Part 22

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Aemond storms into his chamber, the weight of conflicting emotions press down on him like a heavy cloak.He  paced the room back and forth his heart thundering in his chest. He could still smell her scent lingering around him. Rubbing his hard cock over his trousers that had been present since the moment their skin touched, Aemond groans out for in need of a release.

He was supposed to hate her, despise her even, but the moment he saw her all of his resolve crumbled away. It was as if he had no control over his body, like his heart had a mind of its own. It was maddening, this desire he felt was burning hot within him.
Aenyra had a hold over him that he couldn't shake, even as he tried to bury it deep beneath layers of anger and resentment his heart still begs  for her.

No I won't give into this urge, she is nothing but a whore like her mother. Knowing she's betrothed to someone else but has the nerve to seek me out.

Releasing the grip on himself, Aemond does what he always has done, he bury's his feelings deep within him, locking them away.
As he changes into clean clothes and leaves the room.


Aenyra was in a complete daze but somehow managed it back to her room. Closing the door behind her softly, her fingers tracing over her wrists where it was still tingling from his lingering touch. She closes her eyes remember the sensation of his hot breath on her neck, sending shivers down her spine. Her heart ached with longing for Aemond, yet her mind began to become clouded with confusion and anger at his sudden cold behavior towards her. Hot tears threatened to spill over as she paced her room back and forth, Aenyra thought back on the last moments they shared with one another before they were forced to separate.

They had shared their first real kiss, they even parted giving one another loving smiles...Nothing untoward happened that would make him this detached towards her... so why?
Picking up one of her favorite dresses she holds up to her figure as she looks in the mirror.

Two can play this game, dear uncle.


Making her way to The Great Hall, Aenyra sees her family waiting on her.

"Aenyra!" Rhaenyra whisper yells her other family members to turn in her direction.

"Wow, sister don't you think that dress is a little.." Jacaerys said before being cut off.

"Revealing!" Daemon said cocking a brow up.

"What, I've worn this at home before." Aenyra innocently said, shrugging her shoulders as she looks down at her deep blue silky dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, the chest area was dipped crisscrossing over her breast revealing some skin above her navel and most of her upper back. Her toned arms were on display as a thin cloak lays hanging over the shoulder straps. The only piece of jewelry she wore was the blue sapphire necklace Lucerys gifted her for one of her birthdays.

"I think you look great, sister!" Lucerys tells her giving her a cheeky smile.

"Thank you brother" Aenyra returned the smile before turning to her father and mother "I know we aren't at Dragonstone and that the court will most likely whisper, but let them."

Both parents give a heavy sigh of defeat
"Let's get this over with shall we?" Daemon said as he and Rhaenyra take the lead opening the doors as Jace and Luke follow behind them, Aenyra walks alone behind her brothers as they all enter into the large hall full of people.

The amount of scrutinizing stares her family was receiving was laughable to her as she held her head high and walked with confidence.

Aenyra's eyes find Aemond's tall figure as soon as she enters the hall. Forcing her gaze away she could sense the change in him as he knowingly looked at her body up and down, just knowing that she holds some power over him gave her a sense of pride.

As her family takes their places in the front across from the greens, Aenyra


The moment Aenyra comes into view, Aemond stoic and disciplined demeanor falters. His heart practically beating out of his chest as his eye grows large grazing over her uncovered skin causing him to stiffen with possessiveness. Her long wavy hair flowing down her back like a waterfall of white silk, her graceful movements were like those of a goddess.

Aemond had always prided himself of his control and strength, but in this moment, he had a strong desire to claim her for himself right there in front of everyone.

"Is that who I think it is, Our niece? Mm she certainly has grown into a little temptress hasn't she." Aegon whispers in Aemond's ear as he looks at Aenyra  with lustful eyes.
"You may want to clean that drool off little brother, it's a bit embarrassing."

"Ha, losing our mind are we? Tell me something did you come here sober, or has all that whine finally gone to your head?"

"Jest all you want baby brother, but your looking at our little niece like a man starved"

Aemond tenses at his brother's words, balling he his hands into fist behind his back, he forces his gaze away from her.


Aenyra takes her place beside her father as the Otto Hightower makes his way up to the iron throne. "We come with the grim task of deciding the succession of Driftmark, as hand I speak with the kings voice on this and all other matters. The crown will now hear all petitions, Ser Vaemond of house Velaryon." Otto gestures for Vaemond to speak.

"My Queen, my Lord Hand, the history of our noble houses extends beyond the seven kingdoms to the days of old a Valyria. For as long as house Targaryen has ruled the skies, house Velaryon has ruled the seas. When the doom fell on Valyria, our houses our houses became the last of their kind. I have spent my entire life on Driftmark defending my brother's seat, I am Lord Corlys closest kin, his own blood. The true unimpeachable blood of house Velaryon runs through my Veins."

"As it does in my children, the offspring's of Laenor Velaryon. If you cared so much about your houses blood Ser Vaemond, you would not be so bold as to supplant its rightful heir. No you only speak for yourself and your own ambition."Rhaenyra sarcastically says aloud.

"You will have the chance to make your own petition princess Rhaenyra, do allow Ser Vaemond the courtesy of allowing his to be heard." Alicent says shutting down any further interruptions.

Scoffing loudly Aenyra rolls her eyes to the Queen of cunts as she feels smoldering eyes boring through her. Taking her attention of the two people she couldn't stand the most Aenyra realizes it was Aemond and Aegon who was staring in her direction. Giving the boys a no more of her attention she turns it back to Vaemond who began speaking again with newfound confidence.

"What do you know of Velaryon blood princess? I could cut my veins and show it to you and you still wouldn't recognize it. This is about the future survival of my house, not yours." Vaemond stares daggers into Lucerys as Aenyra shields him behind her as she return the fierce stare right back.
Vaemond scoffs, turning back towards the Queen and Hand "This is a matter of blood, not ambition. I humbly put myself before as my brother's successor, Lord of Driftmark, Lord of the Tides."

"Thank you, Ser Vaemond" Otto said looking to Rhaenyra allowing her to finally speak.

Rhaenyra steps forward
"My lord Hand-" the loud sound of the doors opening echoes through the great hall as all eyes are astonished to see King Viserys slowly makes his way into the room.

Led By Fiery Passion { Aemond Targaryen}Where stories live. Discover now