from her.

"Morning babe, I went to an extra practice. I'll be back probably at 11:00 am, see you later, I love you beautiful" I read and the message was received at 9:00 am

She could only be joking with my face, couldn't she?! We should be at the Hospital as she said and she decided to do an extra practice, after what happened yesterday. I needed to put some sense in her head.

I got ready with some regular clothes, like the most discrete possible to not be recognized by anyone, ate something quickly and went straight to Arsenal Ladies. As I got there I asked the woman that was near the entrance. I asked the woman where I could talk or find Megan Beat that was practicing and she, after a few long minutes of me trying to convince the lady that I wasn't some crazy fan but Megan's girlfriend, decided to show me the way to the field.

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