Part 21

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Morning came too soon as Aenyra woke from a restless night. Her body filled with mix emotions as her whole family readied their dragons for the short travel to kings landing.

"You going to be okay, Aenyra?" Baela whispers in a hushed voice so only she could hear.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She replied with a forced smile as she trying feigning ignorance.

"It's just... well you know who you're going to end up seeing."

"I'm aware, and?" Aenyra knew it was pointless acting stupid to Baela, she already knew how Aenyra felt about Aemond but after all these years of hope she was suddenly feeling dread.

"Uh huh, we'll just know I'm here for you." Baela said as she made her way back to Moondancer.

Aenyra climbs up top  Cannibal and sits comfortably in her seat. Taking a moment to calm her nerves Aenyra reclines her head back facing the clouds as she a heavy sigh escapes  her lips. "Sōvēs, Cannibal" as they all one by one take to the skies.


Landing their dragons they take a carriage ride back to the castle expecting to be greeted by the royal family but to their surprise they were only met with a few kings guard and maidservants.
"Queen Alicent sends her regards she is currently in a council meeting, the Queen is expecting to see you all at the petition at noon."
Rhaenyra looks around at everyone until she turns her attention to her children.

"Me and your father are going to meet with the king, promise you all won't get into trouble."

"Promise" they all said at once.

"Baela you coming, the boys want to check out the training yard."

"Y'all go ahead my grandmother and Rhaena should be waiting forme nearby." Waving goodbye Baela goes in the opposite direction.

"I bet the training yard looks the exact same."
Jacaerys says darting off in that direction.
Lucerys following quickly behind him.

"Wait you idiots... at least wait on me!" Aenyra  yells out to them but gets nothing in response. rolling her eyes in annoyance she speed walks to catch up with them.

Finally making it to the top deck of the castle she hears the loud clanks of swords reverberated off the stone walls.

As she inched closer to the edge for a better view she noticed Ser Criston Cole immediately facing towards her fighting someone with long silver hair.

"Hmm, he has to be a Targaryen with that hair."
Thinking to herself aloud, but the second they begin to circle one another  Aenyra's eyes grow big as her breath catches in her throat.

Aemond Targaryen.

She watches intently, gripping her nails tightly in the wooden railing as Aemond and Cole continue their fighting.

A loud cheer erupt around them when Cole shoves Aemond causing his flimsy shield to break. Tossing it to the side Aemond taunts Cole like a hunter would its prey.
With quick and precise steps  Aemond twirls around Cole as he uses his swords to quickly disarm him.
The crowd cheers louder for the one eyed prince.

"You'll be winning tourneys in no time my prince." Cole proudly says.

"I don't give a fuck about that!  Cousins, come to train?" Aemond says turning to Jace and Luke  with a menacing look before he instinctively looks up at the top deck to see Aenyra already looking down with her eyes locked on him

Making her way down the stairs Aenyra's heart was pounding in her chest as she locked eyes lock with Aemond. The air around them became thick with anticipation as she found herself unable to tear her gaze away from his intense stare.

Aemond ignored the stares coming from his cousins as he moved closer removing the remaining distance between them.
Aemonds eyes narrowed as he studied her features, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips

Aenyra couldn't help but be captivated by his beauty. His towering  height, he looked like a warrior..his long straight hair the only thing in it was a string tying half of it up away from his face. 
His sharp features, he looked every bit a man. But one thing remained the same after all these years was his beautiful blue eye that reminded her of sapphires.

Aemond leans down slightly, their lips mere inches from touching as he lets out a low hum.
The sound of the wooden doors opening in the training yard takes an everyone's attention away from the two as Vaemond Velaryon arrives.
Moving her eyes away from him for a split second she turns back to find she was now standing alone.

Turning around Aenyra sees Aemond turn a corner retreating back into the castle. Dropping her head low she sighs heavily before turning to her brothers
"Go back inside and find mother, the petition  will be starting soon."

"B-but what about you?" Luke ask.

"Im going to my room to change out of my riding leather. I'll meet you both in a few." Kissing Jace and Luke's head Aenyra quickly sprints inside looking around for any sign of where Aemond could've gone.

After a while she began to lose hope she would find him.

Until a strong hand from behind grabs over her mouth turning her causing her back to hit the wall.

"What the-"

Aemond pushes her further into the wall the closer his body got. Gripping both her wrist above her head he moves his face to the crook of  her neck inhaling her scent.

Fuck, she still smells like fucking lavender

"A-Aemond!" Aenyra gasped his name as she felt his hot breath tickle her neck causing her face to completely flush.

"Stay away from me, Niece."Aemond said sternly before abruptly releasing her and leaving not sparing her a second glance. Aenyra was left completely stunned.

Why do you seem so cold and distant.. what's caused you to be this way?

Led By Fiery Passion { Aemond Targaryen}Where stories live. Discover now