Chapter 5 - Airport

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- Jessica's P.O.V -

* buzz……buzz…buzz*

Who is calling me at this hour? Nobody, no one with a healthy brain would call someone at this time. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the clock. It read 2:25am, really?! I was finally sleeping after this shitty night. I need to sleep, I haven’t slept in ages.

* buzz……buzz…buzz*

Calm down, I’m looking for you! Where are you phone? Great, you’re under me and I don’t even feel you. I’m really tired... And, Jesus, Holly is really into a deep sleep. How did she not wake up to this thing?!

I looked to the screen and Little Meg could be read; should I answer her or not?

* Why is she calling me at this time?! Hopefully she’s going to say something good *

-  Hey – She said almost whispering

- What do you want? I was sleeping, you know? – I answered

- Yes, I know, but I couldn’t sleep I ne… - I interrupt her as always

- I don’t care if you can’t or if you don’t want to. Just let me rest my body, my brain, my sou… - She interrupted me

- Shut up, Jessica. I know you care and I know you need to rest, it’s my fault and I’m aware of that. I know what I do – She murmured

- I’m glad you know what you do. What you want? – I said coldly

- Erm… - I interrupt again

- Hurry up. I need to sleep, I’m going home tomorrow morning really earlier – I said

- I’m going to give us… I mean, give our friendship a shot. I’m gonna fight for it, if you still want me in your life, of course – I automatically smiled

At this point, Holly woke up and looked at me, asking me what I was doing on the phone and who was I talking to. The moment I said ‘little Meg’, she grabbed my phone and ended the call, turning the phone off

- Megan's P.O.V

What the fuck? I said I was willing to fight for our friendship and she turned off the cell phone on my face, Fuck it all, at least I know I tried; I knew I would end up hurt. I was right, as always. I’m going to rest this fine body of mine, even if tears are pouring down my face. Too dramatic I know, but this is how I’m feeling right now. Like she says ‘Tears don’t mean you’re losing’. And I know that, tears mean that you care or cared about something that ended fucked up.

Next day, I made my morning-things in a fast mood. Nicole was already waiting for me in the car. She drove us to the airport. The road was practically ours, because there was almost no one else driving in it.

At 6am, we were already in the waiting room; I went to the bathroom of the airport and went back to my seat, next to Nicole’s. I heard someone calling me as if lives depended on me hearing the calling.

I looked back to see Jessica running towards me like she was coming out of a marathon. And it looked like it was the last sprint before she won; I turned away and tried to get to Nicole, but Jessica was already hugging me from behind. I just stayed there looking outside.

After a few minutes she turned me around. Our eyes interlocked and it was like they were exchanging information with one another. It was so awkward! I finally I interrupted our staring competition and Holly appeared behind Jessie.

- Hey you – Holly said

- Hello Holly. How are you?

* I was totally ignoring Jessie; I can see she’s sad and I don’t want her to be like that, but I’m hurt *

- Not good at all – she spoke

- What happened? – I asked

- Erm… I can see you’re mad at Jessie, but it isn’t her fault. In fact, it’s mine – she told me, getting me confused

- I don’t see how. Can you explain, please? – I asked

- Yes. It’s my entire fault, because, yesterday, when you were on the phone, I woke up and asked her who she was talking to and she told me it was you; in that instant I took her phone from her and turned it off. Not because I was jealous, but because I don’t want her get hurt, and she was already sad about your situation - She paused her explanation – I’m sorry both of you, I thought I was doing the right thing – she finished.

* I stood there staring at them as they looked at me, expecting me to answer *

- At some point, in my head, when Holly did that, I thought I should leave you and not talk to you again, but a few minutes ago, when I saw you, my mind told me that I had to explain you what had happened and if it was to happen, I mean our friendship, it would happen – Jessie talked

- Can we have a hug? – Holly and Jessie asked at the same time

I just smiled of relief, realizing what had really happened and admiring the courage of Holly to say the truth. Before I had the time to answer, they hugged me tight.

- Hmm…Girls I… I can…can’t breath - I tried to say – Do you both want to kill me or what? – I asked

- Never in our thoughts, girl – They said in synchrony

* We smiled to each other and soon Nicole joined our small talk *

After a while, Nicole and Holly went to a café at the airport service and let me and Jessie alone, looking at each other smiling and talking with our eyes.

* Finally, Jessie broke the silence between us *

- Hmm… Can I hug you? Again? – She asked shyly.

- Of course babe. Every time you want and/or needed to – I answered shyly too

* I felt so relieved for being here. For hugging her. For knowing that everything would be fine between us. *

We were hugging each other when a calm voice appeared in the air informing the passengers that the plane for Australia was ready to leave.

* I was beginning to separate from her, when she whispered something in my ear *

- What did you say? – I whispered

- Erm… I said, I’m really happy to have this opportunity to clarify our shits and… that I’ll miss you – Jessie whispered

- I’m happy too, babe – I hugged her tight – I’ll miss you so much, I’ll try to visit you in London, I promise – I whispered one last time

We pulled out of each other arms and said our goodbyes while Holly and Nicole came back. Holly gave me one last hug before made our way to the plane.

Nicole and I sat in our seats when I felt my phone buzzing before the hostess told the passengers, through the loudspeakers, to shut down our electronic appliances.

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