Part 10

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As Aenyra made her way to her room. She couldn't get Aemond out of her head. The way he looked at her, the hurt in his eye. 

I have to see him.

Aenyra looks around to see if anyone's around.
Seeing the coast was clear she makes her way to his room as she quietly slips through the door closing it behind her.
Aemond's head snaps over to her "Aenyra, what are you doing here?"
Aenyra quickly runs to him engulfing him in her arms.

"I'm s-sorry, I'm s-sorry this h-happened to you!" Aenyra breaks down in tears crying for the pain he's been through. It was as if it was her herself who had an eye taken.

Aemond was stunned for a second but quickly wrapped his arms around her as he returned her embrace. The two stayed still in each other's arms for a while until Aenyra was the one to pull away first.
Going to touch Aemond's cheek but he pulls away looking away in shame.
"Do not turn from me." Aenyra whispers as she firmly but gently grabs his chin to turn his gaze upon hers.

"I am hideous!" Aemond says to her as he tries to turn his head again in shame.

"Aemond." Aenyra whispers to him as she leans her head partly to the side and cups both his checks with her hands gently as she brings her lips atop his fresh wound.

Staying still in her hands he leans into her closing his eye and heaving a sigh content. "We are leaving first thing in the morning." Aemond says barely over a whisper.

"So soon?" She can't believe that they just were able to see one another and now they are being forced apart again.

"Mother thinks it's best." Aemond tells her softly as he pulls away slightly and looks into her eyes. Crimson creeps its way to both their cheeks, Aemond furrows his brow as he leans in close hovering over her lips. Warmth blossoms in Aenyra's chest, sparks Igniting as Aemond brushes his lips over Aenyra's.

Mmm she smells like soft lavender.

Warmth consumes Aenyra as she leans into his kiss, Aemond's lips impossibly soft against her own. She unconsciously brings her arms around his head into his hair as she kisses him back a little harder.

Just as they pull away from their first real kiss the door to Aemond's room comes open causing the two to quickly separate.

"Oh Aenyra, I didn't know you were here.
you know it isn't appropriate to be alone in a young man's chambers especially at this time of night." Alicent tells her as she looks confused between the two children not quite sure exactly what she just interrupted.

"I just wanted to check on Aemond, my Queen. I am taking my leave now." Aenyra stands up from his bed as the two reluctantly releases each other's hand as she stands bowing her head.

"Princess Aenyra" Alicent turns to
get her attention before she walked out the door " I just want to say thank you, for caring for Aemond and being there for him he's been through a lot and i know it helps him when you're around." Alicent says as she smiles to her.

Resentment filled Aenyra's body as she just looked at the Queen innocently smiling back to her, as if it wasn't her who just a little while ago threatened to take her little brother's eye.
Putting on her best fake smile she could possibly muster up.

"Hmm you don't say, well I if I don't help him my Queen then who will?" Sarcasm dripping of her tongue fur as she rolls her eyes.
Aenyra grabs her dress giving the Queen a long bow before leaning up to stare daggers at her as she turns to leave.
Yep definitely couldn't hold back, I definitely need to work on my self control.

Making it back to her room went laid down onto the bed before receiving a knock at the door.
Great, don't tell me I've been tattled was just a little jest.
Heaving a heavy sigh Aenyra answers the door expecting to see her grandsire along with Alicent but to her surprise it's non other than Daemon.

"Can I help you?" Her voice comes out tired and annoyed. Rolling her eyes she walks further into her room leaving the door open for him.

"Ive come to check on you, little dragon." Narrow his eyes on the stitched cut displaying on her forehead.

"Why because I'm your daughter...surely not because you care?" Aenyra heaves out a dismissive scoff.

"You're with the one-eye aren't you."
Narrowing his eyes on her even more.

"It's Aemond! Don't call him that, secondly what's it to you if I am!" If she wasn't annoyed before she certainly was now... mocking him with that petty name, just as Jace did earlier that night.

"Hmm "
He gives her a hum as he circles around her room closing in on her.

Standing her ground Aenyra simply looks up into Daemons eyes not scared one bit of the man they call 'The Rogue Prince'.

"Aenyra.." Daemon who was staring into her eyes with a sort of sadness behind them but says her name before he turns to leave the room.

That was.. weird

Rubbing her face with her hand she was completely and utterly exhausted from the days event. Returning to the comfort of her bed she lies down staring at the sealing into nothing as she closes her eyes and brings her fingers to her lips as she still felt them tingle slightly from his touch.


Her heart clinching at the thought of him, his beautiful face, his warm hand in hers, and the softness of his lips.
Thinking about her best friend Aenyra drifted off into a heavy deep sleep.

She had no idea of the plans that had been made and set into play as she slept so peacefully.

Led By Fiery Passion { Aemond Targaryen}Where stories live. Discover now