Part 25

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Viserys makes his way slowly to his seat already exhausted from the short walk. he takes a few moments looking around at his family before finally standing to speak.

"It both gladdens my heart and fills it sorrow to see the many faces around the table, the faces most dear to me in all the world. you've grown so distant with each other in years past" the room goes quiet as Viserys takes his mask off revealing half his decomposed face. Aenyra couldn't believe his condition had gotten this bad in just the few years they've been gone and not a word of it from their family "my own face is no longer a handsome one if indeed it ever was, but tonight I wish you to see me as I am not just a king , a dear father, a brother, a husband and a grandsire who may not it seems walk for much longer among you, let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts. Set aside your differences, if not for the sake of the crown then for this old man who loves you all so dearly." The walls of the room seemed to press in on them from the uneasy atmosphere.
As everyone looked around at the other.

Rhaenyra reluctantly stood up with her glass of wine in hand "I wish to raise my cup to her Grace, the Queen. I love my father but I must admit that no one has stood more loyally by his side than his good wife. She has tended to his with unfailing devotion, love and honor and for that she has my gratitude."

"Your graciousness moves me deeply, princess. We are both mothers and we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes know.i raise my cup to you and your house, you will make a fine Queen." Alicent said raising a cup to Rhaenyra.

The tension in the hall slowly dissolves away as music began playing and people began to talk.
Aenyra tried to pay attention to what Jace and Baela were talking to her about but all she could focus on was Aemond's intense gaze causing her cheeks to grow warm.

Aegon leans close to her ear "Care for a dance, niece?" Aenyra accepts the offer by placing her hand in his.

The two began swaying to the music in at comfortable pace.
"Tell me something uncle, do you always ignore your sweet wife for other women?"

"Ha, Helena may be my wife by law but I see her only as a sister, we did our duties in having children but she knows I do not love her in that way." Aegon twirls her around as their speed picked up "What about you, last we heard you were betrothed to Cregan Stark."

Aenyra began to laugh as they still swayed to the music. "Cregan? Where did you hear a thing like that? how should I put it... he's a very dear friend to me. I did have the opportunity to stay in Winterfell for sometime and we did grow close but-" Aenyra was cut off by the sudden twirl

"So you're not betrothed? Aegon asks with a raised brow like he just heard something very interesting.

"No, I'm not betrothed no have I ever been... but-"

"But what, have your sights set on someone a little more capable of taming a dragon?"

The music began to slow down as Aegon pulled her closer to his body. Aenyra looked at Aemond's heated gaze staring intently at her and Aegon's closeness from the corner of her eye.

"You're doing this on purpose"

"My brother needs to be taught a lesson."

"And what lesson would that be?" Aenyra began to ask but the two were interrupted by Aemond's tall figure suddenly beside them.

"Care if I cut in?"


Aemond could barely pay attention to what his sister or mother were toasting about, all his attention stayed on Aenyra. The way her cheeks blushed nervously as she tried avoiding his gaze, only made him want her more. He knew they couldn't get avoiding the inevitable, it was time to get answers. The few times they had been around one another he couldn't control his temper ultimately avoiding her.

Aegon leans over whispering in her ear and in the next moment they get up to share a dance.
Aemond watches as they began to dancing and talking. The moment the music slows down Aemond jaw clinches at the sight of Aegon staring directly at him as he pulls Aenyra's body closer to his.

Aemond knew he was trying to provoke him, but to see her body so close to another man, Aemond began to see red. No longer able to control himself he stands up, within seconds he finds himself standing in front of them holding his hand out asking her to dance.


"Ha of course brother I'm sure you two have..catching up to do." Aegon smirks as he leaves quietly chucking under his breath.

Hesitating for a second Aenyra lets her hand rest in Aemond's , the two bring their body's close to one another swaying in sync to the music.
Aenyra begins feeling flustered as her eyes linger up to steel a peek at him. She was surprised when he was already looking down at her with a smile that tugged at her heart strings. It was the first smile she had seen from him in 6 years.

"I hear you claimed a dragon." Aemond's alluring voice came out low just above a whisper.

At the thought of Cannibal Aenyra gives him an ear to ear smile.
" I did, I claimed Cannibal one of the wild dragons that lived on Dragonstone."

"His name is Cannibal?

"Mm it is, his name suited  him. he likes to eat other dragons and dragon eggs, well he did I had to break him of that habit. He's not as large as Vhagar but I would say he would rank third right behind  Vermithor."

Aenyra was surprised by how easy flowing their conversation was going, but then again this wasn't just anyone this was Aemond. Her Aemond, her best friend.

Not wanted to beat around the bush any longer
Aenyra stops dancing as the two stand facing each other.
"Are we ever going to talk, Aemond?"
He looks away at their family noticing none were paying attention to them, Aemond begins leading her again with the music as he twirls her around pulling her back to him with a little force their faces so close they barely have space between their lips

Trailing his lips across her cheek, Aenyra felt a shiver run down her spine as his whispered low in her ear. His voice was like a sweet melody, wrapping her in a cocoon of warmth and desire.
"Tonight, I'll meet you in your chambers." Aemond murmured, his breath tickling her skin.

Aenyra's heart pounded in her chest as she closed her eyes savoring the sensation of his touch on her cheek. She leaned into him, wanting to feel the closeness of his body against hers but just as quickly as he come close, he pulled away. she goes to look in his eyes for answers but he had already turned his back making his way to his seat.

As she watched him from across the room, a sense of unease settled in her heart. Was he playing with her emotions, toying with her like a puppet on a string? Not yet sure of Aemond's true intentions Aenyra made it back to her seat as she waited with anticipation for what the night had in store for them.

Unaware of her father, Daemon had secretly been watching the two closely since dinner began.

Led By Fiery Passion { Aemond Targaryen}Where stories live. Discover now