Part 11

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A soft voice whispers her name as she is softly being shaken awake.

"Lucerys?" Cracking her eyes open just enough to see her brothers eyes full of tears.

"What happened are you ok?"

"It's f-father!" Luke barely is able to get out as he hiccups with tears streaming his face quietly.

She lays still in shock at the condition lucerys was in.. as it finally clicks in her mind what he means.


The three children huddled together with their mother as she watch their belongings being put back onto the ship they came here on.

I can't believe he's gone...both of them.

As Aenyra cuddled lucerys closer to her in a hug she stayed silent and expressionless as a tear rolled down her face. She knew she was the oldest and needed to put on a brave face.. she just couldn't wrap her head around how all this could happen.
One minute she's at home on Dragonstone sparing with her father , then the next day he's gone.. completely gone.
To make matters worse before she woke up with the terrible news about Laenor apparently the King Andals Queen set off to kings landing along with their children.. along with Aemond.

Why did you have to leave, I need you right
now.. here with me.. it's just to hard.

A whimper Aenyra had been holding back slips from her lips, turning her head away from view swallowing the lump that formed as the tears flow heavily from her already red swollen eyes.


It's been 3 days since Laenor died, 3 days since she last seen Aemond, and 3 days since jacaerys last spoken to her.

Aenyra was outside training on the beach alone when Ser Harrold her families new sworn shield, came out to ask if she would like his assistance in training. They had been at it since early morning.

"I see your Ser Laenor was training you well, princess." Ser Harrold tells her as he swings his sword down on her spear.

"Yes.. he was." She said as memories flooded her mind of her and her father's shared time out there.

Completely zoned out see Harrold surprises her as he disarms her spear but accidentally causing her to get a small cut on her hand.

"Princess, forgive me I-I "
Ser Harrold shocked even himself to  see the small amount of blood that trickled from her hand.

"It's quite alright. I'm bound to get cuts and scars from battle, you just happen to be the first.. congratulations." Laughing to herself the mood begins to relax again.

"Another round Ser Harrold?" Aenyra asks before the view of her mother making her way towards them draws her out of her fighting stance.

"Mother?" She asked, the last time she came out into the beach like that was exactly the same as last time... bringing bad news. Aenyra's stomach drops with anxiety as she looked over the stern expression her mother displayed.

"I wish to speak to my daughter Ser Harrold, please leave us." Bowing his head to both of then Ser Harrold takes his leave.

"Has something happened?" Aenyra ask as she breaths a heavy breath outwards.

"With your father gone, I must secure my claim to the throne... meaning I need to marry someone who can help make that claim stronger." Rhaenyra tells her as she turns her head , following her mother's gaze Aenyra's heart sinks when she sees her father... her real father makes his way across the beach to them.

You've got to be kidding me..

"Little Dragon." Are the first words he says to her since they last spoke.

"So you two ... plan to marry? When though my father just died days ago." Aenyra cocked her brow upwards as she tried wrapping her head around the situation.

"Hmm hmm hmm, we both know he wasn't your real father." Chucking under his breath he tilts his head to the side giving her a knowing look.

In another world she probably would've been happy for them.. she noticed the way her mother looked to Daemon with longing love in her eyes and he the same. It was the same look she gave Harwin.. but in some ways different, deeper maybe all she knew was that there was definitely love between them.
But the fact of the matter was she knew deep, deep down her mother and Dameon had something to do with Laenors death. She couldn't prove it.. she just knew.

"So you're asking for my blessing? Tell me what did Jace and Luke say about this?"

"They support it. Understanding the stake of the situation." Rhaenyra said with a hint of worry in her eyes.

Looking between the two of them for a few seconds longer Aenyra drops her spear in the sand as begins walking away from them
"It doesn't matter what I say you will do as you please in the end." She tells them not sparing them even a second glance.

Maybe im being a bit dramatic and cold about it, but this hurts. Only one person will understand my hurt and pain and I can't even see him. If only I had a dragon...

Aenyra didn't waste time running through the deeps caves far below Dragonstone.
The time is now Aenyra, I will have my dragon.
The deeper she gets the closer her steps become. Nerves filling her body as she spots an opening.
Slowly she makes her way out into the pitch black cave as she begins to softly sing the Valyrian song her grandsire taught her many years ago..

Drakari pykiros:  fire breather
Tikummo hermits: winged leather
Yn lantyz bartossa: but two heads
Saelot vāesis: to a third sing

Hen ñuhā elēnī: from my voice
Perzyssy vestretis:the fires have spoken
Se gēlýn irūdaks: and the price has been paid
Ānogrose: with blood magic

Perzyro udrýssi: with words of flame
Ezīmptos  laehossi: with clear eyes
Hārossa letagon: two bing the three
Aōt vāedan:to you I sing

Has mērit gierūli: as one we gather
As hāros bartossi: and with three heads
Prūmýsa sōvili: we shall fly as we were destined
Gevī dāerī: beautifully, freely

Out of the shadowy dark cave appeared Vermithor.

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