Part 33

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Aenyra couldn't believe Aemond just left her, didn't even say anything just walked away.

After what seemed like forever standing alone the cool nights air sent chills over Aenyra's body.
Finally making her way back into the hall where everyone had remained she looked around for Aemond only to see him dancing with one of the Baratheon girls.

That son of a..


Looking to the person who called out to her
Helena smiles walking her way her grabbing her into a warm embrace.
"It's so good to see you, we couldn't really talk much yesterday since our family.. well you know."Helena said releasing her hold on Aenyra.

"You mean to say since our family sucks the joy out of the room, or do you mean since our family hates one another?" Aenyra pretends to joke as she gives her aunt a wry smile.

"How are you dear aunt, last I heard you have three children?" Aenyra said.

"Yes I was blessed with twins Jaehaera and Jaehaerys , and baby Maelor was born a few months ago."

"That's wonderful I can't wait to meet them." How does that work, you and Aegon I mean?" Aenyra asked tilting her head with curiosity.

"Well it's not all that bad, sometimes he just ignores me unless he's drunk ." Helena said giving her a weak smile.

Aenyra couldn't help but feel bad for Helena, she knew how Aegon had always been. If only she could've married Jace. But then again Aenyra was ecstatic Jace and Baela were betrothed. 

Aenyra turns her attention back to Aemond and the Baratheon girl dancing. She felt a fierce jealously wash over her as the two moved across the ballroom floor. Aenyra's heart ached with longing as she remembered just yesterday when it was her hand Aemond held.
Aenyra huffed out in annoyance.

I refuse to stand here
pathetically dwelling in my own pain!

"Excuse me, Helena I'm in the sudden mood for a dance." Aenyra said plastering a fake smile on her face.

Looking around as her eyes find Cregan talking together with Jace, she quickly grabs his arm.
"Excuse us Jace, I believe Lord Stark owes me a dance!" Aenyra interrupts the two speaking as she laces her arm in his taking him to the middle of the dance floor.

"Princess" Cregan's low voice called out to her, smiling down at Aenyra he skillfully guided her across the dance floor. Despite her initial reluctance to involve him in her plan,  she found herself enjoying their dance as they twirled and spun. Cregan had always been charming and witty, and his easy smile made her feel at ease. For a moment, all her worries and insecurities melted away leaving the exhilarating rush of the music and the warmth of Cregan's hand in hers.

As they danced, Aenyra caught sight of Aemond watching them intently from across the floor.
His usual composed expression was replaced with anger and jealousy.

Aenyra couldn't help but feel satisfaction at the sight. She knew she was playing with fire, but in that moment she didn't care. The music seemed to beckon her to dance faster allowing herself to get lost  in the moment and forget about the consequences.

But as the song came to an end, reality came crashing down on Aenyra. She made her way back to Jace as she left Cregan standing alone on the dance floor along with Aemond.

Jace raised an eyebrow at Aenyra's flushed cheeks and unsteady breath. "Well that was certainly unexpected" Jace remarked with a knowing smile playing on his lips.

Aenyra chuckled nervously , trying to brush off whatever accusations her brother was throwing out.

"I suppose I just got caught up in the moment." Aenyra replied airily, though she knew what she did to Cregan wasn't right.

As she looked around the main hall she noticed Cregan and Aemond were nowhere in sight.
Panic started to rise within her wondering where they could have gone. Taking a deep breath to calm herself she decided to venture outside. She walked down the terrace stairs leading to the gardens.
Finally her eyes see Cregan standing against the stone wall witha distant look in his eyes.
she hesitantly walked over to him.

"I'm sorry you had to see that side of me just now, not my proudest moment."Aenyra said softly dropping her head in embarrassment.
Aenyra felt a her nerves flare up as she was unsure of how he would react. But to her surprise, he reached out a hand and gently lifted her chin forcing her to meet his gaze.

"We all have moments we're not proud of Aenyra." Cregan said , his voice calm and reassuring. "But that dosent change who you are to me, I know your heart I also know your true intentions. Don't be so hard on yourself."

As they stood there the cool breeze rustling through the trees Aenyra nods her head silently as unshed tears begin to form in her eyes.

"Aenyra" Cregan whispered in a low voice before leaning into her.

"Cregan" Aenyra said, her voice barely audible. placing her hand on Cregan's chest she lightly pushes him away. "You don't know how much it hurts me to deny you, you're perfect in every sense of the word, believe me when I say I believe myself a fool for not choosing you... but my heart still longs for Aemond , it aches for him in ways it does no other. I've loved him before I even knew what the word meant." Her shaky words come out.

Aenyra could see the pain in Cregan's eyes as he drops his head in defeat. She reached out placing her hand on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart in her palm.

"Maybe in another life." He said, with a dry laugh.

"Maybe so." Aenyra replied, her voice filled with sadness as she gave him a pained smile.
"I'll see you tomorrow at the tourney?"

Cregan's demeanor changed back to normal as he smiled down to her.
"Of course, princess maybe I'll even ask for your favor."
Aenyra gave a warm smile wishing him a goodnight.

As she walked back into the castle Aenyra's thoughts were consumed by Aemond.
He had always been her knight in shining armor, her best friend growing up, as they grew older her feeling for him blossomed into something deeper more profound.
But Aemond was far from perfect.

Despite knowing this she loved him anyway.

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