Part 20

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Feeling the salty sea breeze tousling through her long hair, Aenyra couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her as Dragonstone came into view. After the long journey from Winterfell she was finally home.
She closed her eyes tilting her face towards the sky basking in the familiar warmth.

Landing near the castle on the beach Aenyra sees  Lucerys and Baela  running don't the steps to her.

Jumping the rest of the way down from Cannibals wings he nudges against her gently before taking off into the sky once more.
"My gods you two are a sight for sore eyes!"
Aenyra runs into their open arms as the three cling together in smothering hug.

"I've missed you so much sister, tells us all about Winterfell." Lucerys said squeezing her tightly before releasing her.

"We've missed you terribly! It has been so boring here without you, I only had luke and Jace here to keep me company." Baela tells her as the three begin walking back to the castle laughing and smiling happily.

Walking into the council room Aenyra sees her mother look up from the painted table.
"Everyone your dismissed." Rhaenyra quickly ends the meeting and just before the last person leaves Aenyra rushes over meeting Rhaenyra's motherly embrace.

"Oh my sweet child, how you have been missed!"
Rhaenyra mumbles into her ear. Aenyra see Daemon smiles in the corner making his way over to the two.


"Little Dragon."

Aenyra grabs him. bringing him in to join them. Her heart swelled as she closes her eyes inhaling a deep breath, feeling the love of her parent's warm embrace.

"It's almost time for supper. why don't you go change before then, you can tells us all about your time spent in Winterfell." Rhaenyra said to her as she leaves to head to her chambers.

Walking into the familiar cold room she flops down on the bed inhaling in the scent of nostalgia .
A knock at the d sit up as she sees Jacaerys peep his head
"Sister" he walks further in shutting the door quietly behind him nervously.

"I-I'm sorry, I know I've been a little shit to you, and the distance between us is no one's fault but mine. I just... I just always thought you loved Aemond more than us as kids and when Driftmark happened, you were right beside him the entire time."

"Jace, he lost an eye... because of the blade you brought. Yes I was angry but he needed me and I remember clearly that I stuck up for you and Luke against crazy Alicent. I didn't love him more than you I just loved him in a different way he wasn't my brother he was my best friend. I'm sorry if that hurt your feelings but it truly hurt mine to have you just cut me out of your life and you treat me poorly." Aenyra was now standing and out of breath from being so worked up.
"just so you know you weren't a little shit you were a massive shit, like dragon size massive."

"I guess I deserve that, I'm really sorry Aenyra is there anyway you can forgive me?" Jacaerys pleads.

"Come here" Aenyra says rolling her eyes bringing Jace into an embrace." Theirs nothing left to forgive, you're my little brother you know I love you just as I love Luke, Joff and little Aegon.

"I love you too , sister."


It had been 2 years since Aenyra's return from her journey to Winterfell. Since then she had blossomed into a strong and confident and even more beautiful 10 and 8 year old.

Life on Dragonstone was peaceful and some days even exhilarating at the same time, as she spent most of her days in constant training with Daemon.  She was even able to go with him to the Stepstones to fight along side her grandsire Corlys. They were able to win the war but word got out around that time  Corlys had died at sea by a knife to the throat. His body was never recovered. 

Coming back home with a few battle scars was nothing compared to the feeling of victory she felt.

Aenyra's bond with her siblings had only grown stronger since her return. They often free time riding their Dragons through the clear blue salty skies of Dragonstone. One of their favorite pastimes was racing each other through the clouds. With Cannibal always winning due to his large size and powerful wings.

Her life had been filled with laughter and love from the people closest to her.

One evening Aenyra made her way to the small council room. Walking through the double doors she hears  Jace speaking horribly in high Valyrian.

"Ao nykeēdrosa  kostagon't  ýzaldrīzes isse  valyrīha lēkia?"( you still don't know how to speak Valyrian brother?). Aenyra teases as makes her way closer tot he painted table to stand beside Rhaenyra.

"You've got plenty of time to study it Jace, I don't expect you to learn it all in a day." Their mother smiles bringing them both into her arms for a hug. 

"What's happened mother, I can tell something troubles you." Aenyra said, helping Rhaenyra sit down since she was already 6 moons pregnant.

"Well you were going to find out at dinner but apparently the legitimacy of your brothers birth has been called into questions along with the succession of Driftmark."Rhaenyra takes a heavy breath in and out as she rubs her swollen belly.

"WHAT, by who?" Jace and Aenyra say in unison.

"Your grandsires brother, Vaemond Velaryon."

"You mean the cunt that was disgustingly disrespecting our family at aunt Laenas funeral, that Vaemond?" Aenyra was fit to be tied as memories flooded her mind of that day and its horrible occurrences. The words that man pontificating out in front of the court. She loathed him and his stupid obsession with Velaryon blood. "Driftmark was Luke's by right. Laenor would've wanted it to go to him along  with our grandsire."

"Well you know as well as I Lord Corlys hasn't been seen, we don't even know if he survived the battle of Stepstones." The room goes quiet as they think about the situation.

"Well it would seem Vaemond has petitioned an audience with the King it'll be held tomorrow at court. " Rhaenyra stands up holding her back, she walks around the table to her two children lifting their chins up to face her.
"All will be well, we leave at first light so  you best go pack." 

Neither of them moved a muscle as Rhaenyra's footsteps drew further away. Aenyra could hear her own heartbreak, she could even hear Jaces nervous breaths beside her.

"I'll go inform lucerys." Jace hesitates for a moment but turns away leaving the same way their mother did. 

After six long years,
I'll finally get to see him again...

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