Part 23

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"M-my King" Otto said with a shocking expression. It was obvious no one had seen the king in quite some time as his condition grew worse.

"I will sit the Throne today!"
King Viserys says breathily makes his way slowly down the aisle. Aenyra looked at her grandsire with admiration. He stumbles slightly over his cane causing his to drop his crown Daemon grabs hold of Viserys hand as Aenyra picks the conquerors crown off the ground. The two help Viserys make it up to the iron throne.
Finally seated Aenyra kisses her grandsires cheek and places the crown atop his head.
Walking down to their respective places as the room remained silent as the only sound in the room was Viserys labored breathing.

"I'm sorry, I must admit my confusion. I do not understand why petitions are being heard over a settled succession. The only one present who could offer keener insight on Lords Corlys wishes would be the princess Rhaenys" Visery turns his attention on the Queen who never was.

"Indeed, your grace. It was my husband's every wish that Driftmark be passed solely to his true born grandson Lucerys Velaryon. His mind never changed nor did my support of him. As a matter of fact princess Rhaenyra has just informed me of her desire to marry her son, Jace and luke to mine and lord Corlys granddaughters Baela and Rhaena. A proposal to which I heartily agree."

"Well then the matter is settled, again. I hearby reaffirm prince Lucerys of house Velaryon heir to Driftmark and Driftmark's throne to be the next Lord of the Tides."

Aenyra and her family releases a breath they didn't know they were holding in as they receive the good news. Aenyra was happy for her brothers, Luke would be heir to Driftmark without a question and him and Jace were betrothed. She couldn't of picked anyone better for them.

"You break law and centuries of tradition to install your daughter heir. I will not allow you to tell me who deserves to be heir of house Velaryon." Vaemond hollers at the king.

"Allow it, do not forget yourself Vaemond."

Tension ran high as Vaemond suddenly erupts with anger pointing his finger at lucerys.
"THAT, is no true Velaryon and certainly no nephew of mine!"

"You have said enough, Lucerys is my tru born grandson and you no more than a second son to Driftmark"

"You may run your house as you see fit, but you will not decide the future of mine. My house survived the doom and a thousand tribulations , and I'll be damned I will not see it ended on the account of this-"Vaemond hesitated finishing the sentence.

"Say it." Aenyra and Daemon said in unison trying to provoke him further . Unbeknownst to anyone but Aemond that she had already placed her hand on Jacaerys sword ready to draw out at any second. She looks to Daemon for permission but he slightly shakes his head no. Letting out a puff she released her grip on the sword.

"Her children are BASTARDS, and she is a WHORE!"  Vaemon's loud voice boomed around the hall along with loud gasps.

"I will have your tongue for that!"
Aenyra who had been relatively observant couldn't control the smirk that made its appearance in her face as she watch Viserys stand up in a fit of rage,  drawing his blade in a futile attempt.

Before Viserys could make a move Daemon had already drawn Dark Sister from its sheath and swiftly sliced half of Vaemond's head clean off, causing shocked screams to echo through the room and blood to splatter along Aenyra's face and clothes.

"He can keep his tongue." Daemon said wiping the blood from the blade and putting it back in its place.

It was a defining moment in the ongoing conflict, where alliances could easily switch.
As Vaemond's head rolled to Aenyra's feet she couldn't resist the soft wicked laugh escaping her lips. Catching the head by her foot she lightly kicks it across the floor causing it to land directly in front of  Aemond

Aemond eyes darken at the sight of her, blood in her face and a smile put on display for people to see. He had never desired her more than he did in that very moment. As the two former friends lock eyes, Aenyra gives him a knowing look. Before turning to whisper in her father's ear.

"Couldn't have let me have that one?"

Daemon leans his head down slightly "can't allow you have all the fun, little dragon."

"Pfft." Aenyra couldn't complain though, the sight one of her enemies falling at her feet gave her great satisfaction.

Viserys nearly passed from being so worked up in his weak condition that the meeting had been put to an end as the Guards along with Alicent him back to his chambers.

Giving her brothers a hug as she congratulated both of them, Aenyra turned to her grandmother Rhaenys "Thank you for the support and agreeing to betrothed Baela and Rhaena to my brothers."

Rhaenys sorta removes some hair out of Aenyra's face "Don't thank me my dear, I was simply doing as your grandsire desired. He would've wanted it this way, he also would've been happy with this outcome."

Aenyra knew what she meant as she took one last glance at the body lying lifeless on the floor.

Walking to her mother and father Aenyra gives them a happy hug " I'm going back to my chambers to clean up. I'll meet you all later before supper." Leaving the room Aenyra gives Aemond one last glance before turning the corner.

She almost makes it back to her room before she hears laughter coming from behind her.
"Hello niece, my how you've certainly grown." Aegon said walking up to her with a smile.

"Uncle, and yes I have grown that's what'll happen when you get older. I thought you knew that." Aenyra sarcastically says as she returns his smile with a smirk before the two embrace in a hug.

"Oh how I've missed that witty mouth of yours, it's been terribly boring here since you've left. Aemond is even more annoying than before and is absolutely no fun to be around."

"Probably has to do with the years of being tormented by your own brother." Aenyra said with even more sarcasm than before as she lightly hit his arm.

"Seriously though I've missed you, so has Aemond." The nice atmosphere shifted at the mention of Aemond's name.

"I wish that were true, it's appears you were the only one who missed my presence all these years."

"What are you talking about y-"
Aenyra suddenly cut Aegon off before she would really get upset.

"Look let's not mention it.. kind of a touchy subject for me. I best go wash all the blood splatter off and change before dinner."

"Of course, would you mind if I escort you to dinner."

"That would be nice thank you Aegon."

Aenyra entered her chamber as she began untying her dress letting it crumbled to the floor, she released the braids on top of her head allowing her hair fall freely stepping into the warm bath she began washing herself clean.

Unbeknownst to her, Aemond was walking through the hidden passageways he and Aenyra played in as kids. Making his way to her bedroom chambers he quietly creaks open the door looking at his surroundings.

He could hear humming coming through the bathroom door
he quickly made his way to hide behind her dressing screen.

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