Part 9

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"Aemond, look at me. Your king demands an answer. Who spoke these lies to you?" Viserys attention now back on the maimed boy.
Aemond squeezed Aenyras hand hard as mixed feelings spread across his body. "It was Aegon!" Aemond said without really thinking.

"Me?" Shock displayed on Aegon's face for a second but is replaced with fear as their Viserys makes his way closer to him.

"And you, boy? Where did you hear such calumnies? AEGON! tell me the truth of it!" Viserys ask Aegon with seething rage.

Hesitantly Aegon lets out a heavy breath he didn't know he had been holding in.
"We know,Father. Everyone knows. Just look at them."

"This interminable infighting must cease! All of you! We are family! Now make your apologies and show good will to one another. your father, your grandsire, your KING demands it!"

Alicent feet felt frozen to the ground, how could he let this slide with no punishment.. just an apology! " That is insufficient, Aemond has been damaged, PERMINANTLY, my king. 'Good will'
Cannot make him whole.

"I know Alicent, but I can't restore his eye."
Viserys says to her breathing out in exhaustion.

"No because it has been taken!"

"What will you have me do?"

"There is a debt to be paid, I shall have one of her son's eyes in return.

Aenyra along with everyone else gasp in shock.

"My dear wife.." Visery said

"He is your son, Viserys. Your blood!" Alicent who had been holding back was now starting to lose control over her emotions.

"Do not... allow your anger to guide your judgement."

"If the King will not seek justice the Queen will.
See Criston... bring me the eye of Lucerys Velaryon.

Mother?" Lucerys cries out In fear as rhaenyra shields her two children behind her. Aenyra  quickly jumps off the chair making her way to her mother's side to protect Luke.

"Alicent." Visery says in shock.

"He can choose which eye to keep, a privilege he did not grant my son." Alicent says through gritted teeth.

As Ser Criston goes to fulfill his orders by the Queen is stopped by Viserys hand " you will do no such thing, stay your hand!"

"NO, you are sworn to me! Alicent hollers to Criston.

"As your protector,my Queen." Ser Criston responds knowing he won't be able to help her with the Kings order being no.

"Alicent this matter is finished, do you understand? And let it be known any whose tongue dares to question the birth of Rhaenyra's children will have it removed.

"Thank you, father." Rhaenyra says bowing her head slightly with great appreciation.

Completely losing her mind at the injustice done to her son, Alicent grabs the blade attached to Viserys hip as she quickly runs towards Rhaenyra with it. Daemon who had been observing by the door rushed to Rhaenyras defense as he was now holding off Criston Cole who went to help the Queen.
Aenyra who was beside Rhaenyra shields Jace and Luke behind her away from danger looking over Alicent figure her eyes lock with her best friend Aemond's.
Aemond looks to her with hurt in his eye.
Why would she protect them after what they did to me? He thought.

"You've gone too far!" Alicent says.

After a few seconds of a hush conversation, everyone hears the sound of a blade slicing through skin. Aenyra turns her worried expression onto her mother whose arm was now bleeding. between the two Viserys order alicent to release Rhaenyra.

Completely done with it Viserys orders the situation to a close and people begin to disperse.


Back their chambers  Rhaenyra was being stitched up from the cut Alicent had given her, lucerys now's was also being looked at.

"What was that, Aenyra?" Jace who was now livid with her yelled outs

"I don't know what you speak of." Aenyra feigned ignorance.

"You chose him over us, you protected that one eye freak over your own brothers"

Breathless with anger she makes her way over to jacaerys slightly towering over him "Don't you dare call him that! It was you who pulled that blade out and it you who was getting beat up causing our sweet little lucerys to pick it up to defend you.  You , Rhaena, and Baela all egged Aemond on!" Aenyra said as she was now showing her anger.

"He stole vhagar from Rhaena." Jace yells to her
As Rhaenyra and lucerys just keep quiet so the two can work it out amongst themselves.

"You CAN NOT steel a dragon. I have told you and them this. The dragon chooses its rider! She chose Aemond! Rhaena  was the one who can't handle the truth!"

Before Jace could say anything back  Laenor comes into the room with a worried expression.
"Oh gods" he says as he looks at Aenyra's cut, then running his eyes over everyone with shock as they all had bruises, and cuts on them.

"Children that is enough for one night ,return to your rooms I need to speak to your father." Rhaenyra tells Aenyra jacaerys and lucerys as the three children give a nod before leaving.

Led By Fiery Passion { Aemond Targaryen}Where stories live. Discover now