Chapter 37 - Wife and Wife

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- Still Jessica's P.O.V -

- You'll know when the right time comes. Don't hurry the things up – She always know what to say – Let's watch them play while your sisters don't come – we went to the backyard to found Megan and Dad all sweaty, lying on the grass

- So soccer players, how is it going? – mom asked while we sat in the bench, we have since I was a kid

- Good – Megan said – Steph lost in the penalty kicks – we laughed

- No I don't. It was a draw – dad protested – We said that we were tired at the same time, but you kicked the ball anyway so that didn't count - Mom and I were laughing at the little fight

- Oh, yea, it's true. I forgot about that. We tied – Megan said getting up and helping dad doing the same with fair play – Good game Steph – They hugged quickly

* Bell rang *

- Must be your sisters, I'll open the door – Mom said

- No, I will - I said, I want to be the one introducing them to Megan

- Megan's P.O.V –

- Oh no, I'm gonna meet them like this? All sweat? – I looked at Rose

- It's ok, I'm sure that Matthew wants to play too. Play with him and then we will wait for you and Steph to take a quick shower and change clothes, don't worry – Rose said and I sat next to Steph

Footsteps were getting closer and I started to get really nervous. New people to meet, more family members. I was shaking by now until Jessie appeared with them and my voice disappeared. 

- Hi – I heard two little voices but didn't answer but I smiled. I was really nervous, it's so stupid – Do you know how to speak? just smile? – I heard the voice from the girl. I think that she was in a bad mood

- Alex, do not speak that way. It's rude – I heard one of Jessie's sisters say

- She speaks but when she meets new people she gets really nervous, give her time, babe – I heard Jessie explain

- She's really weird – Alex said. I'm sure that she was in a bad mood

- I think she's really pretty aunty – I heard the voice of the little man, and I smiled warmly and I felt ready to speak

- Thank you little man – I said to him – and I'm sorry Alex, Hello to you – I looked at her

- I think she's pretty too Matthew – Jessie smiled at me and give me her hand – This are my sisters, Rachel and Hanna... Sisters this is Megan, my girlfriend – Jessie introduced us with a big smile

- Finally, nice to meet you, Megan – Rachel greeted me

- It's a pleasure to meet you - Hanna gave me a quick hug

- It's my pleasure to meet you all – I simply smiled

After that we chatted a little and I played a little more with Mathew, it was really fun. 

It was 7:00 pm when Stephen and I went to take a quick shower. Different bathrooms, of course. I wore the dress again. Once we were all ready to go, we went to a cozy and good look restaurant.

The dinner was really good. I tried to start a friendship with Alex, Jessie's niece, but she just ignored or answered really bad, this is what I call a bad-kid-mood. 

The topic of the conversation was the obvious, about Jessie,  about me, Jessie and I, how we met, then we spoke about how I met her parents which was on my first day in London. I saw Rose caring a few bags alone and I went to help her, but then Stephen appeared and they invited me to a coffee and that's how the friendship started. Pretty random. 

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