Part 41

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Viserys gazed softened, as he took in Aenyra's sorrow. "My sweet girl." He rasped his voice barely above a whisper. "Aemond is fire and ice, passionate and vengeful. But you Aenyra, you are light. You will find away to reach him." Coughing echoes through the room, calming down from his fit he gently squeezed Aenyra's hand. " love is powerful Aenyra , I have know for a long time his desire to be with you."

"Then don't deny us any longer the chance to be together, allow us to marry."

Viserys faintly smiled nodding his head what little he could "you have my blessing."

"Thank you grandsire, Thank you!" Aemyra exclaimed, her happiness overflowing. She knew that with the kings support and word that no one could oppose them.

Leaning down she kissed the top of Viserys head gently "Rest now, Grandsire." She said, tucking him in comfortably. A smile on her face as she turned to leave. Unaware that this would be their last conversation.

Aenyra stepped out of the chamber as her excitement overwhelmed her, she could already envision their happy future with one another. Walking with a pep in her step she made her way to Maegors holdfast. Before reaching that part of the castle Aenyra was startled by the booming voice that echoed the hall.

"AENYRA." Daemon called out, quickly closing the distance between the them.

"What's the matter, father?" Aenyra replied, turning to face him.

"You were supposed to be in your chambers, I didn't find you there when I went to go check on you. Tell me where were you headed, little dragon?" Daemon said almost sarcastically as he questioned her.

"Well that's because I went to visit Grandsire, he wasn't feeling well at dinner remember?" Aemyra answered firmly

"Hmm, so it seems. I've come to inform you thag theres been a change of plans. We leave tonight— right now to be exact let's go." Daemon said, gripping her upper arm.

Aenyra stumbled slightly as Daemon pulled her along, her mind racing  with questions. "Where are we going? Back to Dragonstone?" She asked.

"For now, we go back to Dragonstone until your mother claims her crown as Queen, then we move back here. We'll rid ourselves of the green bitch and her spawns, along with that cunt Otto.

It was no shock to aenyra, daemons dislike for Alicent and her family.
"I can walk on my own, thank you." Aenyra said, lifting her chin as she sent him a glare.

"Then you better hurry, everyone's waiting." Daemon said, shoving her playfully to walk faster.

"Am I not allowed to pack my belong?"Aenyra asked bewildered when she noticed they were headed towards the opposite direction than her chambers.

"I had someone take care of it already."  Daemon answered, casting a sidelong glance at her as he noted her surprise at his forethought.

she turned back to him puzzled he had gone to such lengths. "It was you who changed mother's mind, wasn't it?" Aenyra probed, her eyes searching his for the truth.

"You'll understand one day, little dragon." Daemon replied cryptically, but Aenyra wasn't convinced, she knew he was the cause of her and Aemond separating, she suspected that was precisely his intention.

He must've noticed after dinner, the way Aemond looked at me.. He's tearing us apart again.

With a reluctant sigh she climbing onto Cannibals back, casting one last glance at the castle with tears in her eyes before taking to the skies.


After leaving the dining hall, Aemond hurried back to his chambers, pacing relentlessly. He had hated the pain he caused Aenyra, but the cruel taunts of her bastard brother, the one who had taken his eye, echoed in his mind.  He was being mocked, as if the suffering of his childhood had resurfaced to torment him. Aemond swore to himself he would never allow anyone to make him feel that way again. He had come along way since then, training relentlessly in an effort to surpass everyone around him, even built a facade version of himself to become this emotionless man.

As he continued to pace, he found himself torn between love and vengeance. He loved Aenyra more deeply than he could express, yet the injustice which had occurred at Driftmark haunted him. Her brothers had faced no consequences for their actions. While he was left forever changed. They had taken his eye— and with it, Aenyra.

Time passed and in the mist agitation, his eye fell on the book resting on the desk, a flood of memories washed over him— multiple scenes from their time together beneath the tree where he had read to her. The recollection of her soft voice and dazzling smile began to overpower the darkness clouding his thoughts. He remembered how her hands felt wrapping around his necks as they tugged his hair, how she sounded when she surrendered herself completely to him.

He regretted his impulsive mistake, he grew  uncertain of how this would affect his relationship between him and the woman he loved. Aemond knew he needed to apologize, not only for striking Jace but for the harsh words he spoke to them.

As he made his way through the familiar hidden passageways to her chambers. He quietly creaked open the door, hoping to find her there. To his surprise, the room was empty.

"Aenyra?"  He called out, stepping further inside he sensed something wasn't right, her jewelry moved displayed on the dresser was gone. Her weapons that once lay carelessly beside the bed, gone. His stomach did a flip as anxiety began taking over. Rushing to her wardrobe he wrenched it open in a panic.

It was empty. She was gone...again. How had he missed this? Had she chosen to leave willingly with her family and leave him behind after what he said and did, or had she been forced away? The questions began to spiral in his mind, each one more alarming than the rest.

Aemond felt desperate, he looked around the room searching for any indications on why she suddenly left, but none were found. He knew it was because of him, whether she was forced to go, or left on her own. He was the reason.
Heading back to his room, he laid on his bed waiting for sunrise.

As the sun began to finally rise after his sleepless night Aemond decided to speak to his mother, he needed to find out for himself if she left willingly or not. Making his way with quick steps through the corridors long halls he almost reached his mother's chambers when the sound of the kings guard amor echoed the halls, Ser Criston Cole came into view  breathing heavy.

"I've been trying to find you, the King is dead, Aegon is declared next King." Cole said, Aemond stood frozen in place not processing what was just said.

"AEMOND." Cole grabbed his arm to get him to focus "Your father's dead my prince, with his last breath he declared Aegon to be his heir. No one can find Aegon anywhere we must quickly find him!" 

Snapping out of his frozen state, Aemond nodded his head following quickly after Cole in search for Aegon.

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