Chapter 12 - Eyes On Fire

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- Still Megan's P.O.V -

- Ok, let’s dance after dinner, but can you not invite Jessie, please? – I asked her

- Why, what’s wrong with you two? – She asked

- I don’t want to see her with Daley… Ok look, I’m going to admit something that I’ve been keeping to myself, but you have to promise me that you won’t say anything to her, Holly – I looked at her seriously

- Ok, trust me, what is it? – She asked

- I like Jessica and I’m afraid I might fall in love with her. I don’t want to get anymore hurt than I already am. I’m… a bit broken – I finally admitted out loud

- I knew it… I knew it! – She yelled – I won’t say anything to her – I felt that she meant it.

- Let’s get ready and hot ‘cause tonight we’re gonna be setting some eyes on fire – I laughed at own stupidity

I took a quick shower and Holly went next. Holly wore a white dress over the knees with the backs uncovered and I wore a dress uncovering my belly sides over the knees too. We looked at each other and said, “We’re definitely going to burn some eyes”.

We had dinner and I asked Holly to text Jessie saying that I’m already in London and that I’m staying with Holly, just so she knows that I’m here and doesn’t text me so much, because I haven’t been answering her texts anyways.

Holly took me to a club whose name I don't remember, and we sat down next to a free table. I had my back turned to the door, but Holly must’ve seen a ghost, because she took my hand to the dance floor and yelled into my ear, “Jessie is here with Daley, and I swear that I didn’t say a word to her”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, so what do you wanna do? Go home, talk to her or set some eyes on fire?”

 “I’m having fun so I don’t want to go home; talking to her I doesn’t seem like a good plan either, which leaves us with only an option left… let’s set some eyes on fire!” we laughed.

* Holly hands the CD where the songs were to the DJ and we started dancing. We didn’t have to wait long until all eyes were on us. *

Soon they were forming a circle around us, leaving the dance floor free for us. I kept hearing comments like, “what are they dancing?; They’re so hot, I wanna dance like that; They are turning me on I need the bathroom” the last one was the worse one but fuck it.

“SHIT, she’s walking towards here with Daley. What should we do?” she asked

“We’ll keep on dancing, I don’t care anymore, I’m having fun and I will not stop because of them” 

- Jessica's P.O.V

I walked towards the dance floor to where everyone was staring with their mouths wide open and Daley said “They look hot”

“What?” I asked

“Nothing” he answered me.

I looked to the girls who were dancing. At first I didn’t recognize them, but when I get really closer I saw Holly and Meg dancing some style of dance that I didn’t know, and to say the truth, Meg was looking HOT in that dress, she’s always beautiful with her sporty style but in that dress she was nailing it. 

Holly looked beautiful as always but my eyes kept scanning Meg’s body. She looked like a hot model dressed like that; the dress was killing me and her hair naturally curled was the perfect touch. I don’t know how to explain this, like she looks absolutely great in sporty style but it’s not like it shows her sexy body, but tonight… She looked so confident of her sexy body.

I felt Daley’s arms around me and then I woke from my daydreaming and realized that he’s here with me and everything I was thinking had nothing to do with him, which made me feel bad about myself because I was with him but all I kept thinking about was her. This isn’t right, what should I do?! I need to talk to Holly.

Daley went to the bathroom and when they finished their dance they walked in my direction with compromising laughs. Are they together? As far as I know, Holly’s straight.

- Hey babe, I didn’t know you would be here tonight – Holly said pulling me into a hug

- Looks like you didn’t say anything either – I answered her

I was mad with both of them, they are my two best friends and none of them asked me to come with them.

- It’s complicated – Holly said and looked to Meg who hadn’t said a word, which, by the way, was strange

- Why? – I asked

- Erm… – Holly looked again to Meg

- It’s my fault, I didn’t want you to come – Meg spoke finally

- Why? – I raised a little my voice

- Because of Daley – She whispered but I only heard "Because of D…"

- What? – I asked her leaning down to her ear  

- Daley – she screamed

- Yes, what about me? – Daley appeared behind us.

- Nothing, we were just asking for you – Holly answered him.

- Oh, ok, I’m here, it’s better we sit there in that table to talk – He suggested.

- You two go – I pointed at Meg and him – I need to talk to Holly – I said looking to Meg and realizing that she wasn’t happy about my request.

- Megan's P.O.V -

Nice, now I had to be in his company. We sat and he talked to me.

- What do you want to drink? – He asked me

- Nothing, I don’t drink – I said coldly

- Hot as hell but still a baby. C’mon have a drink with me – He tried again

- You don’t know me that well to talk to me like that. And be respectful to Jessica, because she loves you and you are just playing with her heart. You don’t deserve her.

And don’t call me hot again I’m not some girl who would have sex with you just because of your little fame – My blood was jumping inside my veins, I really didn’t like the way he talked

- Oh c’mon don’t tell me that you don’t like to be called hot. At least they gave me some fun. And Jessie isn’t here so I don’t care – He said

* I really wanted to punch him in the face but I couldn’t and I’m wasn’t going to waste my time with him *

- You’re such a motherfucking annoying boy who doesn’t respect the best thing he as in his life. I’ll do everything in my power to make her leave you – I yelled at him and grabbed the drink of the boy who was dancing besides me and threw in Daley’s face, walking past him.

I walked between the people pushing them and apologizing; I was so angry that I needed to get home and sleep. As I got out of the club, the weather was fucking unpleasant, Jessie and Holly were talking inside Jessie’s car. I walked towards the car and knocked on the window. They opened the window and I spoke.

- I’m going home Holly, can you give me the keys, please? I’ll stay awake waiting for you. I’m out of this shit that Daley is – I talked with my voice raised

- Calm down little Meg. And don’t talk about him like that, you don’t know him - Jessie told me

- Fuck you, and that little Meg thing. I wished I had never talked to him – I turned away, not even caring about the fact that Holly never got to give me the keys.

* That is what happens when I’m pissed, too much drama?! Maybe, I don’t know, but my blood was in a race mood and all because of that stupid twat *

- Oi, stop right there! You don’t have the right to talk to me or Daley like that. We did nothing wrong! – She ran, stopping in front of me to grab my shoulders and stop me on my tracks.

Ok, so she really did want to talk in the middle of this freezing night.

- Get off me! – I yelled – this is all Daley’s fault – I murmured.

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