Part 19

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Like any morning she would break fast in her room along with Sara, afterwards was training but on this day Cregan had gotten word from castle black that they needed more men for the nights watch and extended the invitation along to  her.

After many days of travel they reach The Wall-a massive structure of ice and stone that towered into the sky. A sense of awe washed over Aenyra as she gazed upon the enormous barrier that separated the realm from the darkness beyond it.

Taking the lift to the top of the ice barrier cregan shows Aenyra what's beyond it and the reason it is there to begin with.  Knowing the history about it was one thing but seeing it in person as the strong wind surround her body sending shivers all over Cregan  noticed her teeth chattering he decides to wrap his arms around her from behind as they stare off into distance.

"Cregan.."  Aenyra whispers as her heart begins to speed up. Cregan gently turns her body in his arms causing her face to rest of his chest. Aenyra could feel his beating heart.

"Aenyra" Cregan's husky voice comes out low as he whispers her name in her ear.  Leaning down slightly he places a kiss on her cheek as he slowly drags his bottom lip down to the side of her jaw making her gasp with suprise. Their hold on each other tightens as Cregan waste not even a second more as he brings his lips down to hers.

"Mmm" she moans into his mouth as the twos innocent kiss turns heated. Intertwining their tongues he pushes her gently to the ice wall behind her and he lets out a low groan.
Cregan knew this wasn't going to head anywhere since she already had someone else in her heart but still...

Pulling away as the two caught their breaths Cregan places a hand on Aenyra's heated cheeks.

"I already know you love someone else, I just needed to do that at least once or I would regret it for the rest of my life."

The Gods really are cruel, why couldn't I just be in love with the strong, gorgeous, gentle man in front of  me... why!

A war going off in her mind,  Aenyra hated nothing more than not being able to give this man everything he deserved... and he definitely deserved better than what she could ever offer him. The kiss was passionate and hot but as her lips met with Cregan's, Aemond's face took over her thoughts as she couldn't help but remember their first kiss and the way it made her feel. She genuinely hated herself in that moment.

"Cregan" she whimpers out feeling conflicted as she clings to him

"It's okay, Aenyra.. I know there's no room for me in there." Cregan said as she places him hand on above her heart.

"Your wrong, your already in there it's just..."Tears run slowly down her cheeks Aenyra begins feeling choked up as she couldn't say the words aloud.

"Your love for him out ways your love for me, it's okay Aenyra I understand." Cregan places both hands on her cheek as he places a kiss on her forehead.

"How is it even possible for a human to be this good." Aenyra cups his cheeks back as they stare into each other's eyes for a moment when  a roar in the distance interrupts them.

"It seems your Dragon missed  you." The two make their way to the edge to look over the grey clouds as they see Cannibal flying in circles around castle black.

"Princess, if you wish to be released from being a ward in Winterfell you know you are free to go if  it pleases you as is what you want."Cregan tells her gripping her hand in his.

Of course she longed to go home and be with her family, be on the warm sandy beach. Aenyra was even beginning to miss the cold halls of  Dragonstone. "Leave almost a month earlier than planned? Are you trying to get rid of me Lord?"

"If I had it my way I'd never let you leave."
Cregan's heartbreaking words brought her back to reality. In her own way she could even say she loves  Cregan but her heart lies elsewhere.

"Yes...I believe it is time for me to head back home."

Heading down and helping her out of the lift cregan takes her out to Cannibal, leaving a comfortable distance between them.

"Well Princess Aenyra, I guess this is goodbye."
The two share a a loving look as Aenyra brings her lips to Cregan's left cheek.
"A part of my heart will forever be with you Lord Stark."  Walking away from this glorious man may be a mistake but it'll be one she'll just have to live with. Climbing atop cannibals wings she sits herself in the saddle giving Cregan one last look before darting off back to Winterfell.

Within a few hours Aenyra was back in Winterfell to collect her belongings and  give another hard goodbye to another dear friend.

"I hate that you are leaving but I have faith the gods will bring you happiness. Some part of me hates that Cregan isn't it for you but that could also be partly selfish for I wish you to stay so badly, you've become like a sister to me."
Sara said grabbing Aenyra in a crushing hug.

"Me too Sara you've been so good to me, But if I must leave let me leave you with some advice..Don't put off your happiness for anyone, it's time to face your fears and who knows Gendry may feel the same way. He'd be an absolute fool not to." Giving Sara a body crushing hug they say their goodbyes. she once again takes to the sky as they flies around Winterfell one last time. Swallowing the hard lumps that keep forming in her throat Aenyra hated leaving the two people who have become so dear to her.

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