Part 38

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Aenyra's smile widens, her heart swelling with emotion. She nestled closer to him, feeling the warmth radiating off his body onto hers. The moment felt suspended in time, as if the world outside had faded away.

Her gaze softens as he puts a stand of hair behind her ear. "Yes" she breathed out, her voice trembling with tenderness. "Yes, I'll marry you. I don't believe I would ever marry anyone but you!"

Aemond's face lit up with a radiant smile, relief evident in his expression. He pulled her close embrace, holding her tightly as if fearing she may slip away.

"Your mother's going to have me murdered." Aenyra said playfully, lifting Aemond's hand to her lips and pressing a gently kiss on his palm.
"And my father's is going to plot your demise, if he isn't already."

Aemond chuckled, glancing down at her in a mischievous glint in his eye. "Actually I spoke to my mother last night, after— well after the party. I told her I have no intention of marrying any of Lord Baratheon's daughter's, or anyone for that matter unless it's you!" He watched her closely searching for her reaction.

Aenyra's eyes widen in surprise "You're serious?"
She asked, her voice barely over a whisper.

"Of course I am" Aemond replied earnestly his thumb brushing gently against the back of her hand.

Aenyras cheeks flush at his words, she felt excitement and fear mix together as she thought about what lay ahead for them. "But what about our families? the expectations? They won't just let us be."

Aemond's expression grew serious "Let them come, I'm willing to fight for us, no matter the consequences." He leaned in closer his nose barely brushing against hers, his gaze unwavering "Are you with me?"

In that moment, Aenyra knew consequences be damned, their love for one another was stronger than any potential obstacle. With a nod she whispered "Always."


The next morning, Aenyra descended to the front of the castle. A maid informed her the northern men were headed back to the north, she spotted Lord Stark readying his horse," leaving without a goodbye?" Aenyra called out, closing the distance between them. Her heart heavy as she watched Cregan fasten his satchel to the side of his horses saddle.

To her surprise, Cregan turned around at the sound of her voice. "Princess" he replied his eyes widening. "Yes I must return to the north, winter is approaching, and Sara and Rickon are waiting for me."

"I understand you have your duties in the North, and as a father, it pains me to watch you leave." Aenyra said, her voice heavy with sadness.

"Come here" Cregan said, drawing Aenyra into a warm embrace, holding her tightly. As he looked up he noticed Aemond standing at the top of the stairs, arms crossed, observing them closely.
"I'm truly grateful for the brief moments we've shared, you'll always have a place in the North princess." With a gentle kiss on the top of her head, he reluctantly released her before mounting his horse. "Be happy Aenyra, that's all I wish for you!" Cregan called out as he and his me set out down the Kings Road to Winterfell.

"Goodbye, Lord Stark." Aenyra whispered, barely audible, as she watched him disappear from view.
An arm suddenly snaked around her waist pulling her closely, she knew it was Aemond by his touch , Placing her hands on top of his she leaned into him.
"Are you okay?" He asked, concerned etched on his face.

"With you by my side, I will be." She replied softly. " I didn't realize you were here." She said, tilting her gaze up to meet his deep blue eye. "I thought you'd still be in the training yard."

"I finished early, but I cant say I wasn't eager to find you." His thumb brushed gently over her cheek. "I know what'll make you feel better!" He said tugging her along to the open field near the castle where Vhagar stayed.

Aenyra's heart raced as Aemond led them to the open field, where the gentle breeze carried the scent of wildflowers mingling with the earthy aroma of the nearby stables. There lay Vhagar, the magnificent dragon she hadn't seen in six years. Now even more imposing than she remembered.
The massive creature rested peacefully in the grass, her scales shimmering like emeralds beneath the brilliant sun.

Suddenly a loud screech pierced the air as Cannibal soared down from the clouds, landing gracefully beside the she dragon.
Aemond and Aenyra held their breath, uncertainty weaving between them as they watched the two dragons meet.
To their surprise, both dragons seemed at ease with one another, A silent understanding passing between them.

"Look at that!" Aemond said, a smirk dancing on his lips. "Come in, Aenyra!" With exhilaration bubbling inside them, Aemond and Aenyra ran through the field like children. Hand in hand eager to reach their dragons.

As they made their way into the saddles, they exchanged beaming smiles, excitement radiating between them. With a powerful push from the ground the dragons took to the sky. Aenyra's heart soared along with them, this was the moment she had always longed for, the two of them flying together atop their dragons for the first time, Feeling as if everything in the world was finally right.

As they ascended through the sky, vibrant clouds surrounded them, painting the heavens with shades of pink and orange. As they flew higher, the light grew lighter enveloping them in a warm glow. Aenyra gasped as they broke through the last layer of clouds, revealing a sight that took her breath away. As they soared through the sky riding side by side they came across a little island between Kings Landing and Dragonstone. "Let's check it out!" Aenyra yelled out, Aemond following Aenyra lead they dart low hovering over the water before landing.

As they dismounted their dragons, Aenyra and Aemond set off to explore the sandy beach of the island. Aenyra playfully challenged Aemond, taunting him with her laughter as she darted ahead, confident that he couldn't catch her. Suddenly stumbling upon a cave, and aenyra froze in her tracks. "Gotcha." Aemond said, scooping her up from behind and spinning her around.

"That's no fair, I stopped running!" Aenyra protested, grabbing Aemond's hand she tugs him with her to explore the cave.

Inside, she notice the cave wasn't to deep but was alluring with its beautiful white crystals that adorned parts of the walls and ceiling. "I love it, this will be our secret spot!" Aenyra said, her eyes shinning with delight as she ran her fingers against the shimmering crystals.

"You sound childish." Aemond teased, wrapping her arm around her waist and pulling her in to kiss the side of her neck. "Hmm, I can think of a few things to do in here."

Aenyra felt a rush of warmth at his touch, playfully swatting him away "You're incorrigible!" She laughed as her cheeks flush.

Aemond smirked, enjoying her reaction "But you love it. Beside who wouldn't want to make memories in a place like this?"

She rolled her eyes, but the smile on her face betrayed her amusement "Alright, fine. Let's make a memory." She said, stepping deeper in the cave as she unlaced her riding leathers tossing them to the floor.

Aemond's breath caught in his throat at the sight of  her, a vision of beauty he was sure he'd never grow tired of. He let clothes drop on the floor, stepping closer to her he cupped her chin drawing her into a passionate kiss that ignited the air around them.

Aemond allowed his fingertips to glide gently over the contours of her body, easing the urgency that had built up within him.
He kissed her softy, each touch like a whisper against her skin, as he laid her back with a tender grace.
His exploration was meticulous and reverent, lingering on every curve and hollow savoring the moment until they were both breathless and utterly satisfied.

Led By Fiery Passion { Aemond Targaryen}Where stories live. Discover now