Part 13

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A few more weeks have passed since I last sent Aenyra that letter and I've sent even more since.  I've spent so much time thinking and stressing about what I've done wrong when in reality she probably thinks I'm a hideous one eye freak with this jagged scar running down my face. I wouldn't want to look at me either, so how could I truly blame her.

"Aemond" Alicent calls out to him from the door to his room as it takes him out of his constant dark thought's. "You received a letter."

Aemond jumps up out of bed so fast he almost tripped over himself "thanks mother" he says as she quickly runs to his desk to open and read the letter. "mother?" Aemond looks to Alicent with confusion as he noticed she was still standing by the door.

"I'm just glad to finally see a smile on your face, it's been so long aemond." Alicent gives him a sad smile as she turns to leave the room closing the door behind her.

Frantically opening the seal Aemond read over the words with heartbreak.

Dear Aemond,

Please stop writing me, I thought I made myself clear when I didn't respond to any of your letters over this past year. I choose my family over you and our friendship. Don't embarrass your self any more than your looks already do.

Aenyra Targaryen


Crumbling the letter in his hand Aemond becomes in a blind rage as he pushes everything off his desk, standing up he looks at himself through the mirror again and grabs it off the wall shattering it across the floor.

"You choose family huh, embarrass myself have I? I'll make you regret ever saying those words to me Aenyra." Clenching his fist into a ball Aemond's head becomes clouded with rage but his heart becomes heavy and torn with heartbreak.


A year has passed since the last letter I wrote to Aemond. He clearly doesn't wish to speak to me or see me, not even a word from him on my name day. I knew  then something wasn't right Aemond would've made it to me somehow even if he was told not to...He's never missed my name day.
This was truly the longest year of my life.
Oh Aemond what I wouldn't give to just see you for a second, even from a distance.

"5 more laps." Daemon hollers at her as she currently was running around the beaches shore with two very heavy bags of sand on either side is her.

I have no room for complaints, that night at Driftmark proved how weak I was and I sworn to myself to never feel that vulnerable and weak again especially when it came to a fight. I wasn't strong enough to protect Aemond, or even my brothers and sisters

4 months after her parents married Aenyra and Baela ended up really getting along and now are truly sisters, Rhaena was sent back to Driftmark ward there under princess Rhaenys. Everything seemed good for once she was bonding with her real father, her and her mother's relationship was back to the way it was before the incident,  she felt truly luck to ha e Baela and lucerys. Though everything was going pretty good something still felt out of place...Jacaerys still didn't have much to do with her.

Dragged out of her thoughts for a second time, she's hears Daemons rough voice yell to her "Drop the bags and pick up your sword." Listening, she drops the heavy bags of sand feeling the weight instantly lift from her body as she tries catch her breath. Startled completely by a blade at her throat she looks up slowly to see Daemon looking down to her in disappointment.

"Your appointment will not wait on you to pick your sword up, you took far too long!
If this were a real battle you'd be dead." His harsh words made her feel resentment towards him.

"You're not giving me a chance..I've just ran so many laps carrying heavy sand bangs wouldn't you think oh i don't know maybe I'm a tad bit tired!"
Pissed off  he wouldn't even give her a at least the benefit of the doubt Aenyra goes to bless him out, but ultimately catches herself

Everything he says is the truth though, if this truly were a real battle I'd be dead by now.. I have to do better FOCUS AENYRA.

Breathing out a heavy puff Aenyra quickly picks the sword up and gets into her fighting stance.

"You're not angry enough, Aenyra!" Daemon said, tauntingly walking circles around her.

"Oh trust me I am!"

"I've noticed 'One-eye' hasn't even tried to write you. He just threw you away like you were nothing! Probably blames you for his missing eye."

"S-Shut up- shut your mouth, you know nothing!"

"I think I know enough, you're better off without him.. he's just a one eye freak who's nothing but weak!" Daemon tells her as he knows this is exactly what it'll take to set her off.

"AHHH" Aenyra charges at him with the heavy sword over her head making quick strides to attack him. Daemon was surprised by the strength behind the attack but knew she couldn't best him when it came to an actual dual. "You know fucking nothing of mine and Aemond's relationship! Don't you dare ever call him weak either, you're not even half the man he's going to one day become!"  Not missing a beat the two swords thrust and slice at one another, sweat dripping down their faces with sand flying around their steps, anger being her one motivation.

His sharp blade feeling like a piece of cold ice sliding across her left shoulder, a warm rush a blood dripping down her arm slowly causing her to let out a hiss from the pain as she continues to fight not yielding in the slightest.

As their swords come into contact once more Aenyra thinks for a a split second she has the upper hand. Then she blinks and finds herself lying in the sand on her back with Daemons sword pointing to her neck.

"You're getting better little dragon, you still have much to learn. We're done for the day, to have the maester clean that wound."  He tells her before walking away leaving her astounded frozen in place.

"Why tell me those harsh words..?"  Aenyra  shouts out to him. Daemon stops in his tracks and turns slightly facing her still on the ground.

"He is your weakness, it will be your downfall."
Staring daggers at one another a second longer before Daemon turns again to leave.

Ha , you think you know everything don't you father...

Aenyra turns her head away almost in shame as always everything he said is the truth.

Led By Fiery Passion { Aemond Targaryen}Where stories live. Discover now