Part 1

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"It's a girl princess!" The midwife tells the princess as she hands the little bundle and places it into her arms.
As Rhaenrya looks down completely mesmerized from the infants beauty, with white as snow wavy hair and eyes as blue as a Larimar stone with skin so pale it almost looked porcelain. Knowing exactly where she got her looks from she thanks the gods above that she had the Valeryon features and that there would be no whispers about the legitimacy of the child.

"I hear we have a daughter!" Laenor eagerly says aloud as he makes his way into the birthing chambers.

"Yes we do." Rhaenyra tells him as she allows Laenor to take the little bundle in his arms and plants a kiss on the princess's temple.

"Did we decide on a name yet?"

"Aenrya" Rhaenyra says softly with a smile as she carefully goes to sit down on the couch.

"Aenrya" he says as he tries the name out on his tongue. "It's a perfect name for an heir.

" Princess" A maidservant says coming in interrupting her and Laenor's conversation "I'm sorry to bother you but the queen wishes to see the baby."

"Right now?" Laenor says as he's now infuriated with the queen. "We should have her come to us!" looking distressed as he turns to Rhaenyra.

The princess knew exactly what Queen Alicents true intentions were, and wasn't going to give the Queen any satisfaction.

"Let's go Laenor!" Rhaenyra says struggling at first to stand as Laenor quickly grabs her with one arm with Aenyra in the other.

Walking down the hall the they hear the whispering mouths of court not realizing at first that she was producing a trail blood behind them as they went through the castle. As soon as they make it to the queen's chambers she goes to quickly sit back down.

"Oh princess you didn't need to come all the way here, especially in your condition!" Alicent says feigning ignorance as she walks over to looks over Laenors shoulder to the little heir sleeping.

"I hear congratulations are in order, now where is my granddaughter!"The king says making his way in to kiss his daughter's head and going straight to hold his first grandchild. "My she is a beauty she shall be the realms beauty, does she have a name yet?" Taking the tiny heir in his arms swaying her back and forth.

"Aenrya, father." Rhaenyra tells the king as she smiles happily seeing her father and daughter together for the first time.
"A name truly fit for an heir, she will make a fearsome warrior one day!"
"Aye" Laenor agrees
"Aenrya, first of her name, and the realms beauty!" King Viserys says proudly swaying her softly before placing her in the crib lying beside a sleeping Aemond, the king and queens seconds son. He was just a few months older than Aenrya.
Watching the two children together king Viserys truly thought it a sight to behold.


7 years have passed and princess Aenrya was nothing short of a bundle of energy. She loved running off from the maids and would hide in the garden where she would often find Aemond sitting under the Weirwood tree reading a book.
Heavy breaths escape her lips as she makes her way around the tree to sit beside him.

"Hello uncle, what are we reading about today?"

"Niece, and we aren't reading about anything. I'm reading about dragons and how to properly tame one." Aemond tells her.

Aemond wasn't the only one whose egg didn't hatch in his crib. Aenrya's egg had come from syrraxs clutch, it was deep blue.

"One day I'm going to ride the fiercest dragon and be one of the strongest dragon riders there ever was." He says confidently.
Aenyra loved it when Aemond would break out of his shell, he only seemed to do it when he was around her.
As the two were so close in age it was inevitable that the two would grow up like siblings, though she already had jacaerys and lucerys whom she loved very much Aemond was her best friend.
They were always together in the library learning about claiming dragons and all about their Targaryen ancestors. Aenrya was obsessed with
Visenya as she always wanted to grow up to be a warrior just like her.
She begged her mother to allow her to practice with a sword like Aegon, Aemond and
Jacaerys, but to her dismay her mother wouldn't allow it.
Aemond felt bad knowing Rhaenyra didn't desire her to practice with swords but knowing of Aenyra desire to become like Visenya he took it upon himself to at least teach her how to hold it properly and taught her a few moves of defense.
"Well if you're going to be the strongest dragon rider then I'm going to become the strongest woman warrior, even surpassing Visenya, when we get older no one should dare tease or mess with us." Aenrya says with a resolve in her words.

Taking the book out of Aemond's hand
Aenyra goes to lay her head on his lap as she begins reading it aloud for him.
After a while Aemond's fingers find their way into her hair as he begins running them through it in a soothing manor.

Eventually Aemond notices she's stopped reading, looking down he sees the book lying on her face as her stomach displays she soft even breaths. Smiling to himself as he looks around to see if anyone was watching them, noticing they were alone he removes the book placing beside him and cradles her face closer to him as he tilts his head back relaxing more against the tree as sleep begins taking over his body.

Queen Alicent had been walking across the garden with a few maidservant's looking for Aemond when she stumbles up the two children.
Her heart begins to swell at the sight of them both innocently asleep under the tree.
She knew Aemond had a hard time opening up and that he was constantly getting tease by Aegon and his cousins for not having a dragon but she was so very thankful that at least around Aenrya it made him come out of himself.
Turning to leave Alicent let the two children sleep in peace

Led By Fiery Passion { Aemond Targaryen}Where stories live. Discover now