Chapter 31 - To the bad

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- Megan's P.O.V –

We were with our foreheads touching and looking at each other. She looked so beautiful, her smile was radiant and her eyes were shining, then I decided to kiss her, I needed to.

- So you two still together, uhmm – Someone broke our kiss and when I looked it was Nicole and Daley dancing together

Really? We were so happy and so into our world, why had they to spoil the moment?! 

- It's none of your business – I said holding Jessie's hand and walking out of the dance floor, towards the exit door. On our way to the door, we searched and found Holly and said to her that we decided to end our celebrating at home. Holly and Jessie were in the backseat and I was driving home.

- C'mon girls, we're home – I called them and they came off the car, going to Jessie's house.

We went inside and I went directly to the living room sitting on the sofa. I felt happy but at the same time tired, I don't know. Something was wrong.

- Girls, I know we should end our party here, but I'm feeling a little tired. I'm going to bed, if there is no problem to you two – I asked Holly and Jessie that were now sitting next to me

- Are you really just tired, little Meg? – Holly asked me

- Yes, I just need to sleep – I smiled – I'm sorry for not staying more time – I add

- It's alright, take care – Holly said

- Babe – I heard Jessie calling me and I stopped next to the stairs

- Yes – I said

- You're not okay, I know it. Do you want me to talk to Holly and tell her to sleep in the spared room or to go home? She'll understand – Jessie asked with her hand in my cheek

- No babe, I'm fine. Enjoy the rest of the night. You mean a lot to me. Do not forget that – I kissed her forehead and went to the bedroom

I put my pajama and went under the covers and started thinking about the night. I don't know what really happened and why I'm like this, but the thing that keeps in my head is what Nicole said "So you two still together, uhmm". I don't know why it bothered me.

I know that in the past I wasn't the best, I did a lot of sh*t, but I've truly changed and now I appreciate and I'm grateful for what I have. Jessie is the one that opened my eyes and made me respect women. She's the one that is keeping my heart in the right place. She's the one.

I heard the bedroom door openning.

- Are you awake beautiful? – Jessie whispered lying next to me

- Yes babe – I answered turning my face to her – shouldn't you be with Holly? – I asked

- She understood that I wasn't in the mood to party. She's in the spare room – She said

- Oh... How are you? – I asked her, pushing her closer to me, touching her cheek

- It's not important. Tell me, what's wrong with you? – She asked returning the gesture and laid her hand in my cheek too

- I don't wanna talk right now but please tell me what is going into your head – I asked her, I could clearly see something different in her eyes

- Just let me think then I'll talk to you, promise – She said and kissed my shoulder

- I'll be right here if you need me – I said and hugged her making her lay in my chest

We were in silence for a long time till I started falling asleep but when I was already ready to sleep I heard Jessie calling me

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