Part 39

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A few hours after Aemond and Aenyra's secret tryst in the cave, Aenyra returned to the castle, preparing for another family dinner.

She slipped into a fitted lilac purple dress with her hair styled into a double braid, accentuated with four smaller braids twisted around it. As she made her way to the dining hall, she encountered her brothers Jace and Luke.

"Brothers!" Aenyra greeted them with a warm smile and a nod.

"Beautiful as always, sister. But what's got you in such a good mood?" Lucerys asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, sister do tell us!" Jacaerys chimed in, leaning back looking at her with a knowing look.

"Can't a girl just be happy to spend time with her family?" Aenyra replied playfully wrapping her arms around both of their necks.

"Well, yeah if it was anyone else's family." Lucerys muttered under his breath.

"Speaking of being happy, Jace when does Baela get back from Driftmark? Aenyra inquired already missing her sister who had been away visiting Rhaena at Driftmark along with their grandmother Rhaenys. "Maybe Helena can keep you company in the meantime." Aenyra teased, a grin spreading across her face as she stuck her tongue out playfully. She adored Baela but it was clear to anyone with eyes that Jacaerys affections leaned toward the Targaryen princess.

Luke glanced between the two, clearly confused by their conversation.

"Oh my sweet Lucerys, one day you'll understand."aenyra said playful ruffling  his dark curly hair.

As the theee siblings made their way to the dining hall,  they entered the spacious room illuminated by flickering lanterns, which cast a golden hue across the walls. Aenyra chose the seat beside her father, Daemon, while Luke settled in between her and Jace.

Aenyra glanced briefly at Aemond as the two passed loving looks to one another before quickly turning away as her mother's voice ruined the moment. "Aenyra, you look lovely tonight, I feel like I haven't seen you in weeks." Rhaenyra remarked warmly.

"It's been two days mother, but I've been here."
Aenyra replied maintaining a light tone.

"Hmm" Daemon hummed out as he narrowed his eyes at her.

Leaning closer to him Aenyra lowered her voice so only he could hear. "And where have you been father? Mother may been too busy with grandsire health to not notice your absence but I've noticed." She narrowed her eyes back looking to him for answers.

"Don't fret, little dragon. I've been about." Daemon said, shifting in his chair and returning her gaze with goal intensity. The two held eye contact for a moment, the tension lingered for just a heartbeat longer before Aenyra broke eye contact. Her attention drifting to Viserys at the head of the table. The king coughed loudly drawing everyone's eyes towards him. His frail form seemed even more fragile in the flickering candlelight, and a hush fell over the room.

"Father." Rhaenyra said, her voice laced with concern

"Viserys." Alicent interjected, rising slightly from her seat " are you unwell? Shall I call the maester to bring you some milk of the poppy?"

Viserys waved his hand dismissively, attempting to clear his throat, but a violent fit of coughs erupted from him. Panic flickers in Alicent eyes as she called the kings guard to assisted him back to his chambers to rest.

The room stayed quiet until the music began to play again. Aegon leans over to Jace whispering low for just them to hear. "Tell me, you're betrothed now, do you know how Thrace is done?" Aegon teased, bringing his cup of wine to his lips, taking a big gulp.

Jace narrowed his eyes at Aegon, deciding  to disregard his teasing for the moment. Instead he turned his attention to Helena,  who sat beside Aegon idly playing with her hair. Gathering his courage. Jacaerys stood up and approached her with a warm smile." Would you care to dance?" He asked before glancing over his shoulder, and perhaps Aenyra could join us as well.

Helena glanced up, her eyes sparkling with surprise and delight. "I'd love to dance!" She stood brushing off her dress as a soft smile crept across her face.

Jacaerys offered his hand, which she took eagerly. Offering his other hand to Aenyra the three made their way to the center of the room. The music swelled around them, filling the space with an infectious energy. The three spun and twirled playfully like children, dancing to the music.

Aemond gazed at aenyra with a tenderness that spoke volumes. Everything about her captivated him, her enchanting presence held him spellbound as she danced and laughed radiating joy. He found it impossible to look away, until— Lucerys let out a snicker as the cooks brought out a roasted pig and placed it before him. Memories of the prank they played involving another pig came flooding back.

Aemond's jaw tightened as the laughter and voices of those around him faded into a dull roar, overshadowed by the creeping shadow of his past. The site of the pig brought back vivid memories of humiliation, each snicker from Lucerys feeling like a jab at his pride. He forced himself to take a deep breath trying to ground himself in the moment, but Aenyra's laughter was drowned out by the rising tide of the anger within him.

Aemond slams his hands against the table causing everyone to stir in shock.
"Final tribute, to the health of my dear nephews Jace, Luke, and Joffrey, each of them handsome, wise, hmm..strong." The last word dripped with a venomous undertone that did not go unnoticed.

Aenyra's expression faltered concern knitting her brow as she looked between Aemond and Lucerys,

Jace was the first to strike, closing the distance with quick strides before landing a punch on Aemond's cheek.
Aemond barely flinched, lifting his fist, he retaliated and sent Jace tumbling to the floor. Lucerys sprang to his feet, ready to help his brother, but Aegon intercepted him slamming his face into the table.

Aenyra acted swiftly, twisting aegons arm behind his back and forcing his head down into his plate.
"Don't touch my brother, Aegon!" She warned fiercely her eyes darting to Aemond searching for any sign of regret.

Led By Fiery Passion { Aemond Targaryen}Where stories live. Discover now