Part 17

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Aenyra closed the door quietly to her chambers as she paced her room back and forth in devastation. How could her parents just ship her off and all the way to Winterfell of all places, it wasn't like it was just a stones throw away. To practically promise her hand to a complete stranger and deprive her the chance at a love match just for an alliance for a war that probably won't ever come to happen in their lifetime. She never thought her mother would do that to her especially considering her father did that same thing to her against her will.

Looking out the window to the vast ocean her heart ached for the love she could've had. Her true love and best friend..a love pure and unwavering, life had separated them tragically but she knew her heart held no room for anyone else but him.
Tears weld again in her eyes as the sun set over the ocean, casting a warm glow over the horizon. Aenyra clung to hope that one day her and Aemond would reunite.

A knock at the door breaks her out of her thoughts, she felt a sense of unease wash over her. Rhaenyra enters her chambers with a heavy heart her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness. Aenyra already knew what she was here to talk to her about.

"I know you heard us talking about sending you to Winterfell" Rhaenyra began, her voice tinged with regret "we heard heavy footsteps leaving the door, and when we went to go check on Aegon Elinda told us you didn't look so well as you dropped him off abruptly. It dosent take a lot to put two and two together."

"Why are you doing it, what have I don't to deserve this." Aenyra's voice cracks out as she looks to her mother with pleading eyes.

"It's already done, they are already awaiting for your arrival. I know your thinking the same thing your father was thinking, I'm not doing this to be cruel I'm doing this to break you out of here and give you a chance to be somewhere completely different. Who knows you may even like Lord Cregan stark, since his father's passing he is now warden of the north and from what I hear a very noble man."

"And if I decide to refuse him, what then?"

"Then you are aloud to come home." Rhaenyra tells her as she places her hand on top of hers.

Accepting the knowledge that she actually does have a choice, Aenyra agrees to go.


3 days later

Aenyra stood on the beach, her heart heavy with mix of emotions as she prepared to leave her family behind. Along with a bag of her belongings she strapped her weapon she was gifted beside Cannibals saddle.

Slipping down her dragons majestic wing, Aenyra made her way to her family who waited by the steps to wish her goodbye. Tears glistened in her eyes as she hugs her parents goodbye , placing a kiss on Joffrey and Aegons little heads she hugs Baela and Luke before turning to Jacaerys.

His normal passive aggressive stance and icy demeanor vanished with eyes now on him.
Giving her a hug Jacaerys stills for a moment longer before pulling away. "Safe travels sister."

For the first time in years Aenyra gave him a genuine smile.
"Thank you, brother." Making her way down the sand she climbed stop Cannibals swings and settles in her seat. Waving farewell to her family below as she commands cannibal to fly.

"Sōvēs, Cannibal."


As Cannibal reached further into the north she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness. The journey from Dragonstone had been relatively smooth, but the freezing winds of the North were a stark contrast to the warm climate she was used to.

The cold air cut through her clothes like a blade causing her to shiver uncontrollably. Aenyra pulls her cloak tighter to her body hoping to shield herself from the biting cold.

She had heard takes of the harsh winters but experiencing it firsthand was a different sort altogether.

As Winterfell came into view her heart soared with relief. She guided Cannibal towards a suitable landing spot, desperate to escape the freezing winds. The Dragon lands  causing the ground beneath to shake, outside the large black walls  northern lords and lady's to gasp in fear and awe over the menacing beast Slipping down his outstretched wing her feet hit the snow for the first time as she forgets about her freezing body she bends down scooping the icy snow in her hands letting it fall between her fingers.
Cannibal suddenly releases a low growl as he wraps his tail around Aenyra for safety.

When a low manly voice  spoke out "Princess Aenyra?"

Dropping the remaining snore in her hand she places it on her dragons tail slightly pushing it away to get a peak at the man with the warm husky voice.

Oh shit

The man  she could only assume was Lord Cregan himself was very attractive. With deep stormy grey eyes and a hard stern face with a soft warm smile that was creeping its way across his features at her. She didn't expect this. The light feelings of butterflies spread over her body.
She notices cannibal showing his teeth as she walks to his head rubbing it gently
"Lykirī cannibal, ragerōs"

Led By Fiery Passion { Aemond Targaryen}Where stories live. Discover now