Part 2

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5 years have passed and Aenyra is now 10 and 2.
Walking about to her room after leaving her high valerian lessons with the maesters Aenyra could hear faint screams coming from her mother's chambers. As she draws closer she hears her mother scream "get out you stupid cunt" as a maid goes to walk sprints out of the room with tears in her eyes. 

Shaking her head she goes to opens the door and sees Rhaenyra crouching on the floor on her knees. As her mother's screams cease she hears the wailing of a baby, "it's a boy princess!"
Smiling happily at the knowledge of another baby brother Aenrya makes her way over wipes her mother's sweaty face with a wet cloth and removing the hair stuck to it.

"Healthy?" Rhaenyra asks

"Yes princess, healthy and kicking like a goat."
The midwife says handing the newborn to its mother.

"Another boy, well maybe one of these days you'll finally give me a sister!" Aenyra teases as she rubs her baby brother's cheek that's bundled up in her mother's arms.
She's heard the constant whispers in court about her family. People would call her brothers bastards behind their backs but never to their faces for they know that would be treason.
It didn't bother Aenyra that her brothers didn't look like her as they grew to resemble a certain knight that she thought very fondly of.
But even it was obvious she didn't share the same father as her three brothers, nor did she favor her beloved father Laenor.

Who could it be then? Aenyra thought to herself before she was tugged out of her thoughts by her father making his way into the room.

"I hear it's another boy, gods be good!" Laenor says as he takes the baby in his arms rocking him left to right. How are you dear wife, was it terribly painful.
"Well if you're thinking it gets easier the more children you have then that would not be the case. But I am good." Rhaenyra says as the midwives exit the room after cleaning her up.

"We need to think of a name for-"

"Joffrey, his name shall be Joffrey!"
Laenor say cutting Rhaenyra of.

Joffrey's not a Velaryon name.
Aenyra thought to herself,

"Father, can I hold Joffrey?"
As Laenor lowers himself down to her level and places little Joffrey in her arms she's not surprised to see his chocolaty brown eyes matching her brothers or his dark hair curling at the tips.

Swaying from side to side building a rhythm, Aenyra says a silent vow that she'll always protect him from danger just as she did her other brothers.

A knock on the door draws everyone's attention away from the two siblings.

"AENYRA!" Lucerys comes running in the bedroom chambers hollering her name with a wide smile on his face. "Look what we have!"
As Jacaerys walks in a second behind him along with Sir Harwin holding a dragon egg.

"Great job you two!" She tells her little brothers as they make their way to look at their new brother.

"Was it an easy birth princess?" Sir Harwin ask Rhaenyra.
"As easy as one could hope." She tells him with a smile. "Aenyra, I think Sir Harwin would like to meet Joffrey."

Smiling at to Sir Harwin she carefully places baby Joffrey in his arms.
"Alright children, time to go to the dragon out for your lessons, come out let's go." As Jace and Luke run off ahead with Laenor, Aenyra goes to follow but turns to look at the scene in front of her, she looks at sir Harwin rocking his son in his arms as her mother lovingly gazes at the two Aenyra wonders if maybe she'll be lucky enough to one day be able to get that same look from someone.

Aenyra may be young but she definitely wasn't daft. She knew that her father Laenor preferred the company others, and that her mother was clearly had held a special love for the commander of the city watch for many years now.

Closing the door quietly behind her Aenyra was met with Aemond waiting for her standing against the wall. "Come on, we're going to be late for our dragon lessons.Aemond says as he grabs her wrist softly to make her keep up with his fast pace.

"I guess congratulations are in order."  Aemond tells her half heartedly.

"You guess? I know you don't think to fondly of my siblings but Joffreys just a baby.. surely you don't hold any ill intent towards him. They can't help that their, well you know. It really dosent matter anyways because they're my siblings at the end of the day and I love them!" Aenyra says sternly as she whispers for just them to hear.

"You're right, I'm sorry Aenyra, . Let's hurry before we really are late and get in trouble."


Now in the dragon pit, the Dragon keepers Instruct Jacaerys to speak high Valyrian to his young dragon Vermax.
Aemond and Aenyra pay close attention while Aegon whose done nothing but sigh heavily with boredom as he's already been through this with his dragon Sunfyre

"Can I say it?" Jace ask the dragon keepers as they nod their heads understanding what he's asking.

"Dracarys,Vermax!" Jace commands as the small dragon spews its fire in the air.
Aemond and Aenyra look on with awe and envy in their eyes.

"That is enough for today!" The dragon keepers say as they instruct vermax to go back deep in the pits.

As Aenyra and Aemond turn to leave , Aegon along with Jace calls out for them.
"Wait, Aemond before you leave.. we felt badly about you and Aenyra being the only ones without a dragon so we thought we would find one for yall."

"A dragon?" Aemond says excitedly but Aenyra has a bad feeling about the way Aegon was going about it all.
Suddenly they see look walk up with a pig with fake dragon wings placed on it!

Aemond runs out of the dragon pit with unshed tears threatening to spill over. "Wait Aemond!" Aenrya calls out to him but to no avail.
Feeling the rage form in her chest she runs up shoving Aegon barely making him move.
"That was very cruel Aegon!"

"Come on Aenyra that little jest wasnt even for you it was for Aemond!"

"Still, your little jest wasn't funny at all he's your brother Aegon and what you did was just plain mean!" Aenyra says as a tear ran down her check.

"Don't cry Aenyra we're sorry we didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Jace and Luke say

"You didn't hurt my feelings, I'm sad that it hurt Aemond!" She yells to them as she runs out the dragon pit to find Aemond.

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