Part 29

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A knock at the door had interrupted Aenyra's peaceful slumber, causing her to stir from her deep sleep. As she reached out beside her she felt the warmth still there left behind by Aemond. Realizing he must've just left her side. She let out a nervous breath as the door to her chamber swung open to reveal one of the maids along with Elinda.

"Aenyra, I thought you would've been awake by now and down in the training yard with the young princes." Elinda exclaimed, surprise to find Aenyra still in bed.

Elinda picks up the dress Aenyra had worn last night , Aenyra blushes as memories flash through her mind of what her and Aemond had done together.

"Yes, Normaly I would've been but last night I couldn't get much sleep."

Wasn't completely a lie

"I'll have one of the maids fix you a tea to help you relax tonight before bed." Elinda offers with a smile as she lays out Aenyra's black riding leathers.

"Thank you, that'll be nice." Aenyra's appreciated the thought behind Elinda's good intentions, but deep down Aenyra hoped tonight would be another sleepless night.

Throwing her clothes on Elinda braids her hair back out of her face and to the side, attaching her swordspear to her back and a long blade to her hip, Aenyra makes her way to the training yard.


Aemond's eyes flutter open to the sun streaming the windows of Aenyra's chamber.
Beside him, Aenyra lay peacefully, her chest rising and falling with each soft breath.
Aemond couldn't help but watch her for a second before leaning down to place a barely their kiss atop her nose as he slipped out of bed.

He knew he couldn't stay in Aenyra's chambers forever, the court would buzz with rumors and tension was rising as his father lay on his deathbed. As he got dressed his mind raced with plans and strategies to secure her place by his side as his wife.

At this point he knew he couldn't bear the thought without her in his life.

Looking at Aenyra's sleeping figure once more, Aemond slips out of her room making his way through the hidden passageways, as he walked his mind wondered to his mother Alicent and his grandsire. Would she be safe in kings landing?

Aemond knew Otto's relentless persuit for power as was his determination to see Aegon on the throne even though his half sister Rhaenyra had always been heir. The friction between the two families had been building up for years and now with his father's impending death it was all coming to head.

As he emerged from the passageways, Aemond's mind was set on one goal. He would protect Aenyra at all cost, even from her family if he had to.


"Daemon, I thought I'd find you here." Aenyra said as she looked at her father helping her brothers train with their swords.

"You're late." Daemon said, avoiding her direction as he spoke with annoyance.

"I couldn't find sleep last night." Aenyra shrugs her shoulders and she watches her brother Lucerys poor stance and form.

"Hmm, is that so." Daemon sarcastically says, he stops Jace and Luke from continuing in their
training as he unsheathes Dark Sister making his way to the center of the training yard.

Aenyra knew what he wanted as she pulled her weapon from behind out making touching the tip of it with daemons swords before backing up finding her stance.

As Daemon and Aenyra's weapons clash the sounds of metal against metal echo through the training yard. As always her and her father's fights always last long,  it became so easy for either of them to predict the other's next move .

Aenyra who was always determined to prove herself time and time again grew angry at the reminder of Aemond's words flowing through her mind.

Daemon's cocky smiles fades as he see Aenyra happy face suddenly become tinged with anger and hatred. Her attacks become brutal, taking Daemon by surprise.

Daemon disarmed her with a quick and unexpected move.  Surprise took over her face.
"You're letting your emotions get the best of you again Aenyra." Daemon said with a hint of satisfaction in his tone.

Scoffing to herself she nodded to Daemon before she kicks her weapon up from the ground gripping it tightly in her hand.

He is right, I allowed my
feelings and frustration to
cloud my judgment.

Walking around one another in circles Aenyra focuses as she faces off with her father once again. This time she was calm and composed , her movements deliberate and precise.
Aenyra knew she was going to win this time,
determination fueled her and with a fast under lock of her spear she disarmed him sending dark sister flying off clattering to the ground as he did hers.
Aenyra placed the tip of her weapon against Daemons throat, a small drop of blood trails down his neck. Aenyra didn't make any intention of moving until Jacaerys spoke up.

"Aenyra, that's enough" Jace ran up beside her bringing her back to reality.

Daemon glares at her with anger

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to." Aenyra shook her head in shock before quickly retreating back into the castle.

What is wrong with me?  It was just an every day training session yet I felt a strong urge to -

Aenyra didn't like the dark place her mind was taking her.
She had felt rage overtake her in the training yard, a rage she's never felt before in her life. Storming off further into the red keep.
"Aenyra!" Jace called out from behind her as he runs up with heavy breaths. "What was that about just now, do you have a death wish?"

"Jace, tell me honestly did you have something to do with my missing letters to Aemond?"

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