Part 35

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That night Aenyra retired to her chambers early, after the hard conversation she had with Cregan and the situation with Aemond and that Baratheon girl.

Aenyra felt the weight of uncertainty heavy on her chest. Thoughts swirled like tempest in her mind, each one more troubling than the last. The moonlight bathed her room in a silvery glow, but it did little to illuminate the shadows of doubt that lingered.

She turned over, trying to find comfort in the familiar sheets, but they only reminded her of Aemond's presence-his laughter, his touch, the words and promises whispered between them. Now those memories felt tainted by desperation at betrayal. Was he truly with that Baratheon girl? The mere thought twisted her insides with jealousy and hurt.

Why won't you come to me

The stillness answered her thoughts with an unsettling void, amplifying her feelings of abandonment. She longed for Aemond's reassurance for him to ward off the insecurities that clawed at her heart.

As she closed her eyes, Aenyra tried to imagine a future where clarity replaced confusion. But with each passing moment, sleep eluded her, and the ache of longing became almost unbearable.

Desperate to quell her racing thoughts, Aenyra  swung her legs off the bed and passed quietly to the window. There, she peered out into the night, seeking solace in the stars that twinkled overhead.The sounds of a dragons roar echoed through the night. Resonating deep within Aenyra's heart.


Aenyra closed her eyes for a moment , allowing the sound to wash over her, feeling it reverberate through her soul. The bond she shared with Cannibal was unlike any other- so intense and palpable that it felt as if they were two halves of the same being.

"You're out there, aren't you?" Aenyra whispered out.

The stars shimmered like diamonds scatter on velvet, each one a reminder of the vastness around her, yet the loneliness threatened to engulf her again.
She took a step back from the window torn between waiting for him or seeking him out herself.

"Perhaps I should go to him." She murmured out. Aenyra took a deep breath as she ran a brush through her long white hair as she resolved to find Aemond before despair could claim her once more.

Slipping through the hidden passageway Aenyra found her way to Aemond's chambers, slowly creeping it open the room was dark and looked like no one had been in it recently as everything was put up neatly and nothing was out of place. She walked further into the room but no sign of him anywhere. Deciding to wait on him she sat one his beds . Minutes turned to hours as she dozed off from waiting so long. she was woken by the sun coming up as it  started to make its way through the window. She sat up groggily as she looked around in despair, devastated when she still  seen no signs of him.

Was he with that girl? He had to of been where else would he be. Tears began trickling down her cheeks as she frantically got up.
Aenyra's heart raced as she pushed the door to the passageway open, her mind a whirlwind  of emotions  She couldn't bear the thought of him touching someone else the way he did her.
Feeling the walls closing in she pressed her palm to the cool stone wall to steady herself.

Making her way back to her room, Aenyra crumbles at the foot of her bed.

We were so happy, did I ruin us?
How could I not hold onto him when I just got him? Was it all a lie?
NO, i can't let this defeat me, I need to know the truth!

"Whatever happens, I deserve to know where we stand!" She decided, wiping the tears away she quickly went to her wardrobe to get ready for the tourney.


Once Aemond left after his intense conversation with Cregan, he decided it was time to finally take what he wanted before someone else did. Quickly making his way to his mother's chamber, Aemond entered the room. Alicent was sitting at a table reading a book when her eyes looked up.

"Aemond, why are you here so late ? You should be in bed, the tourneys tomorrow." Alicent said her eyes confused on why he was there.

"Why can't I marry Aenyra?" Aemond asked aloud not wasting a moment more in why he was really there.

"I-I don't" Alicent struggled to find her words before Aemond interrupted her.

"Do you truly not know? Or are you just pretending to be daft. I have been unconditionally, irrevocably in love with Aenyra since before I could remember. Yet you stand here pushing one of the bland Baratheon girls on me to marry. Why? Do you not care for what I want, does your two eyes not see my desire and longing for her? I have not kept it hidden from anyone, my longing for Aenyra even after I lost my eye." Aemonds frustration began showing the more he spoke. " you force Aegon and Helena to marry to keep the Targaryen blood strong yet you put a Baratheon one me, Aenyra is as pure as they come you and I both know it!"

"Aemond.. I've known for along time of your feelings for her, but there is just too much family history. How can you possibly marry the girl whose younger brother took your eye?"

"What does Lucerys have to do with my love for Aenyra?" Aemond knitted his brow in anger as his voice got louder.

"Aemond" Alicent sighed , her tone softening as she sensed the depth of his pain. "It's not just about your feelings, there are political implications to consider."

"So I'm to be sacrificed at the alter of political convenience?" Aemond said as he took a step closer, his eyes narrowing.

Alicent leaned back in her chair, studying her son with a mixture of admiration and concern.
"Your passion is admirable, Aemond, but love cannot bind kingdoms. There are consequences- political and personal that come with such a union. Do you really want to bear that weight?"

"More than anything." Aemond declared, his voice steady now " Aenyra is my choice mother, I can promise you here and now, if I don't marry Aenyra I will never marry anyone else."

The room fell silent as his words hung heavy in the air.
Alicent hesitated, caught between her motherly instinct to protect Aemond and the harsh realities of their world.
"You speak of love, but love can lead to chaos , are you prepared for what comes next if you pursue this. I'm not sure where Rhaenyra will stand in this, but Daemon won't let her go so easily."

"I would rather live in chaos with Aenyra by my side, than have a peaceful life without her. As far as Daemons concerned he won't have a choice."

Alicent sighed recognizing the fire in her son's heart- a fire she feared might lead him to ashes.
" very well Aemond, but if you are to Aenyra you must also prepare for the fallout. We may very well lose allies."

"We'll manage."

Sighing heavy with defeat alicent stands from her chair making her way over to Aemond.
"Very well Aemond, if this is what the two of you want. We will have to approach this delicately before making rhetorical announcements."

"That's all I ask. Thank you mother." Aemond kissed his mother's cheek before leaving her chambers.

Alicent slowly made her way back to her chair as she sat down leaning back.
"Gods help us."

Led By Fiery Passion { Aemond Targaryen}Where stories live. Discover now