Chapter 43

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Natasha didn’t respond. She just turned away, walking back toward the mansion without looking back, leaving Yuvaan standing alone by the fountain. The sound of the water, once so peaceful, now felt like a mocking reminder of everything he had lost.

Yuvaan watched her disappear into the house, his heart shattering into pieces. He had been wrong—so very wrong—and now, it seemed that no matter what he did,


Yuvaan sat in his dimly lit cabin, the faint glow of the computer screen casting shadows across his tense face. His eyes were tightly shut, as if by doing so, he could block out the confusion swirling in his mind. For days now, the mystery of Avyaan’s death had consumed him, forcing him to question everything. Every lead, every clue, every scrap of evidence pointed towards one person—Natasha, his Firefly. But why was she denying it so vehemently? He had gone over the case files countless times, scrutinizing every detail, yet there was something that didn’t sit right. Had he missed something crucial?

With a frustrated sigh, Yuvaan opened his eyes, the bright light of his computer screen harsh against his tired gaze. The Pillai family photo filled the screen, and there, standing beside them, was Yash. Yash Kapoor. A man who had always been around, yet remained just out of reach in Yuvaan's investigations. He stared hard at Yash's face, the details of his features burning into Yuvaan's mind. But something still didn’t click, and so he slid to the next image—Yash again, this time alone.

His mind raced, thoughts colliding with each other, trying to form a coherent answer. And then, it hit him. With a sharp intake of breath, Yuvaan clicked to the next slide. His eyes narrowed as he stared at the image on the screen—Dev, his most trusted man, walking into his room.

A smirk tugged at the corner of Yuvaan’s lips. "Finally," he muttered, his voice low and filled with a dark satisfaction. "I’ve found you, my brother-in-laws."

For so long, Yuvaan had believed that Natasha had only one brother—Yash Kapoor. It made sense, after all. She was always so fiercely protective of her family, and Yash seemed like the only logical connection. But now, with this new revelation, everything was turning upside down. Dev, the man he had trusted with his life, was also her brother. Dev Kapoor.

Yuvaan's smirk quickly faded, replaced by a scowl as he clenched his jaw. Betrayal—it was a bitter taste in his mouth, and he hated it more than anything. Dev had been by his side for years, gaining his trust, knowing his every move. And all this time, he had been playing him, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Yuvaan’s fists tightened on the arms of his chair. He felt the anger rising inside him, hot and unrelenting. How could Dev do this to him? How could he stand there, pretending to be loyal, while all the while harboring his secret connections to Natasha? He had trusted Dev, more than anyone. And now, that trust was shattered beyond repair.

But this wasn’t just about betrayal. No, this was about Natasha. She was in danger, more danger than he had realized. Yash and Dev—they were her brothers. And if Yuvaan’s suspicions were right, they wouldn’t hesitate to come for her. They wanted revenge. Sweet, merciless revenge for whatever they thought they had suffered, for whatever had happened to their family.

His mind flashed back to their kiss—the one that had changed everything. He could still feel the heat of her lips against his, the way her body had melted into his. No matter how much he hated or loved her, no matter how much she defied him, he couldn’t deny the fire that blazed between them. And now, that same fire was the only thing keeping him determined to protect her.

He stood up abruptly, his hands still clenched into fists as he paced the room. He had to act fast. Yash and Dev wouldn’t wait long. They were coming for her—he could feel it. And as much as he hated Natasha for what she had done, he couldn’t let them get to her. Not until he knew the truth. Not until he understood why everything pointed to her and yet felt so wrong.

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