Part 34

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Aemond's pov

Aemond felt bad for leaving Aenyra on the terrace, but he knew if he stayed a second longer his anger would get the better of him.
As he walked back in the main hall his mother  walked up to him with a frantic look on her face.

"Aemond, Lord Baratheon is here with his daughters, I must introduce you to them." Alicent said grabbing his upper arm as she tugged him over to them.

"Not this again, I'm not marrying any of that man's daughters." Aemond rolled his eye and let out an annoyed huff. His mother had been talking about a marriage alliance as of late. She believed he was past the normal age and she wanted him to marry a Baratheon girl so their houses would forever be joined.

Dragging Aemond along unwillingly she introduces them.
"Lord Borros this is my second son, Aemond.
Aemond this is Lord Borros Baratheon and his daughters, ugh please forgive me for not remembering their names in order."Alicent said smiling politely at him.

"Ahmm yes this is Cassandra the eldest, Mari's , Ellen, then my youngest Floris, some say she's the prettiest." Borros loudly said introducing his four daughters.

"Go on Aemond, ask one of the ladies to dance." Alicent nudges him lightly towards the youngest Baratheon girl. Aemond was reluctant to touch any other woman but Aenyra but with his mother forcing him and then the fat Baratheon lord standing there smugly waiting, Aemond felt like his hands were tied.

Taking the hand of the only one out of the four that didn't look terrified of him,  Aemond guides him and Floris to the dance floor. The music swirled around them as they began to dance.
Aemond's movements graceful and fluid despite his inner turmoil.

As they twirled on the polished floor, Aemond's heart battled between duty and desire. The fabric of Floris's gown swirled around them, a whirl of color that felt almost nauseating against the backdrop of his darker thoughts.
He could feel her nervousness, an electric pulse that echoed his own unease.

"Is everything alright?" Floris asked tentatively, her eyes barely glancing up at him. He forced a smiled, but it felt like a mask slipping over the turmoil within.

But then, his gaze turned and caught the sight of Aenyra. Laughter spilling from her lips as Lord Stark spun her around effortlessly. Her smile lit up the room, illuminating the shadows that crept around Aemond's heart. It was a cruel twist of fate watching her revel in another's company as he played the part of a reluctant suitor.

Jealousy, sharp and relentless, sliced through his chest. Aemond's grip tightened around Floris's hand making her release a whimper, he pulled her closer desperate to divert his attention.

"Prince A-Aemond, you're hurting my hand." Floris's squeaky voice whispered out as they twirled around.
As the song finally came to an end Aemond released his hold on the Baratheon girl, she quickly left his side to go back to her sisters holding her hand close to her chest.
Aemond stayed frozen in his spot watching Aenyra's figure leave Cregan's.

Aemond felt like the walls were closing in on him, his throat felt like it was closing and he desperately needed to breathe. As he tried to make a quick exit his mother stops him." "Aemond, what did you do to the Baratheon girl, she ran back to her family practically in tears." Alicent whisper yelled, her face seemed furious but Aemond couldn't bring himself to care.

"Not now mother, we'll talk about this another time." Aemond shrugged his mother's arm off him as he swiftly left the main hall, he found his self wondering the garden.

After a few minutes of debating Aemond made his mind up to finally talk to Aenyra, as he circled around to leave the garden his eye catches
two dark figures out by the staircase. The only light being from the moon and the torches the closer he got re realized it was Cregan and Aenyra, her hand was placed on his chest slightly pushing him away. Aemond couldn't make out what they were saying but the intense expression Cregan displayed told him they were in a serious conversation.

A minute later Aenyra waved goodbye as she makes her way up the stairs leaving Cregan alone where he stood.Aemond felt determination wash over him as he made his way over locking his dark blue eye on Cregan's grey ones. The tension in the air crackled like the flames from the nearby torches, and the moonlight cast eerie shadows around them.

"Stay away from Aenyra, she belongs to me." Aemond said as he stopped directly beside him.

"You think your birthright gives you claim over her? She isn't a prize to be won nor does she belong to anyone, you dont own her."Cregan's brow knitted in anger as he confidently stood facing the Targaryen prince.

Aemond stepped closer his voice lowering almost in a whisper as his fists clench at his sides. "No i suppose I don't , but she belongs with me, and no one, not even you will take her away from me. Tell me do you really think your short time as friends is anything compared the lifetime we've had together?"

"I won't let you take advantage of her good heartedness because you think you have something to prove!" Cregan's angry voice rang out.

"You've no idea what I'm capable of Lord Stark" Aemond finally said, drawing himself up to his full height, channeling the Targaryen fire that burned deep within him. "but I wont let your presence or your feelings for Aenyra dictate my feelings and love for her. I care for Aenyra more than you could even comprehend."

"Then show her" Cregan shot back, his eyes fierce with conviction " show her your worth her love, not just because of your name, but for who you are because if you don't , I will, and I will not hold back." With that Cregan sharply walked away back up the staircase, leaving Aemond alone. The moons light shimmered through the gardens flowers, their beauty mocking his inner turmoil.

Aemond had a choice to make: retreat into jealousy and rage and possibly lose her, or step into the light showing and proving his love for her.

He glanced back at the simply lit path Cregan had taken before turning the opposite way, resolution crystallizing within him.

As he moved through the corridors, his heart steadied. There was no more room for doubt; this time this time he wouldn't let  anything else  dictate his choices. He would face any challenge head on as a man willing to fight for the woman he loves.

Led By Fiery Passion { Aemond Targaryen}Where stories live. Discover now