Chapter 28 - Can't deny it anymore

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- Still Megan's P.O.V -

- My ride for the interview - she looked at me, giving a little laugh

- Oh really? That's not the meaning of the song but okay - I smiled

- There is no exact reason, I just like the song - she said

- I'm not saying anything. Don't forget the jacket again - I remind her, getting up to the bed letting my body crush into the mattress

- Yea, or I'll miss my ride as I missed lunch yesterday - we smiled

- It's true, but I don't regret it - I smiled happily

- Me neither, beautiful - we smiled - now let me go - she said walking towards the door

- I'm not stopping you. See you later - She smiled and disappeared

I went to the balcony seeing her close the main door

- Hey! - She looked up to me -Your car is there why do you need a ride? - I asked

- I want to have a really good excuse come back soon. - She smiled and started walking

- Oi! - She stopped and looked at me with a fxck-I-Have-To-Go expression - Think fast - I said to her letting the keys of the house fall to her

- Why do I need this? - She asked

- It's just in case I fall asleep like a rock later and didn't realize you're outside waiting for me - I answered with a smile

- Oh, ok, thanks, now I can do a copy of it and assault your home or make it mine - she laughed

- Yes, you can. I give you permission. Now go on, don't be late - We smiled and she made her way to the car that was waiting for her, letting her car parked next to my garage

After Jessie went to the interview to do one more day of work, I decided to do some hard work out since I haven't been going to the soccer practices and I needed and wanted to be in shape when I get back to work. After, three plus hours of practice, I took a shower, made a call to the Arsenal Ladies, had my lunch and ended seeing a movie that made me fall asleep really deep, like I told Jessie that could happen.

- BAM! Wake up lazy ass - I felt someone jumping and standing against my backs

- What are you doing? Who are you? - I said and looked back - Oh Holly, sorry. But, yea, what are you doing lying in my back? - I tried to look over my shoulder

- Nothing, just waking you up - she smiled, jumping out off my back, making Jessie appear behind her

Then it was Jessie's time to jump and lay on top of my back

- What's going on? Is everyone crazy? That's not the best way to wake up a person - I raised my voice a little and covered my head with my pillow

- Shu'up - Jessie placed her finger against my mouth and whispered sexily on my ear making me tremble

What the hell was she doing?! This was not the best occasion since I was actually dreaming about her and certain things.

- Still here kids - Holly spoke as a mom

- We're not doing anything - Jessie said with a little smile on her face saying the opposite. She left my back and laid next to me, giving the opportunity to turn around.

- What smile is that then? - Holly asked making Jessie cover her shy face on my chest

- We weren't doing anything, I mean Jessie was teasing me - I said

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